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Beth was never a very big fan of traveling. It didn’t really matter if her family was going to a gorgeous 5 star resort; something about traveling always made her particularly on edge. She didn’t know if it was the long car/plane rides, the lumpy hotel pillows, the lack of privacy she got when constantly being around her whole family, but leaving home always made Beth nervous for some reason or another.

No small cause of this was the accidents that she would occasionally have. It only happened when she seemed to leave home. She wasn’t sure if it was just a nervous bladder or something more; but it seemed that whenever Beth tried to travel with her family she would end up having at least little accidents.

She did her best to hide it from her family. Being the oldest, she especially wanted to hide it from her two younger siblings. Unfortunately, with how unpredictable they could be sometimes, her secret didn’t end up lasting very long.

On more than one occasion, she had fallen asleep in the car or even on a plane once and when she’d woken up she would be horrified to find the yoga pants or jeans she’d been wearing now had a large wet spot on them.

Her parents tried to be understanding, but it didn’t take long before they started getting pissed at her. “Beth! Really?! You’re how many years old?? You’re way too old to still be having accidents like this. This is ridiculous!” Beth tried going to the doctor’s to see if there was something seriously wrong with her, but after every test possible the doctor just shrugged and said, “I don’t see anything wrong dear. It really could just be a nervous bladder.”

Soon enough, to Beth’s misery, her parents started making her wear protection whenever they traveled more than two hours or so. Her Mother tried to find the simplest kinds that she could, but Beth knew what they really were; they were diapers. No ifs ands or buts about it. They were a garment made for people who couldn’t control themselves like little kids.

Her siblings LOVED making fun of her when they found out what their “cool big sister” had to wear. Their parents always yelled at them, but that didn’t really stop them. They would always call her names or lift up her skirt, putting her diaper on display, whenever they got the chance. It wouldn’t have been so bad if half the time Beth really had soaked her diaper at some point without her truly even being aware of it.

Finally, after years of dealing with it, it seemed like Beth had managed to get it somewhat under control. As much as she hated it, she just made sure to wear protection whenever she traveled somewhere that was different from her normal day to day destinations. After a while though, her problem died down for the most part and she didn’t always need to wear them as long as she was careful.

When she was 22 she finally met someone, a boy, who made her very happy and less nervous most of the time. The two of them dated for about two years until he finally surprised her by proposing! It was the most amazing feeling Beth had ever experienced. She was finally growing up for real. She would have a husband, and get their own place, and life would be beautiful.

The wedding happened and only a day or two later, Beth and her new hubbie headed off on their two week honeymoon. For a while, things seemed fine. She made it to the hotel fine and their first two days of vacation passed smoothly.

But then...

She woke up in their bed on the third day... and found her side of the bed soaking wet!

“No!” Beth cried out as quietly as she could. “Shit shit no! Not now...” She couldn’t deny it though. Her problem had reared its ugly head again.

Her new husband was in the other room taking a shower so before he could finish Beth stripped every sheet off the bed and rushed it the hotel door.

“Laundry miss?” A cleaning maid asked her seeing the ball of sheets in her hands.

“Uh... y-yes. Please.” Not really thinking about it fully, Beth placed her ball of sticky sheets into laundry and rushed back into her room and locked the door; not noticing the somewhat repulsed face that fell over the cleaning lady as the smell of the sheets wafted over her.


Later that evening, Beth had been doing her best to forget about her initial accident that morning. She took several deep breaths and tried to calm herself down. “It was just a one-time thing...” Beth assured herself as she got ready for their dinner that evening. Her own voice didn’t sound convincing to her though.

The last thing Beth wanted to do was put on protection around her new husband; but as she wrapped her crotch up in one she knew she had no choice. She quickly pulled a black floral dress over herself as she put the finishing touches on her makeup.

“Hey sweetheart?” Her husband called out from the other end of the apartment sized hotel room.

“Yeah?” She called back in reply.

“Check out this paper the hotel slipped under our door just now,

Dear Treasured Hotel Guests,

We are very thankful for your business and company, though we would like to remind any guests with small children who have ‘bed-time accidents’ to please keep their children in the proper protection so that we do not have a similar incident to the one this morning. If need be, we have the proper protection for such a young child available for sale downstairs in the lobby gift shop. Thank you, and we hope you have a wonderful stay.


Your Hotel Staff.

As Beth’s husband finished reading the letter he entered the bedroom where Beth had frozen stiff in shock while she was applying her lipstick; her jaw now hanging open.

“What’d you think that’s all--” Her husband stopped speaking mid-sentence as his eyes grew wide as he looked down towards Beth. Nervously Beth followed his gaze and could barely hold back a scream as she realized that when she’d put her dress on the material had snagged on the waistband of her diaper and most of it was still showing! That would have been bad enough, but as the two of them stood there in horrified silence, Beth could feel her nervous stomach give up and start to release a large load (Brought on by their large hotel breakfast.) right into the seat of her diaper; a type of accident that she had much less often than wetting her diaper, but had reappeared at the literally worst moment possible...



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