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Part 20 – Thanksgiving =

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Catgirl - Level 4

Class: None

Skills: Mommy Call, Terrible Tantrums

Perks: Flower Bottom, Armored Tushie, Sweet Sucker

Abilities: Kitty Sensitivities, Bedwetting


Another few days went by as Kitty found herself more and more unable to go against any of her Demon Mommy’s rules. She tried to keep an eye out, to see if she could somehow make another break for the room with the spell book, but she never got the chance. Her Mommy was much more vigilant about keeping an eye on her now, but she whimpered to herself while she laid in her bed, realizing that even if she did make it back to that spell book it wouldn’t matter. She was only Level 4 still. She doubted there was any spell in there worth doing that she’d actually be able to cast. Despite that, Mommy promised her that if she really wanted to... she’d teach her some spells sooner or later. She’d be lying if she said that didn’t intrigue her.

Just as they had discussed, the Troll Mommy and Didi returned 3 days later, but before they had even arrived Kitty could tell there was something special about today. Her Mommy had dressed her up in an adorable outfit, (A big poofy yellow dress, white tights, little white shoes with a tiny heel on them, and frilly ankle socks.) and she was going about cleaning the house just like any proud Mommy would do back in Kitty’s original world.

“Are you ready to find out what today is sweetie pie?” Mommy said with a smile, kissing Kitty on the forehead.

“Y... yes Mommy.” Kitty said aloud, having reluctantly started to call the Demon that more often lately.

With a gleeful look, her Mommy brought her down a hall and through the big door she’d learned led to the dining room... and her jaw dropped at what she saw!

A huge table, much bigger than the one normally there, lined with a vast array. A feast of food from Kitty’s home world! And seated around the table was not only the Troll Mommy and Didi, but at least 10 other guests who were all shapes and sizes and species! She could see a Unicorn, and a Centaur, and she was pretty sure a Minotaur with a smaller and much cuter feminine Minotaur seated on his knee with a diaper on and a pacifier in her mouth. She saw what could only be described as a pixie, or a fairy, and even another Catgirl with a Daddy of her own. At least a dozen mythical creatures all smiling at her. All creatures she hadn’t thought existed not even that long ago. Creatures that didn’t exist... at least in her world.

“Happy Thanksgiving Kitty!” All the creatures and her Mommy cried out as she giggled and shook her shoulder. “Hehe, I know traditionally you eat turkey on your world but I thought I’d improvise for my friends. Oh, and I know that Thanksgiving isn’t usually so soon after Halloween, but I just couldn’t wait sweetie pie! Just remember cutie... stick to your food okay?”

In just an instant, after a few short and sweet introductions, Kitty was sat down next to her Mommy in a booster seat and buckled in at the head of the table. Her Mommy briefly thanked all of her friends for attending before they all began chowing down on their meal, watching in awe as she witnessed these live and intelligent beings in front of her. She had to admit, despite it all, seeing a real life unicorn was making her little girl heart swim. It was as majestic as she’d always imagined it might be as a child.

More than anything though, which was surprising given the wild creatures around her, the thing that caught Kitty’s attention the most was actually the food. Since she’d arrived, her Mommy had fed her nothing but the mushy ‘Cat Food’ contents from a can. While she had to admit, the kitty food was delicious, her tummy craved real food. Her home world’s food.

She reached out and grabbed a taco, and scarfed it down... then a piece of friend chicken. Then some pasta! She found herself almost as ravenously hungry as the mythical creatures around her. All of the food was sooooo good. She almost cried with joy at how good it all was. She realized with a blush in her cheeks that she’d seemed to have forgotten what some of them were called... like the little triangle pieces of cheese with circular slices of meat on the top! She tried not to let that worry her too much right now though, focusing on eating, rather than the existential dread of her apparently slowly draining memory and intelligence.

As she kept going though... she started to feel... something.

It was a sharp pain in her gut, almost like a cramp, but slowly and surely getting worse. At first she thought she’d just been eating too fast, but this wasn’t like a cramp she’d felt before. It was worse... way worse. What was it?!

It was only then... when she noticed Didi smirking at her from across the table... did Kitty feel a heavy squishy weight starting to shift in her undies!

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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