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After you shared your secret with her, your relationship with Lucy only grew stronger. Your diaper fetish and all the things that went along with it, was one of your most well-guarded secrets and by telling her and her accepting you still, made it feel like a ten ton weight had been lifted from both your shoulders.

The next time the two of you hung out, she said something that you had always dreamed and fantasized about hearing from a potential partner – “Can I see your diaper stash?” Hearing the phrase aloud from a beautiful woman like Lucy almost made you weak at the knees.

You took her by the hand and led her to your bedroom where you brought her over to the secret spot that you stashed your entire diaper collection. You didn’t have too many, but you had a little bit of a variety. Some plain white ones, some super colorful ones, and ones covered in different sorts of cartoon characters. Even though she had been so cool with it during your initial conversations, part of you was still pretty nervous that Lucy would change her mind once she saw your collection in person. Once again though, your beautiful new girlfriend exceeded your expectations by saying, “Awww, they’re actually pretty cute. These are the ones you wear?” You were blushing more than you ever had before in living memory as you nodded your head to her question. She smiled at you and gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek to comfort you. “Relax little baby.” She spoke in a gentle tone that sent shivers down your spine.

You watched as Lucy dug through the collection and decided on one of the cartoon character covered pairs. The blonde girl’s grin grew a little as she pushed the diaper towards you.

“I wanna see you in one. Can you put one on for me cutie?”

Your face was on fire from how much you were blushing, almost wondering if this whole experience was some elaborate dream that your mind had come up with. You didn’t wake up though.

You took the diaper from her, and slipped off your clothes, blushing still as the smiling girl watched you become naked. You slipped the diaper under your butt and,

“Wait!” She said, excitedly. She moved over onto the bed, putting her hand on your leg. “I wanna help. Can you show me how? I think this is... cute.” She said, blushing a little herself now. You smile back at her, and nod as you spend the next few minutes explaining exactly how to wrap up an adult diaper around your own crotch. It was a bit of a cathartic experience after dreaming of someone changing you into a diaper for so long.

“Awww oh my god. Baby you look so cute.” Lucy said as you sat there on your bed, totally naked besides your diaper. Part of you was waiting for the other shoe to drop, for her to make fun of you or for the hidden cameras to come out... but nothing like that ever happened. She was being genuine, and she really did care about you and thought you were cute! Your heart was almost overwhelmed by the emotions swirling around, but then she said something that took you even more by surprise than anything else.

The beautiful blonde was already blushing before she even got the words out, nibbling on her lip and unable to make eye contact with you just like you’d been acting when you first told her. Finally she spoke, “Can you uhhh... can you put one on me?” Her blushy smile grew. “I wanna try it.”

Overjoyed about everything that was happening, you led her over to your stash once again and helped her pick one out. She picked one of the cartoon character ones too, loving how adorable they were. As you laid her down, you tried to give her a wonderful first experience despite how desperately you were feeling like falling into total Little mode. You helped her get undressed before slipping the diaper under her bum, pouring on some powder, and wrapping it up around her “princess parts”. (A nickname for her privates that made the beautiful girl giggle aloud and blush way more than she already was.)

Once she was fully diapered she looked even more content than she had been when she was helping you put one on. You weren’t positive, but as you watched the smile that fell over the pretty girls’ features you had a good feeling that there was another diaper baby in the making in your bedroom besides you.

You didn’t think you could cheeks could take anymore blushing until the beautiful Lucy turned to look at you with a suddenly raised eyebrow and said, “So... do you like... actually use these?” She asked, a small smirk sprouting on her lips.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :





What happened to the photo sets? The last one was in November