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Even as drunk as she was, Chloe couldn’t believe what she had done. She had been having an amazing night. One of the best nights that she’d had in a long time and she’d ruined it. She’d ruined it by acting like the childish, pants wetting, little girl that she had been fearing more and more lately she was becoming.

Brook had been the one who was originally having all of the accidents, but now it seemed that Chloe was the one who was having them a lot more often than the girl she’d had so much fun tormenting previously. Her doctor had said there wasn’t much that could be done, but what did that mean? Was this problem just going to get worse and worse until Chloe couldn’t go 5 minutes without dribbling into a diaper? She feared that that might be exactly what her fate might be...

Sandra was more accommodating than anyone could have asked or expected, insisting on bringing Chloe home herself, despite her being the host of the party.

“Oh don’t worry about it dear, I’ll only be gone for a little bit. I know you don’t live too far from here.”

After the woman put some of her friends in charge of the festivities, she grabbed her and Chloe’s coats and Chloe’s purse and took the younger girls’ hand as she led her out of the house. Chloe was trying to stop herself from whimpering, but it was hard with how cold and clammy her legs and shoes now felt, and with how many confused and mildly amused looks she was getting from some of the other guests as they went past them. Chloe was actually really glad now that she didn’t know any of them, but was more relieved that she didn’t see any of them sneaking a phone out of their pockets to snap a picture.

Soon they had gotten out to Sandra’s car, and Chloe cringed as she realized that the last time she’d been in this car, her pants had been just as wet as her legs were now. This was becoming a pattern with her. One that she was extremely not fond of.

Sandra opened the passenger door and laid down some towels that she’d brought with from the house, giving Chloe another small sympathetic smile. “Sorry dear, I’ll take you home, but I don’t want to get my seat wet because of it.”

Feeling like a naughty child who’d gotten too messy on the playground, Chloe nodded and stood there silently and miserably, apologizing again as the older woman set up the towels before helping her in, and buckling her up herself. Chloe assumed that she did the buckle for her because she was still feeling pretty drunk, but it only proved to make Chloe feel even more like a child as her “parent” did the buckle up for her.

The drive itself was fine, it didn’t take too long for them to get back to Chloe and Brook’s place. While they drove there, Chloe prayed with everything she could that Brook wasn’t home, and was monumentally relieved when she saw the girl’s car not there. At least she wouldn’t have to see her roommate when they went in. She didn’t know if she’d be able to hide things this time.

Sandra comforted the still sniffling girl as she helped her out of the passenger door and up to the front door of their place. She took Chloe’s keys and opened the door for her before helping the still half drunk and stumbling girl inside.

“Thank you Sandra. I can take it from here. You don’t have to...”

“Oh shush sweetie,” Sandra said, quieting her. “It’s alright. I don’t mind helping. Now show me to your room, we need to get you cleaned up.”

With a small pat on Chloe’s head, Sandra got the girl moving off toward the bathroom. Once there, she immediately started to undo Chloe’s dress, and help her get the soggy garment off.

“Sandra please, I don’t need help. I can... OH--.” Chloe squeaked out as Sandra batted her hands away and removed the younger girls’ dress completely.

“Sweetheart I said to shush. I don’t mind helping, I promise. You’re too intoxicated to do this properly yourself. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen all of you before. Hehe. Let me help you.”

Too drunk to really fight back the way she probably should have, Chloe just let the older woman undress her. First her dress, then her shoes, and finally her soaked pull-up. Standing there, completely naked in front of the woman, Chloe felt very shy and awkward as she held her hands over her privates. The woman had seen her naked before for nude photo shoots, but needless to say she was feeling nowhere near as confident right now as she did then, with her lower half covered in pee.

The woman helped her wobbly self into the shower and turned the water on for her. Admittedly the warm water felt extremely soothing and a little sobering to Chloe, but she wished she was just taking a shower by herself, not having someone watch over her to do it properly; especially when Sandra a few times reminded her to “wash behind her ears” or “don’t forget wash her belly button.”. She knew the woman, and knew she was genuinely trying to be sweet and helpful, but it made Chloe feel like she was three years old. In fact, everything that was currently happening was just making her feel more and more like the little kid she had been trying to convince herself she wasn’t becoming...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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