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 A month had passed. Lilly was treated as a full-on toddler. She was now used to her daily routine, waking up in a wet diaper every morning, getting changed to her Disney Pull-Ups, which she was probably about to lose considering not a day went by without her having an accident in them.

Marissa was forced to watch the regression. At first from afar, as Sarah didn’t want her to speak with Lilly. After 2 weeks though, the change in Lilly was so deep that there was nothing Marissa could do. She had grown accustomed to taking care of Lilly. A 23 year old in diapers, changing an 18 year old’s Pull-Ups. Must’ve been quite a spectacle. 

Lilly wasn’t completely regressed however, as she often regained the ability to speak complete sentences, what seemed to be the problem was her motivation to do so. She was... at peace, with her regressed state, as if she had accepted to become a toddler. 

More often than not, when Marissa tried to bring up a possible escape, Lilly replied that she didn’t want to, like she’d rather remain a child than grow back to an adult. 

As time passed however, Sarah played less and less with Lilly. She seemed to grow tired of the same games. Marissa suspected that the part she preferred was taking away the capacity of an adult and watching them as they dealt with their regression. When they actually became like babies, it was less interesting for her. Hence why she kept her around with her fully adult consciousness, but the bladder control of a 2 year old. 

And so one day, Sarah would decide it was time to do the same with Lilly.

Lilly: Sarah, Sarah, come play with the dolls with me!

Sarah: Not now Lilly, it’s boring... I told you I don’t want to play that anymore.

Lilly: But it’s fun! Play with me please!

Sarah: I said no, you big baby. Now go away.

Lilly: I’m not a baby! I’m a big girl!

Sarah: Yeah? Then why are you peeing in your Pull-Ups like a baby then?

She wrinkled her nose and pointed at Lilly. The 18 year old was wearing a yellow dress but so careless with it that the front was flipped over and exposing the Disney princesses on her pink Pull-Ups, which was now filling up and taking a dark shade of yellow.The flower printed on it started fading, accompanied by the hissing sound of Lilly wetting herself. The adult-little girl looked down in apparent disappointment, but ultimately didn’t seem to be too bothered by the accident. She was getting used to them.

Sarah: See, you don’t even care anymore. Maybe we’ll put you in diapers all day huh.

Marissa: You know Miss Sarah, maybe it would be more... fun, for you if you gave back Lilly’s adult consciousness. That way she’d be truly upset when such things happen.

Sarah: Oh shut up Marissa, you’re boring. You want me to make you take off your skirt again and crap your diaper? 

Marissa: No.. No... Please, I’m sorry. 

Sarah: Fine. I don’t want you to stink up the room anyway. And if you really want to know I can’t make Lilly act like this forever anyway. Not unless she wants to. I hope when I grow up again my powers will go back to normal.

Marissa: What do mean ‘’grow up again’’?

Marissa and Sarah were interupted by a knock on the door. 

Daphnee: Sarah, honey, look who’s back! It’s your best friend Elizabeth!

Sarah got up in a hurry.

Sarah: Bettsy!! It’s been so long come here!

The girl Daphnee was referring to looked about the same age as Marissa, maybe a year or two younger. Another one of Sarah’s victims for sure. She was dressed in a pair of jean overalls with a white t-shirt underneath it that would’ve been more appropriate for a girl Sarah’s age, which was probably why Daphnee introduced her as her ‘’best friend’’. She did not seem as pleased as Sarah to see her again. In fact, her eyes widened immediately when she saw Marissa and Lilly. As she was hugged tight by the witch, she kept looking at them with a stunned look on her face.

Elizabeth : Good to see you too, Sarah. Do you still have our BFF journal?

Sarah: I sure do, it’s in my room.

Elizabeth: Would you go get it so we can write down all about my return?

Sarah looked at Marissa and Lilly, then at Elizabeth.

Sarah: Hmm. Sure. Meet my new friends then. I’ll go get the journal.

She left. Elizabeth immediately ran to Marissa and Lilly, who was still playing casually with her doll house, without a care in the world.

Elizabeth: Who the hell are you?!

Marissa: I’m Marissa, maid. This is Lilly, little girl. She’s got the full treatment right now, she’s got the mind of a toddler.

Lilly : No I don’t.

Marissa: What? How come you came back?

Lilly: I don’t know... I feel so weird it’s like I’m up from a long nap. Why are my Pull-Ups so wet? And who are you?

Elizabeth: I was hired as Sarah’s babysitter a few months ago, but what she really wanted was a best friend. She made everyone around me see me as a ten year old. Even my parents. 

Marissa: Hey don’t you complain, she’s over there hanging out in wet Pull-Ups and I’ve got a diaper on.

Elizabeth: Yeah it’s kind of a recurring theme with her. I forgot to mention she also made me a bed wetter, so don’t worry I know about diapers. I’ve been putting on Goodnites at 7:00 PM under my PJs everyday for 6 months. Waking up soaked every morning.

Lilly: At least you get to wear panties during the day! 

Marissa: At least you both don’t shit yourself everytime she’s upset with you!!

The two other girls turned to look at her.

Marissa: What? Don’t act like I don’t have the worst role out of the three. I even got to clean the whole damn house while you two are playing with toys.

Lilly: So why were you away for so long? 

Elizabeth: I only had this babysitting gig for 2 weeks, then my dad was moving to Maryland for his job, he took me with him, but as the bed wetting 10 year old he saw. I had to spend a whole semester in a school full of kids. It was the worst... Her curse must work from far away because every once in a while, for no reason, I’d pee my pants in the middle of a class. I was the laughing stock, it was horrible. Like reliving your elementary school as an accident prone kid. Then I convinced my dad I needed to move back here with my mom because I figured the only way I’d break the curse was if Sarah lifted it. It wasn’t easy to convince him as a 10 year old, but here I am. 

Sarah: What are you guys talking about?

The trio became quiet all of a sudden.

Sarah: I see you guys became friends, but don’t keep secrets from me.

Marissa: Nothing Miss Sarah, we we’re only...

Sarah: Shut up stinky pants. MOM?! Marissa needs her diaper changed. 

She wrinkled her nose and Marissa’s eyes became wide as she filled her diaper along with the bad smell coming from her butt. Sarah pinched her nose with a disgusted expression on her face.

Sarah: You’re so gross Marissa, we don’t want to play with you! Come Betsy, I have our journal. 

She took her by the hand, leading her away from the duo. Lilly, an 18 year old in a pair of soaking wet princess Pull-Ups and Marissa, a 23 year old sitting in a messy diaper.  


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