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As the strange whispering sounds seem to continue in Lilly’s ears, she had grown almost used to it. So much so that she’d stopped noticing it. She’d turned around and was headed back to her village after a successful mission of exploring the forest that everyone had always been so afraid of. She knew it was all a big joke or lie! Wait till she told her friends! It was probably just one of those secretive tall tales that all the parents were in on; something to keep their children in line and to keep them from ever misbehaving too much. A ghost story more or less.

“What a big joke.” Lilly muttered as she continued back, knowing that she wasn’t too far from the town by now.

Unfortunately for Lilly, the whisperings weren’t the only things that she had failed to notice. Her panties, which had been a nice red lace thong, had seemingly changed somehow; transforming into something brand new as if they’d been that thing all along. Whether she was hearing the gentle crinkling sound coming from underneath her jeans or not, Lilly just kept on walking.

There was a magical aura in the air that Lilly’s “logical mind” couldn’t notice even if she wanted it to. An unexplainable energy surrounded her, though she had no idea it was happening. It started with her underwear, becoming as crinkly and soft as it had, but as she kept walking the changes only spread.

First her jeans shortened, the rose up her legs showing off more and more of her calves and thighs as they barely covered her butt anymore. The only thing Lilly noticed was the slightly chillier air all of a sudden. Her jeans, now shorts, turned lighter and lighter and shimmered until they turned a pink color. All the while the fabric in between her legs separated until the shorts themselves became a skirt, the remaining fabric crawling up her back like caterpillars and forming straps that wrapped themselves over Lilly’s shoulders and connected back down to the front having transformed into overalls.

Lilly felt more and more seemingly strange things happening on her body, but she found it strangely hard to care. As the whisperings continued in her mind she just smiled and kept walking.

The simple grey socks that Lilly had been wearing slowly stretched and extended and rose up her legs as if enchanted by a snake charmer until they reached her knees. The fabric grew softer and smoother as the color on them changed to white blue and pink. Meanwhile, the big black boots she had been wearing did the opposite. They shrunk down to the point that they were just simple white walking shoes, tied with cute little ribbons as the laces.

The sleeves of her long sleeved shirt rose up her arms to become a short sleeved shirt as the dark blue color of it turned into a cuter lighter shade like cotton candy to match her pink skirt. The pattern that was on the front, a great rock band she listened to, changed into a ‘Rugrats’ shirt that said, “Mommy and Daddy’s Little Angel” on it.

No longer restrained by being encased in her jeans though, Lilly’s new underwear continued to expand; going first from a small little thing, to having more padding, and then expanding more to the point of stopping the girl’s legs from being able to close all of the way.

Lilly knew she had to hurry and get back. If her Mommy and Daddy found out she had left the house without them they were going to be really mad at her. She’d probably get a spanking, or at least some corner time which she found soooooo boring.

As she kept walking Lilly may have noticed a gentle drizzling of warm wetness seeming to enter the area around her girly parts and tushie, but as the whisperings filled her mind completely she found she no longer cared about... whatever that feeling might be.

She wasn’t too far away from home anymore. The sun was starting to get higher. Lilly was thankful she knew the way as she crossed back over the bridge. She usually didn’t go out by herself, but today she had... for some reason... though she couldn’t remember why any longer.

The humming smiling girl was bouncing around and skipping so much that she completely didn’t notice the fact that her pink skirt was heavily riding up past the crinkly wet padding on her butt. She kept walking, not too far from the edge of town now, until she stopped for a second.

There was a gurgling in her stomach. It felt a little bit painful and it made her frown for a moment. She wasn’t sure what it was, but as her body started squatting close towards the ground, she realized she knew what to do about it automatically. The girl grunted and pushed hard on her muscles. It took a few moments, but soon she could feel a large squishy mushiness coming out of her and filling up the crinkly thing she was wearing. She grunted 2 maybe 3 more times and pushed with all she could until she couldn’t anymore. Her garment sagged so heavily with the mess it now contained it almost touched the ground as she squatted close to it.

With that painful feeling in her tummy gone, Lilly went back to smiling and stood back up, her skirt still riding up as she giggled and skipped her way back towards town, the evidence of the photo she’d taken in the middle of the woods still on her phone... Evidence to others who think the warnings might be a little too... superstitious...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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