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“Hmmm... that’s quite peculiar.” Alice said allowed looking down at the table. On it appeared to be a small bottle of milk with a sign next to it, a plate of cookies with another sign, and a small white dummy.

She knelt down and rested on her knees to get an even closer look at the objects. The small sign next to the bottle of milk read ‘Drink Me’ and the sign next to the plate of cookies read ‘Eat Me’.

“How strange,” Alice said aloud softly. She knew she had seen this type of magic before. Last time she’d stumbled across signs that had read ‘Eat Me’ and ‘Drink Me’ she ended up growing like a giant until she started crying where she ended up taking something else to shrink herself until she was small enough to ride a boat through her tears.

The food now in front of her weren’t exactly the same things she’d eaten and drank that day, but would the magic within them be the same? There really was only one way to find out.

“Go on young Alice, they’ll make you feel happy and free. I promise.”

Alice was truthfully a little nervous to try them but as usual, despite the Cheshire Cat’s persistent warnings, she couldn’t help her own curiosity.

She reached down and grabbed one of the cookies off the plate, then settled back down to sit on her knees. She looked at the cookie from all sides, even gave a good sniff and catching the scent of peanut butter. The cookie itself didn’t look particularly special, but then again, none of the food in this world ever looked as special as they usually turned out to be.

Alice knew what she was doing was risky, she had seen before what could happen in this world. She sat up a moment and almost put the cookie back down... but froze. Her brain was telling her body to drop it, but her heart wouldn’t let her. She felt that same strange tugging sensation that she had felt before. The exact strange ‘tugging’ sense within her heart that had more or less physically pulled her here was now stopping her from dropping her cookie. As she stared down on it, she could see the twinkling of sprinkles across the top of it; it looked soooo tasty...

“Alice dear, what are you waiting for? Come on now... give it a bite...”

As the words ran through her mind Alice could feel her body moving back down into the position it had been in before as she sat back down onto her knees. Before she could think about anything else, her body was practically doing it for her. The cookie did look awfully good... Her right hand that was holding the cookie moved towards her mouth and pulled away only when she had taken a big bite out of the cookie.

“It’s done... Good Girl... Good Alice...”

Alice chomped down on the bite of the cookie and the strangest feeling of euphoria ran through her whole being. The cookie was probably the best thing she’d ever tasted in her life. Tingles and chills ran through her skin as Alice sat there trying to comprehend what was happening.

Was she growing bigger... no.

Was she shrinking... no.

Something was surely happening though and she couldn’t figure out what. Her emotions and her body were starting to feel... lighter almost. Like she was about to float out of her own skin. Her whole being felt calmer and less weighed down by gravity itself. Then she felt the strangest sense of all... underneath her dress.

“The real change begins...” The voice said softly.

It was such an odd feeling that Alice was having trouble figuring out what was happening at first; especially with her emotions all over the place. The feeling was located on her crotch, underneath her skirt. Her undies, they were... expanding? She didn’t know how or why, but it felt as if her undergarments were growing bigger. They had been small, skinny, and very soft against her butt, and now they were growing bigger by the moment until they began to push Alice’s legs apart. Still holding her cookie in one hand, Alice reached down and firmly pressed her hand against her own crotch, trying to figure out what was going on.

“Oh dear,” Alice remarked as she dropped the rest of the cookie to the carpet. “What on Earth is going on?” She cried out.

“Don’t worry dear. It won’t take long. There’s nothing you can do about it now.”

Alice wasn’t sure what to make of the voice’s words as her crotch continued to expand underneath her dress. She knew she should look, but she was very scared to. The underwear she had been wearing had been extremely soft and comfortable. Whatever they had transformed into was now bulky, hot, and made a sound similar to the crunching of leaves with every small move she made.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :





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