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After Lela had replaced the phone back where she’d found it, the three girls one by one exited the bathroom. All of them a mixture of furious and sniffles, nervously waiting for what Lela was going to do next.

“Okay girls, I talked it over with the Nurse (Which was a lie.) and we agreed that just to be on the safe side you’ll need to put on some protection for the rest of the day, okay?!”

Lela did her absolute best to stop the long overdue evil grin from falling onto her features as she one by one, pulled out large poofy and colorful diapers and changed each girl into one, despite their squeals, struggling, and furious protests. Jessica knew that Lela was behind this and multiple times tried to threaten her with her evidence or something else altogether; but Lela satisfyingly ignored her while she got Jessica’s spoiled ass into a diaper of her own. Cute and floofy and white, putting the blonde princess’s hair into pigtails for good measure.

She retrieved skirts for each of them, ones that were all purposely quite short and could flash their undergarments if they weren’t careful. When she was finally done changing all three she said,

“Okay, now I want you to lift your skirts for me, I need to make sure they’re all on properly. We wouldn’t want any extra accidents.” The girls didn’t want to listen to her, but they could feel their own stomachs getting ready for round 2 and didn’t want to leak when that ended up happening.

But when they all lifted their skirts Lela raised her phone and said, “Say cheese!” All girls were left stunned as Lela took multiple pictures of them in that position for lowering her camera. “Oh girls... we’re gonna have so much fun...” As if on cue, the girls answered her with painful groans from their stomachs. Jessica gritted her teeth together and tried to stop the inevitable, but she moaned as she felt a fresh wave of filthy mush push out into her new padding, the extra sagging that caused in her diaper did not help in hiding the garment under her dangerously short skirt.

“Oh nooo...” Lela giggled, putting her hand against the still expanding rear of Jessica’s diaper. “Is the poor little baby already having another poopy accident right after I changed her diaper? Oh well... I can’t change you every second of every day sweetheart. I guess you’ll just have to go to your next class like that and I’ll change you again later.”

Tears were now in the younger spoiled girls’ eyes as Lela herded the three girls towards the door. “Don’t worry, just pull your skirt down and spray some perfume and no one will know... probably.”

Lela did her best to hold back her giggling as the three whining girls were moved out into the hallway as the bell rang, kids flowing out of classroom doors to reach their next destination.

The TA gave her old bratty student another pat on her mushy bum and got her moving. “Go on now honey’s! Get to class! I’ll know if you’re late, don’t make me write you up!”

Whimpering to themselves, Jessica and her friends did as they were told and hurried off to class, feeling their painful bowels continue to churn, clearly not done yet.


Within a week, things had changed entirely. Lela had been sure to destroy any and all evidence that Jessica had of her own diapers, and now that she had evidence against her and her friends, they were all made to wear and use diapers just like the TA they had picked on every single day to school, sending Lela almost hourly pictures to confirm they were being good.

One of the days that Jessica had come to Lela’s room to get her supplies of weekly diapers, Lela had gained some cockiness of her own dressed in just her shoes and socks, cute shirt, diaper, and plastic pants. She knew that Jessica could try to threaten her again or try to take another picture, but she would never dare. Lela had a full video of her poopy accident that first day and had taken at least 100 photos since then. And unlike Jessica she had been smart enough to save them and back them up to multiple other devices and USB’s.

Jessica miserably took her supplies, as she left the room a diaper currently under her jeans right then. Lela giggled to herself at the waistband sticking out of the back of the girls’ pants. She hoped that multiple people would spot it on Jessica’s way back to her own dorm room. As she shut the door behind her, and glanced back at the TA angrily, Lela just smiled at stuck her tongue out at her.

Lela was thrilled with herself at the revenge she’d gotten. Luckily for Jessica and her friends, they would only be at school for another 2 months and then they’d graduate. At that point Lela would let them off the hook... probably...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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