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The smile instantly disappeared from Kacey’s face, her jaw dropping a little as she looked up at the slightly taller Mrs. Sanchez. The woman was looking down at her with an upset frown and an angry crease in her eyebrows with her arms crossed and peering at the younger girl with wide eyes. Mrs. Sanchez was just as beautiful as her husband was handsome. Especially standing this close to the woman, Kacey found herself jealous of the woman’s flawless skin, large breasts, and pristine makeup.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” Mrs. Sanchez spat out.

Kacey tried to find her words, but struggled to for several moments, Part of her was hoping that Mrs. Sanchez would interrupt her and she wouldn’t have to answer, but the woman was waiting for her response to which she finally said, “M-ma’am?”

“I don’t like to repeat myself you little twit. I said, what do you think you’re doing?” She gestured down at Kacey’s dress and brushed her hand over the girls’ skirt leading down to her panties, still completely on display.

Knowing the only way out of this was to try to lie, Kacey looked down and let out a high pitched gasp as she saw her skirt stuck in her undies “for the first time”. Or so she tried to make it look that way as she pulled her skirt down and fixed it back into place. She opened her mouth, trying to quickly come up with an explanation so she could excuse herself, “Ohhh... oh my goodness Ma’am. I’m so sorry! I had no idea. I’m so embarrassed!”

With her arms still crossed Mrs. Sanchez looked down at Kacey with a disapproving look on her face, “Mmmhmm, sure.” The woman said, her frown growing bigger as she blew angry steam out of her nose like a bull ready to charge. “Is that so? Because according to my husband, you have been trying to flirt with him for weeks now. I would assume this is only the most recent and most shameful step you’ve taken to try to make those hopes a reality.”

Kacey’s eyes widened at what she was told, and she desperately tried to think on her feet, “W-what? No ma’am! I apologize if your husband misunderstood something I might have done or said, but that just isn’t true at all. I wouldn’t even--.”

“So are you calling my husband a liar then?” Mrs. Sanchez said in a louder more stern tone as she raised her one eyebrow at Kacey.

The maid nervously bit her lip but spoke up again, “N-no ma’am! I just... uh... I think this is all just a big misunderstanding. Surely if I could explain better I could...”

Mrs. Sanchez interrupted her again, “Oh okay, so are you saying that you weren’t trying to flirt with my husband? You are just a stupid little girl, who’s too distracted to do her job well or to even hide her own modesty? Is that it then?”

Kacey’s cheeks were burning with shame at the insult, but knew she couldn’t talk back to her boss. “No... no ma’am. I just--.”

“That’s enough!  I think I’ve heard plenty. I think someone needs to be taught a lesson about modesty and lying.”

Kacey winced in pain as Mrs. Sanchez took her tightly by the wrist and dragged her out of the room. “Ow ow, hey let me go!” She cried out as she struggled against the vice grip the older woman had on her arm.

“Shush now you brat. It’s time you learned your place.” Kacey couldn’t fight the strong woman as she was pulled into a bedroom and swiftly pulled over her knee. Kacey kicked her legs, not even understanding what was happening until Mrs. Sanchez had pulled up the skirt of her maid’s dress again and pulled down her red lingerie, putting her naked butt on display. She still couldn’t believe it until the first few sharp slaps started raining down onto her sorry ass...


After the day Mrs. Sanchez spanked her, the job was never quite the same for Kacey again. After she’d been spanked for so long and so hard that she could barely even walk straight, the woman sent her home with no pay for the day right there and then.

Kacey hoped she’d never have to see the Sanchez’s again, but her trouble didn’t end there. She was fired from her maid job the next day after the Sanchez’s had submitted evidence to her company of her stealing from them that they’d captured on their home security system that Kacey never even knew they had. They promised to not sue the company of the one responsible, Kacey, was fired immediately. The company fired her without a second thought.

Ruined and going to be broke before long, Kacey knew she was going to have to go back to her parents and beg them to take her in. But then... she got a message via text from who of all people... the Sanchez’s!

They were offering her a full time position as their personal maid. Kacey wanted to laugh the offer off and was obviously suspicious of it, but the number of zero’s on the amount they were offering her was unbelievable! She had no choice but to accept the job.

After the fact though, Kacey wished she’d at least read a little closer in the fine print of the contract they made her sign. If she had, she would have seen that the job required her to wear a uniform... or lack thereof...

As she continued her work diligently cleaning the house of two people she severely hated, Kacey finally found out what the company they owned created - Crinkly white garments that were quite helpful in two ways for the Sanchez’s good little maid: Stopping her from flirting with a married man, and stopped her from needing unnecessary bathroom breaks.

As Kacey felt a fresh wave of warmth spread into her... uniform, she knew this was going to be her life for quite a while...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :





Awwwww she look adorable baby maid