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Part 22 – Venturing Somewhere New =

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Catgirl - Level 5

Class: None

Skills: Mommy Call, Terrible Tantrums

Perks: Flower Bottom, Armored Tushie, Sweet Sucker

Abilities: Kitty Sensitivities, Bedwetting, Nummie-Nummies


She hadn’t realized it at the time, but Kitty’s major messy accident at Thanksgiving was only the beginning of her control spiraling more and more out of her control.

After the holiday, Kitty and her Demon Mommy had spent a few more days in the house, letting Kitty get even more used to her situation with every passing day. She no longer argued when it was bath time, she no longer begged for other food when presented with her Cat Food containers, and she had even begun to play with her toys more earnestly given that there wasn’t too much else to do around in her nursery. Little did Kitty know though, that even when she didn’t think she was watching her, her Mommy was keeping a very close eye on her progress. She watched as Kitty grew more comfortable with her tail, began having more genuine fun playing with her toys, and even started having trouble reading some of the words in her picture books.

Yes, her Demon Mommy thought, she is certainly coming along nicely.

She hadn’t had any major accidents (Other than a few little peepee drops in her panties.) since Thanksgiving, but there had been a few close calls here and there. Kitty, up to this point, had only been allowed to go to the bathroom in a little plastic pink potty in the middle of her nursery, which had helped her avoid any true accidents so far. If Saranya’s calculations were correct though, her body would very soon catch up with her slowly dwindling mind. She just needed to put the girl in a situation where that could be taken advantage of...


In almost all the time that she’d been with her Mommy, Kitty had almost never worn shoes other than for big events. So when her Mommy started dressing her up in a cute shirt, shortalls, and a pair of light-up sneakers of her own; Kitty knew something was up.

“W-what’s going on Mommy?” Kitty asked, no longer realizing constantly how naturally she had started to call the creature before her Mommy.

“Something very very exciting sweet girl!” She leaned in and finished buckling up the last parts of Kitty’s shortalls. “We are going to town sweetie! Isn’t that wonderful?”

Something in Kitty’s gut dropped a little. It was a mixture of intense nervousness and genuine excitement at finally getting out of this house. She’d been in this world for at least a few weeks now, at least she was pretty sure that’s how long it had been, but not once had she’d been allowed to go outside before now. Part of her wasn’t sure she wanted to go out like she was now, but she knew she probably wouldn’t be getting any more mature outfit from her Mommy anytime soon.

Kitty sat there patiently on her bum on the carpet as she watched her Mommy pack up a few essentials, before leaning down and scooping Kitty up and holding the girl on her hip like an adult would do to any little toddler. Carrying her babygirl with ease, Saranya carried Kitty through several rooms of the house before finally making it to what Kitty assumed had to be the front door of their magical mansion; a door she had yet to see before now.

Reaching out her muscular red arm, her Mommy gripped the door knob and opened it up, bringing her Kitty into this new world.


Kitty was truly in awe as she looked around the outside world of Anobaria, this new world she officially found herself in. At least most of the stuff in their house looked familiar, out here it was all new to her. It looked like something out of a fairytale book. There were magical creatures of all types wandering about and flying around. The sky looked almost the same but it looked a bit more purple than it had on Earth and there were stars and maybe even other planets that were visible, even during the day! There were castles in the distance, music in the air, and just an indescribable feeling of mystery; almost like literal magic in the air.

Even as Kitty stared at all this and felt her mind almost overwhelmed by what she was seeing, part of her almost had to remind herself that she was part of this reality now. Technically, even though she still mostly looked it, she was no longer human. She was a Catgirl, part of this world.

“Isn’t it all so pretty babygirl?” Her Mommy asked, smiling at Kitty’s dropped jaw as she stared at everything, like a literal dragon sailing over their heads! “I knew you’d find it all wonderful.”

She scooted Kitty up again on her hip, before starting a gallant happy stroll down a big hill towards town, nothing around them seemingly making her nervous or concerning her in any way.

They made it soon to town, or more specifically what appeared to be a market place. The intense hustle and bustle through the large outdoor area made Kitty a little nervous, blushing to herself as she realized she was at least glad she was with her Mommy.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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