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As they all walked to class, Lela made sure they all finished them up, reminding them that there were no drinks allowed in their class.

Sitting patiently in Ms. Finiwick’s class Lela waited for the perfect moment...

She had planned this day out perfectly. She knew the 3 girls were going to swing by that morning to pick up the homework they had made Lela do for them before class, so Lela had sweetly offered to Ms. Finiwick to completely make the teaching plan for the day. (A plan Ms. Finiwick had zero argument about, as she never did the actual teaching anyways.)

So, being fully in charge of class for the day, Lela the TA started with a short lecture before the ‘surprise’ she claimed she had for the class. She waited, keeping a close eye on her 3 star students, until the moment she saw them all wriggling uncomfortably in their seats. She waited until the moment she knew one of them was about to ask for the bathroom before she sprung her ‘surprise’...

“Pop Quiz!” Lela called out.

Most of the students groaned, but she knew her simple quiz really wouldn’t be a problem at all for most of them. But... for Lela’s 3 star students she immediately could see the fear in their eyes as they knew one of Ms. Finiwick’s strict rules:

NO Bathroom Breaks during quizzes or tests.

Lela didn’t make the quiz all that hard, (She had no desire to punish the other students.) but she did make it excruciatingly long for a pop quiz. Taking a seat, she smirked and watched and waited. Just as her own accident a few days ago had been inevitable, so was her star students’... All three of them tried to wave her over or desperately ask Lela if they could leave for just a minute to go to the bathroom, but Lela just smiled and shook her head,

“Come on... you’re all big girls. Can’t you hold it?”

Well, the answer to that question came swiftly and dramatically.

It started very suddenly with their little group letting out helpless farts, which got the rest of the students glancing and giggling, but only a few moments later, it was all over. Just like that, with Lela secretly filming the entire thing with her own phone she’d set up in the back of the classroom, 3 of the most popular girls in school filled their panties, jeans, and skirts to the brim with smelly mushy accidents. It was one of the most amazing sights Lela had ever watched.

Ms. Finiwick and the other students were almost in as much shock as the three girls as their own bowels and bladders betrayed them; filling their underwear as if all three of them were helpless toddlers who didn’t know any better. Jessica was trying to keep her cool, but was obviously failing as her friends practically burst into tears from their own helplessness.

“What the hell..?” Ms. Finiwick blurted out, her attention finally being taken off what she was reading to stare at her three students, grown women, who had done something so obscenely childish.

The only one who burst into action, was the one who had secretly caused this to happen. “Oh noooo... oh dear girls, what happened?” Lela said as she helped Jessica out of her seat, trying to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. Jessica was glaring daggers at her. She knew that this was somehow Lela’s fault, but she hadn’t yet figured out how. Lela smiled up at Ms. Finiwick. “Oh don’t worry about them Ms. Finiwick, I heard there was a really bad bug going around. It seems our poor girls here got it. You hold the fort down here and I’ll get them to the Nurse’s office right away!”

Grabbing her phone, Lela stopped herself from giggling as she led the girls to the Nurse’s office. She quickly explained to the Nurse that she was a TA and what had happened back in their classroom and assured the woman that she would help the students get cleaned up. (Something the Nurse had no problem not helping with.)

Lela herded each of the three crying girls into the shower and took their clothes from them while they cleaned themselves off. This was when the final part of her plan came to fruition...

She grabbed Jessica’s phone from her bag and went to her settings. (She had long known the password after seeing Jessica put it in on multiple occasions.) While the girl were distracted Lela felt her entire soul become satisfied as she DELETED all photo and video memory on her phone. She connected herself to her ICloud to make sure every single piece of evidence she had was permanently deleted, not just deleted off of this advice. She swept the whole photos and videos section not just once, but twice just to be sure. Every piece of evidence that Jessica had of her was now gone forever.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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