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When she was all clean and dried off, Sandra led Chloe to her own bedroom and laid the petite butt naked girl down on her bed. “Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll get you all set up for bed and then I’ll get going, okay?”

Chloe wanted to say something against her, like remind her once again that she was an adult who could do all of this on her own, but this time she just didn’t have it in her to argue again. Between the alcohol, the embarrassment of the night, and how sleepy she was getting now that she was laying on her bed, she didn’t have much fight left in her tonight.

Even through her drunken haze though, she was well aware of how embarrassed she should be. She was laying there totally naked on her bed, after she’d pissed herself and then needed her coworker to take her home and be her chaperone while she took a shower and got ready for bed.

“Does Brook usually help you with this stuff sweetie?” Sandra asked as she got some things together.

“W-what? N-no!”

“Oh, she doesn’t? Well maybe you should ask her sometime, or at least somebody else. I’m sure she knows all about your issues anyways and would be more than happy to help.”

Chloe tried to respond, but the woman was leaving the room for a moment and even if she wasn’t Chloe could feel her voice was a little caught in her throat; she wouldn’t even know what to say. Could she be right? What if Brook really did know? She didn’t think she did, but the thought that she even might was terrifying.

Coming back into the room, Sandra was holding a few things that Chloe couldn’t see before she’d put them down.

“Alright dear, you’re all cleaned up, so let’s get some new protection on you before you fall asleep, huh?” She grabbed an item and Chloe could see that it wasn’t one of the pull-ups, but one of the baby diapers! What the?! Chloe was thinking. Where had she found them? Had she left the pack out in her room? She couldn’t remember...

Sandra expertly unfolded the diaper and slid it swiftly under Chloe’s perky backside. She pulled the padding gently over Chloe’s crotch and attached the tapes down tightly while Chloe just watched, blushing more than she thought she ever could. Even though she was only half aware of what was happening, and certainly too drunk to try and effectively stop it, she was at least somewhat aware of the fact that she was literally getting a diaper change right now. Ten times more embarrassing than putting herself into one, she was actually getting changed as if she needed an adult’s help to do it for her because she was too much of a child to do it herself. To be fair, she was far too drunk right now to be coordinated enough to actually put one on herself, but Sandra helping her and doing it for her was not making her feel any less embarrassed.

Sandra noticed her embarrassed face and gently ran her fingers over Chloe’s head, “Oh it’s alright honey. I promise I won’t tell anyone what happened tonight. Don’t worry about my friends either, they’ll be discreet. I guarantee it.” She gave Chloe a few comforting pats on the head, even though they didn’t really make the girl feel all that much better. Chloe could feel her eyes drifting closed. Her sleepiness and the alcohol were mixing together to make her unable to fight the urge to sleep. Sandra double checked that the diaper was taped onto Chloe securely before she went over to the drawers and opened them up. She pulled out a comfy white and red shirt and pulled it over Chloe’s head, before dimming the lights in the room.

“Okay sweetie, I’m gonna go now. I’ll see you at work okay? Make sure you drink lots of water... Maybe not too much though.” Chloe was already mostly passed out, so she didn’t even respond. The last sensation she felt before the darkness overcame her consciousness, was a small rubbery feeling being pressed in between her lips...


As the sun shone into her room, consciousness quickly returned to Chloe. She hesitated for a few moments, comfy in her bed sheets... until her eyes shot open!

Every memory from the night before came rushing back to her, making the girl shoot out of bed and let out a gasp! As she stood there she didn’t feel any better when she discovered a bit of dampness in her diaper. It wasn’t a lot, but it was enough for her to feel uncomfortable in it. Wait... what the hell was in her mouth?

It wasn’t until she looked over her shoulder to look at herself in the mirror did she realize what it was! A... a pacifier!!? Where had it come from??? Had Sandra found it somewhere in their apartment and assumed it was hers? Or had she brought it with her from her house?

Chloe stared at herself in shock for a moment at how ridiculous she looked. Did Sandra really believe that this look suited her?


This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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