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“Pleeeeeease?” The little girl said with puppy dog eyes. She reached out and grabbed Mary’s hand in her own, but to Mary’s shock her hand wasn’t soft and warm, it was very cold and sticky! In fact, their hands were lightly sticking together!

“Ewww! What the hell?” Mary said as she pulled her hand away, noticing the dark green paint that had been on the girls hand and was also now all over hers.

“You’re not supposed to say that word.” The girl mumbled softly as Mary furiously got up off the tiny chair.

“You little brat!” Mary yelled out, making the little girls eyes grow wide with surprise. Mary had yanked her hand away fast from the girl, but she’d done it so fast that a few drips of the green paint flew off her own fingers and splattered onto her designer dress. “Unbelievable!” Mary cried out. “Look what you made me do! Stupid little girl. Leave me alone, you dumb baby.”

Unsurprisingly, the little girl quickly began to cry. “I’m not a baby...”

“Oh really? You’re wearing a diaper. Only babies wear diapers dummy. Duh!” The little girl clearly wanted to say something in response, possibly that she was wearing a pull-up not a diaper, but she was crying too much at this point.

In a flash, Charlotte was suddenly next to both of them and started holding and comforting the little girl, using a washcloth to wipe her hand off simultaneously. It didn’t take her very long to get the girl calmed down and shooed her off to play somewhere else. Then, she turned to her sister.

“What the hell was that?” She said in a clearly furious but calm voice.

“I know!” Mary said exasperated, not getting what her sister was talking about. “That little brat got shit all over me, I can’t believe it! Do you know how much this dress—OW!” Her words were cut off as her sister swiftly grabbed her by the ear and started dragging her towards one of the back rooms. “Ow ow! Hey, fuck! What are you doing? Ow!” Mary was horrified as that last ‘ow’ came from her older sister giving her a hard smack on her backside through her dress. She struggled and wiggled in her sister’s grip but it was too painful to try to get her ear loose.

“We do not use that kind of language here young lady! How dare you.” Charlotte spoke to her sister, mortified and furious at her behavior. “You know, I was over there filling out an application to get you a job here.”

“Ow... ow what? A job?”

“Yes! A job? I know you’ve heard the word before young lady. Since you weren’t finding one on your own, I was just going to let you have the simplest job here so you could make some money. But clearly you couldn’t even handle that!” Charlotte pulled her sister all the way to a back room and threw her down onto the carpeted floor before shutting the door behind her. The room they were both now in looked a lot like the daycare outside. Covered in simple furniture, a couple hanging lights, lots of stuffed animals and diapers, etc. “Welcome to our private room Mary.” Charlotte said, her arms crossed. “We reserve this room normally for little kids who are being naughty. And that’s exactly what I’m going to use it for today.”

Charlotte sprang on her sister and began to strip her down to the other girls’ shock. Mary screamed and wiggled and tried to pull away from her sister, but it was no use! Her older sister had always been much bigger than her. Charlotte quickly stripped her of her dress, her bra, socks, shoes, and finally her panties making Mary’s face bright red. She took a wash cloth and with a little scrubbing managed to get all of Mary’s beautiful makeup removed. The girl now being in public without a single trace of makeup for the first time in almost a decade. Without it, the prim and proper fashionista felt naked... besides the fact that she actually was now naked.

“Charlotte, what are you doing?! Let me go!” Mary screamed out.

“No, I won’t. You’ve been acting like a naughty brat, worse than most of my children, and none of them are older than 6! I tried to be nice and be a good big sister and help you when Mom and Dad kicked you out, but enough is enough. You just proved to me that you’re just a little baby who deserves exactly what she’s gonna get. It’s not my fault you wasted all the money they gave you!”

“Screw you! I am not a brat! I’m a grown woman! And who cares about their money, that’s why I just borrowed your credit card so I could...” Mary froze mid-sentence, her eyes growing wide as she realized what she’d just admitted.

“You... what?!” Charlotte said, feeling the fire inside of her growing.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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