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Miranda briefly went over Anna’s class schedule and some of the places she was to be going for the day. She was kicking herself now that she had stupidly shown up late yesterday and skipped the ‘optional tour’ around campus. She figured it would be easy enough to figure out where she was going. As the other girl started explaining to her where she needed to go though she couldn’t have felt more lost and that was besides the fact that she was going to have to figure out how to hide her diaper the entire day! Every day for at least the foreseeable future.

“So... diapers must be a common thing around here huh?” Anna asked as she miserably looked down at her own huge crinkly garment, still not believing she was wearing something she normally would have thought were made only for young children.

“Nope!” Was her roommate’s simple answer.

“Nope? What do you mean nope?” Anna said, annoyance creeping back into her voice as the two of them got ready for the first day of classes.

Miranda giggled in response, “I mean, nope! Not many people do. Most students at this school are treated like normal students at other schools. You’re part of the regression dorms, you’d only be here if this is what you or your parents signed you up for! Being that it’s the regression dorms, that means it’s pretty common for the kids around here to wear pull-ups, but you’re only one of I believe 4 kids in total on campus who are in full on diapers full time. And at least the rest of them had been here for a bit before they got punished over summer school. You were only here for 5 minutes and you already landed your naughty butt into full diapers. Bravo little girl hehehe. That might be a new record. Now shush, will you.” Miranda slipped a pacifier right into Anna’s mouth, who gave her an annoyed look as she finished buttoning up her shirt.

Not long after their conversation Anna, dressed up in one of the more mature outfits she could find (Which REALLY wasn’t saying much.), headed off to class. Though it wasn’t long before she ran into some trouble. When she was headed out of her first classroom, a few kids flipped her skirt and quickly began chuckling as they called her all sorts of things like ‘poopoo girl’ and ‘diaper baby’. Not very creative nicknames, but they were a good indication to Anna that those kids had already known she was wearing a diaper before they’d even flipped her skirt. After all, Miranda has said there was only 4 kids in the whole school, including her now that were wearing full on diapers. Everyone in the school probably knew who those 4 students were already, which made her a prime likely easy target for bullying. Greatttt... she thought to herself.

Keeping the huge stupid bulky diaper she was wearing hidden was an even worse challenge than she could have imagined. It was as if all the clothes that they had provided her with was purposely designed so that part of her diaper would be showing at all times. Which, when she really thought about it, seemed somewhat probable. What better way to humiliate their naughty students?

On Anna’s third day of classes, she got a note from the principal’s office telling her the time and place for a new club starting that day after school. As part of her punishment’s Anna’s attendance was not voluntary, but required. Anna didn’t even need to go to a single one of the meetings to know she was going to hate it. It was called the, ‘Little’s Appreciation Club’. It was commonly advertised as a club for the regression dorm students, but a lot of people joked that the 4 “babies” of the school were the ones who needed the club the most.

When Anna arrived at the club later that day, she felt like she was going to gag when she walked into a room that looked even more like a nursery than her own stupid dorm room with Miranda.

All the other students were standing around a girl dressed in tights, cute little white shoes, a blue dress, a blue bonnet, a matching blue pacifier, and an obvious full on diaper underneath her skirt. Most of them were teasing her, some of them were just cooing at her. (Even though some of them were wearing at least pull-ups themselves.)

When they began to notice that Anna herself had arrived, she’d wished they hadn’t.

Within a matter of minutes, they had her dressed up in a similar outfit to the other girls except hers was pink compared to the other girls’ blue. The other students kept asking Anna to show them her diaper, a rule she quickly understood meant she either had to comply with it or be punished by one of them. The club called the “fun activity” that they were having them do – Dress Up.

Anna already hated this place after only a few days.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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