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She felt Nick's hands against her hips and it took all she had not to throw them off her. "Turn around for me Lize, I need to check the fit," she let him turn her from her hips and felt his fingers against the small of her back, sticking into the waistband. With another snap of elastic they moved down around her cute round bum tracing the leg elastic there. Her skin crawled with every touch. Nick knew they fit fine, he was just happy with the effect this was having on his new charge. He couldn't have chosen a better pair of underwear, her pale skin contrasting so well against the brightly coloured fabrics. "Yeah, I thought the youth ones would still fit you" he quipped with a very light smack to her cotton clad bottom. So light that Eliza wasn't sure if it was an accident or not. He turned her back around, "You try and convince me your a big girl and yet you're all untidy down there," Nick's eyes flicked between her legs briefly. "We'll have to take care of that soon, you clearly can't do it yourself."

Eliza blushed with shame once again, he was right she hadn't trimmed herself down there in a few weeks. She always thought, "what does it matter, no one's going to see it anyway." But now she could see how immature it was to neglect to maintain her body like that. She felt foolish that Nick needed to point that out to her. 

Nick stood slightly and firmly held each of Eliza's wrists. There was a power and dominance in his grip that she wanted to defy but couldn't. "How I am supposed to get you dressed when you're covering up sweetheart? When I'm dressing you, these stay here understand?" He lifted Eliza's arms up overcoming her half hearted resistance and placed her hands on her head. She wasn't sure how she could feel even more powerless than before yet somehow, standing in just her childish underwear with her hands on her head she did. "Do you understand?" Nick repeated. 

Eliza mumbled a "yes" to the floor. Nick stood up fully infront of Eliza and gripped her soft chin in between his thumb and forefinger raising her eyes up to meet his. Nearly eye to eye yet so unequal, this man just a few years older than her had her head in his hand while she stood, hands on head in the underpants he had just put on her. 

"Is that how you talk to a grown up? Try again sweetie," Nick prompted. 

"Yes Nick, I understand. I'm sorry," the words just slipped out of Eliza's mouth, apologising for something she didn't even know was required of her. 

Nick smiled, he had won this one, "It's ok, it's been a big day. I need you to remember that one for next time though." He set himself back on the bed and unfolded the red pyjama pants with black and white lightning bolts dotted over them. He held them out for her "step in sweetheart." She hesitated for a moment then the temptation of actually covering up lead her to raise her left leg while Nick guided the pants onto her foot. She repeated with the other side and felt him pulling her pants up her leg. His fingers once again brushed against her bare skin as he drew them up her legs. She stood still as a he worked his fingers around her waist to get the pants sitting just right on her hips. "Ok lift your armies up for me, nice and high" she did as she was told once again not wanting to delay being covered. She felt him pull the grey long sleeve top over her head and shivered as his finger bushed past the soft sensitive flesh on her boobs. "See that wasn't so bad was it? I think you look super cute in your Harry Potter PJ's!" Nick cooed as he tugged aimlessly at her clothes. 

Eliza looked at herself in the mirror and the reality of how ridiculous she looked began to sink in. Standing there with her slightly damp hair and the Hogwarts crest emablazoned on her chest. Not to mention her new underwear which she may not have been able to see but could definitely feel, reminding her of her new status. She may as well have been a 13 year old girl as what she saw in the mirror definitely looked the part. It was all she could manage to let out a single tear that slid down her cheek. 

Nick caught sight of the tear, "Aww Lize, it's ok sweetheart. I think you could use an early night huh?" Eliza just nodded her head. "Ok, well go and see if you can do a wee before I put you to bed," he said as he gave the seat of her pyjamas pants a firm pat on her way past. Eliza clenched her fists to hold back a reaction and continued on her way to the bathroom. 

When she reappeared in her room she saw Nick standing next to her bed, her sheets turned down, ready for her to be tucked in. Something that she hadn't experienced since her nanny had left.

Nick wanted to make sure that she hadn't changed out of her underwear. He made her stand in front of him while he lowered her pyjama pants just enough to clearly see the branded waistband. Leaving her pants in their new position he said "what a good girl, I wasn't sure I could trust you to keep your new undies on. You're acting like such a big girl, you'll be back in big girl clothes in no time. Ok come on, time for beddies now Kiddo."

As she got into bed her shirt rode up slightly and Nick caught a final glimpse of the fluro orange and hot pink BONDS waistband sticking out of her pyjama pants. He smiled to himself at how embarassed she would be if she knew her underwear was exposed for all to see. "Goodnight Kiddo, sweet dreams," he said as he tucked her in and kissed her forehead. 

Nick switched the light off and closed the door. Finally Eliza was alone. She glanced at her clock, 8:25 and she was showered, in her pyjamas and tucked into bed. She couldn't understand how she had let this happen to herself at 18 years old. An adult! One thing was for certain, she wasn't going to let Nick continue to walk all over her tomorrow. Eliza closed her eyes and tried not to think about the wide elastic waistband of her new youth underwear gripping her hips. 


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