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Julia had always had quite the thing for princesses. When she was younger she was wholeheartedly obsessed with them and wanted everything she owned to be princess related. She ate off princess plates, watched princess movies, read princess books, and dressed like a princess as often as she could.

When she grew up, her parents thought she’d grow out of it, but she never really did. She just grew mildly better at hiding it. After she’d been teased by some of her Jr. high friends for still having Disney Princess wallpaper in her room, she finally took it down, but that didn’t stop her from having her princess nightlight, three princess dresses in her closet, and more than fifty princess related books on her bookshelf.

Even while she was in college Julia brought her full collection of princess movies with her so she could sit down and enjoy them whenever the workload got too stressful.

She dated a little bit, but found most guys at her school to be jerky and petty. Nobody seemed to really care for her, nobody seemed to really treat her the way she wanted to be treated... like royalty almost.

She wished someone would treat her that way, but she was never catty. Julia did her best to learn from all of her favorite princesses and treated everyone she met with love, kindness, and compassion. Despite being viewed by some as a little strange (And always talking about princesses.) her compassionate ways won Julia a load of friends. The fact that she was as beautiful as a princess helped too.

Then, one day, Julia met Tyler.

From day one Julia could sense that there was something different about Tyler. He was so sweet and thoughtful and he remembered the tiniest little details of conversations they’d have and surprise her when she’d discovered a very intimate detail that he would remember about her. Even though they had been on multiple dates, Tyler never ever pushed her to have sex until she was ready. (Something her previous boyfriends absolutely had not done.)

When they finally did do the deed, it was the best most comfortable she had ever been with another person. The cherry on top came though when he was brushing her hair out of her face and smiling down at her. He kissed her on the forehead and spoke, “You’re my adorable little princess, you know that?”

Julia’s heart almost stopped. No one besides her parents had ever called her that, and it had never been said with such compassion.

Months went by as the two of them grew closer and closer. Julia had never felt cuter, safer, or happier than when she was around Tyler. He didn’t seem to mind when she would talk about princesses, he even encouraged it! He told her that he loved seeing how passionate she was about something she loved. He would even watch princess movies with her! Even when she wanted to watch them twice in a row. Julia could barely believe how lucky she felt.

There came a day though when Tyler asked her if there was something he could share with her. He said that it was partly sexual, but it didn’t need to be completely. She rubbed her hand over his cheek and assured him that he could tell her anything.

He then revealed his diaper fetish to her. She was quite surprised, but didn’t interrupt him at all while he did his best to explain. He explained all about his interest in diapers. He wore them sometimes, and it made him happy and excited to see beautiful girls wearing them.

“Do you like it when girls... use them?” She asked. Tyler looked nervous as he nodded his head. He was quick to assure her though that he would never pressure her into anything at all and if it was something that she wasn’t interested in than that was fine.

To be honest, Julia would have suspected that something like this might weird her out more... but it really didn’t. She’d grown so comfortable with him that she’d almost used the taboo nickname ‘Daddy’ on him a few times, but hadn’t for fear he’d think it was weird. She loved him though, and was willing to at least give anything a try. She leaned in, kissing him on the lips and told him to tell her more.


“Daddyyyyyyyy!” Julia called out. Tyler rushed into the room to make sure his girl was okay.

“Yes sweetheart, what is it?”

Julia was just laying on the bed giggling though and pointing at the screen. “You’re gonna miss the best part! Rapunzel and Flynn are about to do their duet!” Tyler chuckled at his cutie as she bounced on the bed. Becoming his Little Girl had done nothing to hinder her love of princesses. In fact, it seemed if anything to help her love them even more now that she was able to fully give up her adult responsibilities for a while and enjoy them to the fullest.

“Okay baby. Do you need a change?” He asked. Giggling, slightly mischievously, Julia leaned back and lifted her legs up high in the air while holding the skirt of the princess dress she was wearing up to show off the absolutely soaked diaper around her crotch. “Oh baby, you’re almost bursting.” Tyler took the remote and paused the movie. “Let Daddy get you changed and then I’ll watch the whole duet with you, okay sweetie pie?”

Julia felt happiness flow through her as she sucked on the paci in her mouth and opened her legs a little to let him change her. “Yeth Daddy, hehehe.”

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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