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Christina did her best to herd the at least dozen or so children into the other room for snack time, but as many of them didn’t even recognize the black haired girl she was having more trouble than she might have otherwise.

Her supervisor, Rachel, fought her urge to spring up and assist any coworker she saw struggling, reminding herself that this was a test for the girl and depending on how she did right now, her fate would be sealed one way or the other.

“Come on kids, get moving!” The wannabe Goth yelled as she continued to do try to push things along. She knew that the only way she’d be getting her phone back was if she did this, that’s all she cared about. There were two kids though that were refusing to listen and continued playing with their pretend grocery store setup.

As she watched, Rachel ran through her own mind what she might have done in the situation (One that she’d been in at least a hundred times in the past.) She would maybe kneel down to their level, explain the rules to them, and offer a compromise of sorts if they didn’t want to eat their snack. This is... not what Christina ended up doing.

As the young woman repeatedly tried to get the two children to come with her, Rachel could see how increasingly annoyed she was getting. Rachel smirked a little and had to stop herself from chuckling at Christina’s annoyance. The girl began to raise her voice and even went so far as to stomp her feet! Nothing was clearer to Rachel than the fact that this girl had never taken care of a young child before in her life, meaning that what she’d written on her application, “years of experience”, was a clear lie.

Part of Rachel was hoping that despite everything she’d done wrong so far, the girl would still be able to make up for it. But as Christina lost her cool and started full on screaming at the kids, she knew that enough was enough.

With a swift flick of Rachel’s wrist, Christina was instantaneously silenced from her screaming; not a single word coming out of the girl’s mouth no matter how hard she tried and how panicked she started to look.

“Kids!” Rachel called out in her sweetest voice, grabbing the attention of both children who had been getting yelled at. “Come on now kiddos, you know the rules. It’s snack time, trust me you’ll love it!” It didn’t take much more urging for both kids to run from the muted Christina and towards the woman that they loved seeing at daycare.

Rachel smiled at them and gave them both pats on the head, before ushering them over to the snack station where a different coworker had already taken it upon himself to start doing Christina’s other job of handing out snacks.

With a deep grin on her face, Rachel turned her attention towards Christina, walking over to the very confused young woman with a grip on her throat, trying to figure out why she’d lost the ability to speak entirely.

Rachel had a small smirk on her face as she looked down at the slightly shorter girl, shaking her head in disappointment.

“Ya know, I gave you a chance. I really did. I figured your application was a bit of bull, but I thought I’d give you a chance anyways. I’m disappointed to say that I’m not at all surprised by the outcome.” Rachel chuckled a little at Christina’s desperate attempts to speak and repeatedly failing at that. “Cat got your tongue cutie? That was a bit of my own doing I must admit. I couldn’t have one of my workers screaming at one of my kids.” She bent down to the point that she was face to face with Christina. “Well lucky for me and you... you’re no longer one of my employees. I think you need to experience life as one of my kids for a while. Maybe that’ll straighten you out.” To really sell her point, Rachel raised one of her hands up in front of Christina’s face and magically created a few colorful sparks to show off a tiny bit of the power she was about to use on the girl. It definitely had an effect on the girl, but not in the way that even Rachel herself would have expected.

Christina’s eyes widened and her face turned a little paler than normal as she looked at Rachel’s fingers. A moment later, Rachel heard a gentle sound that she was all too familiar with when she’d worked with children as long as she had. The unmistakable sound of liquid running through and dripping out of fabric.

As she stopped her little finger trick, she was amused and amazed as she looked down to see that the shocked Christina had been so surprised and nervous that she’d completely soaked her undies and jeans; the warm liquid staining her pants a darker color and running down into her shoes and forming a puddle at Christina’s feet.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :





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