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Suffice it to say, after an extremely painful and also her first ever s panking in her life, Sarah was no longer the ‘grumpy pants’ her new Mommy had been saying she was. With her poor round bottom now as red as her shameful face, Sarah was warned by the woman that if she misbehaved or talked back again, she would get another s panking that was twice as long as well as a mouth soaping for all the “naughty language” she’d been using.

With tears in her eyes, poor Goth Sarah didn’t fight back this time for fear of getting punished again as the tall woman placed her sore bottom down gently onto the white padding. Holding onto both of Sarah’s ankles with one hand, the woman pulled something else out and promptly stuck something up Sarah’s butthole without a word. Sarah let out a horrified squeak as she felt it enter her.

“What is...?” She began to ask, but was quickly silenced with the woman hushing her with a finger against Sarah’s lips. Then the woman reached down and pulled the thick white padding over Sarah’s crotch. It only took a few moments as the woman expertly diapered the young lady. After she was diapered, she pulled out some more clothes one by one and put them on the whimpering and silently protesting Sarah. A cute dress, knee length white socks, and black Mary-Jane shoes. The finishing touch was when she put the girls’ hair into pigtails which Sarah hadn’t done since she was at least her sister’s age.

When the woman was finished she pulled Sarah to her feet with a big grin on her face. “Awwwwwww, you’re perfect. Look at how cute you are babygirl! So much more adorable than those old things.” She said, gesturing to Sarah’s discarded black clothes siting in a pile on the floor. “Don’t worry, you’ll never have to wear clothes like that again. I’ll be getting rid of all of those.” Sarah deeply wanted to protest, but she knew she’d just end up getting herself into trouble again and forced herself to keep her mouth shut. She was dressed in an outfit that her little sister would have loved, and ironically her parents would probably have approved of more than her usual Goth wear.

The diaper itself was very poofy and no matter how hard she tried, she was forced to stand a little bow-legged with the bulk of the padding keeping her legs apart. She didn’t know what the woman had put inside of her, but she could feel her stomach starting to rumble painfully.

“Okay sweetheart,” Her new Mommy said. “I want you to show it to me. And come on, give Mommy a smile.” Sarah reluctantly did as she was told and held onto the front of her dress and pulled it up enough to show off the padding underneath it. The woman held up her phone and snapped a few pictures before leaning over and tickling Sarah a little under the armpit. “I said, smile little girl.” She said firmly. Despite herself and her situation, Sarah couldn’t help herself and cracked a smile and a few giggles as she was tickled by the tall woman. “See?” Her new Mommy said to her as she snapped a picture. “That’s all you needed, just a little smile and look how cute you are now.”

She even had the girl turn around so she could take some cute photos of her poofy butt. The woman clearly enjoyed getting angles of Sarah’s diaper from every which way that she could manage; Sarah’s stomach starting to groan more by the minute as she was forced from one task to the next.

Her Mommy leaned forward again and tickled Sarah once again. The girl instinctively tried batting the woman’s hands away, but she couldn’t! The woman kept tickling her until Sarah was actively giggling and trying to wiggle away from the woman. Unfortunately for Sarah, she’d never had the strongest bladder in the world.

Sarah froze as she let out a high pitched gasp feeling a deep warmth flowing and spreading into the crotch of her padding. In her surprise, poor Sarah slipped and lost her balance; falling to the floor right onto her padded bum. Any control that she might have been able to regain after the initial release was completely gone as her body lost focus and stopped trying. Sarah sat there horrified on her padded bum on the floor as she felt the warmth spread out through the entirety of her diaper.

Sarah’s mouth hung open just slightly as she felt the warm flood continue to soak the padding she was sitting in. Starting near her butt, the padding quickly became more and more soaked as it spread up the front of her diaper as well as up her backside.

“Oh noooo...” The woman said in a voice that sounded very much like teasing. “Did the little girl have an accident? I guess I was correct after all to put you in those sweetie. Aren’t you glad now that you listened to Mommy? Otherwise you’d be sitting there making a little puddle on Mommy’s floor and your nice new clothes.”

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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