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Just like she had initially before going to see her charge, Kate killed a lot of time in the guest bedroom when she had finished changing. She didn’t want anyone to see her wearing such an infantile garment, but perhaps the girl she’d babysat for as a child most of all. Kate herself had changed Megan’s diapers more times than she could ever have kept track of, and now she was going to be forced to wear a diaper herself in front of her charge. Megan was an adult by now, but she was supposed to be a babysitter! She almost couldn’t comprehend how furious she was at what she was being forced to do! This diaper was ridiculous. The padding of it was so thick that she couldn’t even close her legs all the way! And when she tried to walk, she surely had a little bit of a waddle, despite her usual feminine grace.

Taking a deep breath, Kate reminded herself that it was all for the money. All she had to do was prove to Megan that she would do as she asked and get through the night. Then tomorrow she’d be able to trash the diaper and never ever wear one again. Best of all though, once she got paid for tonight, she was going to hightail it out of here and never work for this nutso family again, no matter how good the pay was!

“Kate?” Megan was calling out to her from the living room. She had been in here for a while, even before she’d started procrastinating exiting the room. “Little Katie? Are you all right in there? Do you need your sitter’s help getting your diapie on?” The girls’ statement infuriated Kate even more. She despised being called Katie. It made her sound like a child, which she supposed she kinda was at the moment. How dare Megan say that she’s the sitter now though. Kate was still the one in charge... or at least she liked to think she was.

“I’m fine!” Kate called out, her face red with anger. She could hear Megan giggling from the other room. “Well hurry up and get out here then crinkle butt! Otherwise I’ll have to come in there myself and check.”

Kate wasn’t really sure it mattered where the girl actually got to see her sitter wearing a diaper, but she had a feeling that if Megan had to come in here and check for herself she’d probably make things a lot worse for her “Little Katie”.

The babysitter stood up and grabbed some clothes. Finding something that could sufficiently hide what she was wearing was quite a challenge. Luckily for her, despite not being here to babysit for long, she’d over packed just in case, having enough clothes for at least a few outfits. She quickly dismissed any skirt or dress knowing her charge could very easily catch a glimpse of the padding underneath or just come over and flip the skirt up. Trying to wear one of her tight pairs of pants over the poofy diaper didn’t make her feel any better, but at least the diaper would visibly be covered.

Kate went with her blue jeans and thanked God that she hadn’t brought her skintight pair with her, though these ones were still pretty tight. Getting them up and over the diaper proved to be quite a challenge as she grunted, yanked, and tugged.

“Sure you don’t need help?” Megan called out again as she was in the middle of the process. “Sounds to me like someone’s having a little accident in there.” She could hear the fit of giggling that followed what Megan had said, causing Kate’s face to turn bright red for a whole different reason.

“Shut up!” She called out, which only made Megan giggle harder.

Once Kate’s pants were finally on all the way, she made sure they wouldn’t fall down. The shirt she was wearing wasn’t long enough to hide her waistband, so she changed to a black tank. Finally, she was ready to face the music. With a soft sigh, Kate opened the door and walked out to the living room where she found Megan sitting in a big comfy chair, reading a magazine and waiting for her. Kate had been complaining too much before to truly notice, but she once again had the thought that the younger girl had really grown in the chest area, made all the more obvious by what she was wearing. Kate wished it didn’t make her feel so self-conscious about her own chest, but it absolutely did.

Also unlike Kate, Megan sat as confidently as could be while sitting in a diaper. She didn’t seem to mind wearing one much. In fact, it was quite clear that she enjoyed it. She was smiling and humming to herself while she read her magazine, her legs confidently wide open as she gave no indication of caring at all about someone seeing what she was wearing.

Megan smile grew as she looked up and noticed her babysitter. “Oh, there she is, hehehe...”

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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