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Nick got back to Eliza's house after visiting the school and couldn't be happier with the way things had turned out. He grabbed a shopping bag from the car and headed up to Eliza's room. He hadn't really anticipated things progressing so quickly. He thought Eliza would put up a bit more of a fight but here she was falling for his every move. He was thankful that he had the rest of the afternoon to run to the shops and make some more slight changes to Eliza's wardrobe. After he had added some outfits to her wardrobe and refilled her drawers with all manner of kiddy clothing he just needed to add the finishing touches. 

He grabbed the shopping bag and took out the purple package of Drynites bedtime underwear. He smirked at the smiling preteen girl on the package and couldn't help but think how cute a pouty Eliza was going to look with a puffy, pink and purple butterfly Drynite between her legs. Boy was she going to pout when he put them on her. He placed the package, unopened on the end of Eliza's bed right next to a new pair of High School Musical themed pyjamas. Nick arranged them on her bed just as a parent might do for a child. As soon as Eliza saw the outfit there would be no mistaking it had been laid out for her to wear. He left the room to go and file some paperwork while he waited for his charge to arrive home at her usual time of around 4:00pm. 

Apart from a few weird looks the rest of the school day was rather uneventful for Eliza. She made sure to keep her shorts rolled and checked after she went to the bathroom that her undies were still peeking up above them just in case Nick came back. As embarrassing as it was she now knew what Nick was capable of and was determined to follow every rule to make sure he didn't have any excuses to humiliate her further. On top of that Nick had mentioned she would get a choice tonight if she behaved, she wasn't sure what it could be but the possibility of holding onto to any of the grown up decisions she could kept her in line.  

She got off the bus and as she was walking up to the front door raised her shirt to have one final check of her clothing. The word BONDS repeating proudly around her hips. She opened the door and hesitantly walked inside. She put her bag down and wasn't sure what to do next. She felt a bit like a stranger in her own home, or maybe it was more that she knew she wasn't in charge anymore and was waiting to be told what to do. Something compelled her to call out while she was standing just inside the front door at the bottom of the stairs "Nick, I'm home!" 

"I'm in the bathroom, come up here please" she heard the straightforward reply. He didn't sound angry but Eliza knew she was still in trouble as she ascended the stairs to the second floor. She heard the bath filling up and remembered Nick saying that it would be bath, dinner and early bed as punishment for her transgressions that morning and at school. She didn't understand why she couldn't have just turned on the shower herself though. 

She walked into the bathroom and Nick directed her to sit on the edge of the tub. He squatted down in front of her so there eyes were level, as one would do when addressing a child. "I'm disappointed in your behaviour today Eliza. I thought I would have been able to trust you. Big girls can be trusted to listen and follow the rules but bratty little girls throw tantrums and try to be sneaky and break the rules. Now, we've just started this program so I'm not going to change your stage formally yet, but how you behave tonight will dictate what happens tomorrow. Do you understand?" 

"Yes Nick. I'm sorry," Eliza replied solemnly. 

Nick continued "you're being punished tonight, you were already getting an early bedtime for your behaviour this morning but I couldn't let your little display of rebellion go. You acted like an immature, bratty little girl today and so tonight that's how I'm going to treat you. I want you to explain to me why you're being punished so I know you understand please."

Eliza couldn't imagine how she could be treated anymore like a little girl as she sat on the edge of the bath being ran for her at 4:05 in the afternoon. She sighed "I'm being punished because you asked me to wear my clothes the way you put them on me this morning and I didn't listen to you."

"And why was it important you left them that way?" He prompted her. 

She went on "so I could show you that you could trust me and so you could see I didn't change my underwear." She cringed a little as she said the last part. She was 18 years old and couldn't choose when to change her own underwear!

"Good girl. Alright, it's bath time for you little one." Eliza went to stand up until she realised Nick was reaching for her shoes. She forgot she wasn't allowed to undress herself. Once he had her shoes and socks off Nick stood her up and, following the routine Eliza was now familiar with he took her top and shorts off her leaving in her pink bra and undies. Although she now knew what he expected, it didn't make it any less embarrassing for her. "Stay there for me Lize" he said as he moved her to the side slightly and dipped his hand in the water. "Nice and warm for you" he said more to himself than her. 



Thus is an amazing story!