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Chloe wished she’d never had to go to that stupid Tykables store; and if the future went her way, she would never have to go there again. Once she’d gotten one of the diapers on, (Or rather once Sandra had helped show her how to put one on.) it really hit her how huge and thick the adult ones were compared to the pull-ups or baby diapers she’d been wearing up to that point. They were so freaking thick, she thought. There was so much padding in between her legs, that she couldn’t even close them all the way. Besides the fact that the diaper was LITERALLY STICKING OUT OF THE TOP OF HER JEANS, Chloe was busy looking at her crotch from every angle trying to decide how obvious what she was wearing was. Had her butt always looked that round or was it super obvious that she was wearing a diaper? Did her crotch look poofy or was she just being paranoid? She really wished she at least hadn’t worn a shirt that showed off her belly today.

“Oh don’t worry sweetie.” Sandra said, cooing slightly in a way Chloe found annoying similar to how a parent would take to their child. “I’m taking you straight home and you can change into some clothes that’ll cover them better.” She smiled as she gave the blushing Chloe a few gentle pats on the rear, her butt crinkling a bit with every bit of contact with the woman’s hand. “Now let’s go. We’ll get you all set up at home and then you’ll be good to go.”

The two of them collected the multiple packages of diapers Sandra had brought and left the store; Chloe blushing intensely with every step as she could feel the clerk’s eyes on her and her white crinkly waistband still sticking several inches out of her pants. She wanted to crawl under a rock and die. At least now she was going home.


Despite Chloe’s initial thoughts that she was just going to shove the new large diapers deep into the back of her closet, forget about them, and just keep wearing her pull-ups, that’s not what ended up happening.

Sandra, being either purposely conniving or genuinely concerned about her (Chloe couldn’t tell.) told the young girl that she wanted proof that she was wearing the protection she’d bought for her. She wanted her to prove it by sending her pictures of herself wearing the protection at least 5 times a day, not to mention that every time she saw the woman around the office in person she would insist on checking her.

‘Just in case,’ she would say.

Chloe repeatedly tried to protest all of these rules, but after trying to convince the woman time and time again that the photos weren’t necessary, Sandra finally put her foot down and told her that she had better be good and do what she said or she would have no choice but to change Chloe’s contract for her modeling job with the company to include a... specific medical condition. One that would definitely start having negative consequences for the amount and types of modeling jobs she’d be safely allowed to take.

Chloe was furious. Almost even more so when she realized that the woman’s threat of revealing her secret if she didn’t wear her diapers was almost perfectly identical to the original threat she herself had put upon Brook. Maybe this really was just karma coming to bite her in the padded soggy ass. Suffice it to say, Chloe had no other option but to obey what Sandra wanted. If the rest of her company found out about her... “Condition” there’s a good chance that the other models would soon find out, and then she’d be a laughing stock. She’d be forced to leave because of the embarrassment and humiliation long before the amount of jobs she’d get offered ran dry. The only victory she was able to achieve, as tiny as it was, was that she refused to wear the cutsie cartoony adult diapers that Sandra had picked out at the Tykables store and stuck solely to the plain white ones. (Even shyly going back to the Tykables store and buying a few more packs of them when she started to run low.)

So, now wearing her new large adult diapers 24/7, Chloe had retreated to spending even more time in her room. Luckily Brook wasn’t around the apartment too often, apparently she’d been getting a lot of new modeling jobs lately, and had even been resurrecting her social life lately now that Chloe wasn’t hounding her as often about wearing her own protection. Even if she wasn’t around though, Chloe usually tried to stick to her room just in case the girl did come back. It would be just her luck that the one time she slipped up and wasn’t being as careful, Brook would come home with a guy and all would be revealed.

More than anything else though, Chloe despised the fact that after a week or two of wearing them, she was actually starting to get used to them. Despite how annoyingly crinkly and hugely poofy they were, she started just trying not to think about them and distract herself with anything she could, and that made it easier to forget they were there at all. After all, she was basically not allowed to touch them or mess with them in any way. If she did, she knew Sandra would notice in the next picture she sent her. So she needed to just keep herself distracted, or she’d drive herself crazy when she couldn’t mess with the tapes or anything else on them.


This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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