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As she unfolded the crinkling garment in her hands, Chloe could feel the intense blush that was growing on her cheeks.

“Little girls who wet themselves, belong in diapers.”

Chloe’s own words echoed in her mind again. Since she’d first more or less taken control over Brook’s day to day life, she’d always told her that whenever she had an accident she was required to wear one of her baby diapers for the rest of the night. If she was being honest with herself though, that usually happened during the day only when Chloe manipulated the situation into making Brook wet herself.

Here she was though, in the middle of her workday, and she’d just soaked herself like a little child because she’d been unable to hold her bladder. The words of the photo shoot director repeated themselves in her head again telling her that Brook was able to make it through such a long workday without a problem, so why hadn’t she been able to? As much as she hated the idea of it, she felt like she deserved this after what she’d just done.

With the cutsie crinkly thing unfolded completely, Chloe knelt down and slipped her left foot into it, then her right foot unable to stop thinking about the fact that this was what Brook must feel like every time she puts one of these things on. Childish, ridiculous, and embarrassed. Thankfully no one was going to see her wearing it, she would only be embarrassed by the knowledge of what she herself had done. Chloe knew she could just go commando, but punishing herself would maybe help remind her to do better and strive to not let something like this happen again. She deserved some sort of punishment for how childish of an act she’d performed. Only babies wet themselves. Babies like Brook, she reminded herself.

She pulled the diaper... ‘her’ diaper, all the way up her legs until the soft padding was snug on her bottom and private parts. The size of them wasn’t too different from her usual panties, but they felt just a bit thicker, and the plastic coating rubbed against her and she could hear the crinkling that happened every time she shifted her body in the slightest way. The cartoon characters that smiled at her from her newly self-appointed punishment underwear seemed appropriate given the degree of childish act she’d done to land herself in them.

Reaching back into the locker she grabbed a pair of jeans and slipped them up her legs, thankfully Brook was about the same exact size as she was. She did up the button and reminded herself that she would have to replace these clothes back into the locker as soon as possible. Otherwise Brook would find out something was up. She then hurried back to the photo shoot studio barefoot after putting all of her soiled clothes into a plastic bag.

She briefly talked with the director, who was clearly a bit annoyed and had been wondering where she’d run off to, and informed him that she was buying the outfit she’d been modeling. Buying an outfit they were modeling was a service that Chloe constantly had available to her, but one she almost never took advantage of seeing as she didn’t exactly have $52 to be spending on Chanel panties much less the socks and the shirt, even on a model’s salary. But she knew that it was either buy her outfit now and not have to return it, or give the crew back her soaked clothing. The choice was obvious.

As she stood there, talking to him, she just hoped no one could tell what she was wearing under her newly acquired jeans. She tried staying as still as she could, feeling like every crinkle was as loud as a car horn. (At least in her own ears.) Finally, she was able to grab her things and excuse herself from the studio.

She grabbed her stuff from the photo set, hurried back to the locker room, grabbed the plastic bag of soaked clothing, and rushed out of the building as fast as she could. Chloe had never been more embarrassed in her life than when she was walking by the security desk of the strong handsome security men, more than one of which she’d slept with before, and walked out the door wondering what they would all think if they knew that the butt that most of them were currently checking out had a garment designed for an actual infant wrapped around it.

Chloe got to her car and hurried home before she could see anyone else, but she had to admit that her “punishment” for herself had worked rather effectively. If this was the consequence she absolutely never wanted to repeat the horribly embarrassing thing she’d done today, even if it hadn’t been entirely her fault.

When she finally pulled into her driveway, she was thankful that Brook wasn’t home. How ironic would it have been, she thought to herself, to be caught by Brook after everything she’d put the girl through. She’d never live it down.

In her room, Chloe stripped her clothing off and glanced at herself in the mirror before taking the embarrassing thing around her butt off. As she leaned her hands against the mirror, she could barely believe the sight she was looking at. Here she was, a grown woman, wearing a baby diaper because she’d peed herself. Could she really say she was any better than Brook today? How pathetic...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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