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Chapter 26 = The Little Sister: “I think I might have a problem.” Lauren said softly. Alice and I both turned to look at what she was talking about. She was still standing next to our car but she was trying to hide herself a little between our car and the one next to it.

“Lauren?” Alice said, a little concerned. “What’s wrong?”

Lauren flashed a nervous smile at us. “Oh... heh, nothing... don’t worry about me. It’s okay... I’m fine, really.” Alice and I glanced at each other confused. Alice spoke again, this time a little more sternly.

“Lauren, come here.” The short girl squirmed where she stood. It was by this point that I realized that she was holding her hands at her crotch. My eyes went wide as I realized what was going on.

“No... Alice I...”

“Now Lauren.” The heaviness in Alice’s voice made me jump, I’m glad it wasn’t directed at me. Lauren let out a little nervous squeak, but she obeyed. She delicately took steps closer to us until she was next to us and in front of the open trunk. “Lauren, move your hands.”

“Alice... I’m a Mommy too, I didn’t...” She fidgeted on her feet, acting guilty. Alice simply continued to give her a stern look and crossed her arms. With her knees bent slightly together, Lauren slowly did as she was asked and removed her hands.

Even though we were expecting it Alice and I both let out a gasp as we saw the small wet spot on the crotch of Lauren’s skinny jeans. The girl was wearing a cute yellow top, sneakers, and very tight skinny jeans. Her jeans were doing nothing to help hide the little wet spot on them.

“Young lady!” Alice spoke in a very motherly tone before Lauren or I could get a word out. “I thought you told me that you could be trusted to be a Mommy for Little Lexi here; and what do I find you hiding on your pants? A wet spot!”

Lauren was squirming as Alice talked down to her. Her knees were bent and she was biting her lip. She looked desperate. The girl placed both her hands on her jeans covered bootie and gripped the material tightly. She was bouncing up and down slightly. “No, Alice... I’m sorry...” She said shyly.

Alice just stood there with her arms crossed, shaking her head down at the much shorter girl. “Lauren, I can’t believe you. At least Little Lexi here was smart enough to realize that she need to wear her little pull-ups. You were supposed to know better.”

I could see that Little Lauren’s knees were shaking a little bit. The poor thing was really starting to look like a little girl who was being berated by her Mommy. “No Alice... please... give me one more chance. This was just an accident. I promise it won’t happen again...”

Alice smirked at her. “Oh yeah, I’m supposed to believe that? Tell me why I should give you another chance. All you’ve done today besides helping me a little was pick out a stuffed animal for yourself and pee your little panties a little bit. Give me one good reason.”

Lauren was a little stumped. I could practically see the gears turning in her head, trying to come up with a good excuse. “Well... well I...” Needless to say, her next action did not help her case.

The young cute girl let out another sudden little gasp and pulled her hands away from her waist. All three of us watched in awe as the small wet spot on her jeans started to grow bigger and bigger, right there in the middle of the parking lot. At least the accident that I had had was contained to within my cute little pull-up; Lauren didn’t have that luxury. The small wet spot that had begun to slowly dry on her pants suddenly lit up again with a rush of more liquid. The spot grew slowly and then began to pick up speed. With Alice and I still watching the wetness dyed Lauren’s light jeans a darker shade with every inch that it spread to. The dampness blossomed from her crotch until the entire front of her skinny jeans were dark and it began to drip down her thighs. She was peeing so much that it wasn’t long before the liquid seeped in between her legs and the darker shade of her jeans crept up her butt and covered her entire backside as well.

Alice and I were practically slack jawed as we watched the scene unfold in front of us. I had to remind myself that less than 48 hours ago this girl had just been another beautiful female at my school that I knew nothing about. Now she was actually peeing herself in front of me, in public and in broad daylight!

The accident spread from the front of her crotch to her butt and then poured down her legs, totally soaking the front and back of her jeans and soaking into her shoes. Her face was bright red as she totally soaked herself. Her already skintight jeans were now soaking wet and clinging to her petite body. She held her arms at her sides, as the accident dribbled down her legs.

Finally, just as quickly as it had started, her accident was over. She stood there sniffling slightly as a medium sized puddle was spreading on the pavement from where Lauren was standing. Her punishment for not wearing any protection like I had was leaking all over herself.

Alice stood next to me, fuming. I was trying to figure out if she was actually mad, but I think she was just doing a good job at playing the upset Mother. She still had her arms crossed, and by this point I think she had just been waiting for Lauren to finish. Lauren stood there helplessly when she was done, unsure what to do. Like most of these confrontations seemed to be going, Alice was the one who finally broke the silence.

“Little girl,” She said. “I am very disappointed in you.” Alice stepped forward until she was standing right in front of Lauren, who quivered slightly under the much taller girl. “I trusted you to be Co-Mommy with me and you...” She chuckled a little as she looked over her mildly pathetic and whimpering form. “Failed miserably to say the least.”

Alice took hold of Lauren’s body and turned the girl around so she could view her accident from all angles. Even her cute little perky butt was soaked in wetness. She had really soaked herself.

“All right little girl, playing pretend is over for today. You are no longer a Mommy. In fact, I think you might even be Lexi’s little sister for a while.” Alice collected a few things in her purse and shut the trunk after I stood up from it. “Come on little one, we need to get you changed.” After slinging her purse over her shoulder Alice took Lauren and I both by the hand and began to lead us back towards the store. Lauren’s eyes immediately went wide.

“W-what? But... N-no... I can’t go in there. People will see...” Lauren gestured down at her soaked jeans.

Alice smirked at her. “They might little girl, but I’m not taking you home in the car like that. You need to be changed. Now let’s go.”

As Alice pulled us through the front door of the store once again, I think my heart was beating just as fast from excitement as Lauren’s was from nervousness.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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