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It had been almost 7 months since that day that Tina had first worn a sneaky little baby diaper underneath her dress; wearing out in public for the very first time. It had seemed like a simple date at first, nothing too crazy. Tina was talking her girl out to a cute place to walk around for a while, relax in the sun, and get something to eat. Chloe had no idea what secret Tina had underneath her sexy dress.

Over the course of the days leading up to that date Chloe had told her a lot more about the kink and the community surrounding it. Tina found a lot of it admittedly a little strange, but she was also quite surprised by how excited she found the idea of it all. The idea of her soon-to-be-girlfriend (Hopefully.) sucking on a pacifier, or sitting in a car seat or a high chair made her blush but she also found the idea unbelievably cute when she thought about her cute little girl doing it.

That date had ended up having a lot of firsts for Tina. First time wearing any sort of diaper in public, first time wearing a baby diaper instead of a diaper made for adults, first time wearing a diaper by herself without Chloe doing it with her, first time she’d worn a diaper in public rather than just at Chloe’s house, and first time doing... one other little thing.

To say Chloe was excited when Tina finally revealed her diaper to her that day would be the understatement of the year. Tina had one more surprise for her though that day. She took her to the bathroom where they were and they went into the big stall together. Tina hiked up her dress, sat down on the open toilet lid, closed her eyes, and let out a gentle sigh as she relaxed all her muscles.

Chloe watched, wide eyed and practically drooling, as Tina totally soaked the pull-up she was wearing. As she suspected, a diaper made for a real baby didn’t hold much at all and it didn’t take long for the diaper to spring a leak and pour into the toilet beneath her. It didn’t matter though, Tina was excited as well as thoroughly embarrassed at having done something so childish in front of Chloe, while Chloe was just giggling and turned on as she enjoyed the show.

After Tina had finished up going potty in her diaper, Chloe had helped her remove it and threw it away while Tina pulled the spare pull-up she’d brought with her out of her purse.

“Ya know,” Tina had said. “I brought this for you to possibly put on.”

Chloe chuckled at her and gave her a soft pat on the head before opening the baby changing station and lifting Tina up onto it. “That’s funny sweetheart.” Chloe said in a half sympathetic half mocking voice. “But I’m old enough to wear big girl panties like these.” Chloe held up her skirt and showed off the sexy red panties she was wearing.

“But I--...” Tina starts to say but Chloe cuts her off.

“Meanwhile, my little girl knew enough to know she couldn’t be trusted to wear big girl panties and turns out it’s a good thing she did, look how soaked those things ended up.” Chloe couldn’t help herself from giggling a little at Tina’s embarrassed shy face, but did her best to stay in character. “Mommy is very proud of you for knowing better babygirl. Now let’s get your little butt wrapped up again nice and safe before you get this changing table all wet.”

Chloe winked at Tina as the older girl was blushing more than she ever thought was possible while Chloe unwrapped the pull-up and started getting ready to put it on her cute date.

The rest of their date that day was just as amazing as could be as Tina went full baby mode and Chloe went full Mommy mode. Since then, the two of them had filled every role they could and consistently switched whenever one of them was feeling more daring than the other. Tina had played the role of Mommy, Baby, Baby Sister to Baby Chloe and had shockingly loved every minute of it.

Tina had tried plenty of kinks over her years, but she’d never suspected that something like this would somehow become one of her favorites.

Now, 7 months later, Tina and Chloe were longtime officially girlfriends (A fact that truthfully still delighted both of them to no end.), and they had been on more dates then they could even keep track of. (Diapers being somehow involved in quite a big fraction of those.)

Even tonight they were going out on a cute yet simple date to see a movie, but they decided they would dress up a little for the occasion...


This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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