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Alice had been to Wonderland on so many different occasions ever since she was a child. She’d first discovered it so many years ago and had several different adventures since her first time falling down a rabbit hole. This world could be dangerous at times, but in Alice’s opinion it was most often a wondrous place filled with magic, curiosities, and the most intriguing of intriguing characters. Nothing like her world back home. Just that morning she had her usual tea with the Mad Hatter and had a very unusual chat with her good friend the Cheshire Cat about directions and where she was going.

Despite her conversation though, Alice found herself in an area of Wonderland that she’d never seen before. In all her years of exploring places like the Queen’s castle and Tulgey Wood; she’d never found a place that seemed so... normal. She knew she was still in Wonderland, (After all she’d found this place by walking through a hole in the Bandersnatch’s lair.) but it was definitely the most ordinary place in Wonderland that she’d found. It more or less just looked like someone’s normal house back in her own world.

She could still feel the very light presence of magic around her; but if it wasn’t for that she might have thought she’d found a new portal back home. Looking around the place Alice didn’t find too many things out of the ordinary. It seemed just like a regular house. No Jubjub birds, no March Hares. It was all quite, peculiar to say the least.

The young Alice continued searching through the house, eventually making her way up the stairs. She wasn’t sure how to describe it, but she could feel something (Maybe a source of magic of some kind.) pulling her up the stairs. It was like strings tugging her heart along to where she was being led.

Following her gut, Alice found herself in a large room on the second floor. ‘The Mad Hatter would love this room.’ She thought, there were several different tea sets shoved into shelves or on tables. Again, she couldn’t tell how she knew; but Alice could sense a strong magical presence in this room. Something had been calling her to this room...

“Hello Alice...”

The voice was a strange whisper. Neither male nor female. It was so soft and light that Alice could almost have been led to believe that she’d misheard or just imagined the voice entirely.

“H-hello? Who’s there?” Alice called out, slightly fearful, but also somehow knowing that she had nothing to fear from the voice.

“Welcome Alice...”

The voice spoke to her in a strangely alluring way. As the words sank into one of her ears and out the other it was strangely soothing, like someone was giving her brain a soft massage.

“Hello?” Alice said again. “Please... tell me who you are?” Alice looked around the room, trying to find any source of where the voice might be coming from; but it didn’t appear to be coming from anywhere visible. It’s like the voice was just in the air, or the voice was the air. The voice ignored her question,

“Dear child, you look just exhausted. You must have had a long journey.”

Alice supposed that was true. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been in Wonderland this time. Time worked kinda strangely here. She originally had just come for a visit to some of her friends, but as usual she had gotten caught up in more and more strange events.

That was when she started hearing, ‘The Call’ as she had named the strange tugging sensation. She didn’t know what it was, but something was wanting her to come to this place. She didn’t think too hard about it, but maybe she should have. The Cheshire cat always warned her of what happened to cats who grew to be too curious; but this time Alice couldn’t satisfy hers without checking things out. That’s how she’d found herself in this oddly normal place for such an extraordinary world.

“I guess so.” Alice, somewhat reluctantly agreed. “It was a nice journey though.” She added cheerfully.

“I’m sure it was my child. But I have left you some refreshments to help you feel fresh as a daisy once again.”

“Refreshments?” Alice asked.

“On the table child. Please enjoy.”

There was a small flash of light in the corner, and as Alice turned to look a small flutter of playing cards floating to the ground, and at the center of the cluster she saw a tiny table she was sure hadn’t been there before. The mysterious voice’s words rang through her mind as she started towards it. She walked over to the table and bent over slightly to look at it, accidentally showing off her cute knickers underneath her short skirt to anyone who might have been looking.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :





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