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“Say it again.” The new headmistress commanded. The tall figure herself was a very intimidating woman, and that wasn’t even including the things she was saying to the young girl standing next to her. The woman was clearly on the wealthier side. She was adorned in pearl jewelry, a pencil skirt to show off every one of her attractive curves despite, high heels to exaggerate the woman’s long slender legs, and blonde hair that hadn’t changed since the woman herself was the President of her high school class board team. “I said, say it again.” The tall woman repeated.

The young girl in the seat in front of her could feel her knees shaking as she cowered under the woman’s gaze. Personally, Shelly had never been sent to the Principal’s office before today. This new Principal of Shelly’s all girls boarding school had only been working there for 2 weeks but already Shelly had managed to get in trouble for something that hadn’t even been her fault. She had a bad feeling that today would be put on her permanent record for a while.

Shelly had always managed to one way or another, go head to head with Crystal. Crystal was one of the popular girls in school. She was gorgeous and she was on the gymnastics team. She was the girl who effortlessly had ever single boy in school looking her way. Unfortunately for Shelly, she always seemed to somehow be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The wrong place for today: the cafeteria.

She’d been minding her own business, just reading a book when Crystal and her friends had come up to her and started picking on her.

“Give it back!” Shelly said when one of them had taken her book.

“Why don’t you make us girly?” Crystal shot back with a smug expression. Angrily, Shelly accepted her challenge and made a lunge for the book; but Crystal and her lackeys were ready for her. They grabbed her arms and held them away from her body. Before Shelly could even struggle or cry out for help, Crystal reached into the waistband of her uniform skirt and gave her a painful wedgie from the front of her body.

Shelly tried to cry out in pain but her voice was caught in her throat. Crystal leaned in and whispered into her ear. “Let’s make you look a little bit more like the little girl I know you are.” Crystal smirked as one of her friends handed her an uncapped water bottle. With one hand held tightly on the painful wedgie she was giving Shelly, the bully girl took the water bottle and tipped it over directly into the girls’ tight pink underwear beneath her skirt. Shelly let out a shocked gasp as very cold water hit her privates and immediately soaked her underwear, pooling into the cotton material until it began dripping down her legs into her long white socks and shoes that were also part of the boarding school uniform.

“Stop it, hey stop!” Shelly called out, but it was too late. Crystal emptied the bottle’s water into the girl’s undies before quickly hiding the bottle away into her backpack.

“Hey everyone!” Crystal called out with a grin. “Little Shelly peed her pants!”

Shelly stood in shock as all eyes turned towards her and a wave of laughter and pointing quickly started. She felt like she wanted to cry, but she was more furious than sad. She looked at Crystal with venom in her eyes.

“You bitch!” Shelly flew at Crystal with the intention of choking the girl or at least grabbing her by the collar but instead...

“What is going on?” All the students went silent as they saw the headmistress standing there.

“Headmistress,” Shelly tried to explain, “She was...”

“My office young lady.”

“But I...”



“Say it again,” The headmistress said looking down at the miserable young girl in front of her.

“I’m... I’m sorry?” Shelly said unsurely. She sat in a chair in front of the headmistress with her lower body still totally soaked with water. Her soggy underwear squelching under her butt with every move she made.

“You should be young lady, you caused quite the scene in the cafeteria.”

Shelly couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “It wasn’t me! It was that other girl, Crystal! She’s the one who did this.” Shelly blushed a little bit as she gestured down at herself. Even though she knew it wasn’t her fault, it still embarrassed her to know what it clearly looked like.

“Shelly,” The Headmistress spoke angrily, surprisingly Shelly who hadn’t thought the woman knew her name. “That is enough! I will not have you blaming other students for your mistakes. If you needed to wear some protection because you couldn’t act mature enough to make it to the bathroom on time then that is your fault.”

Shelly wanted to rip out her hair in frustration, this woman wasn’t listening to her at all. “Headmistress! No, it’s not like that at all! I swear I didn’t have an accident, if you’d just let me explain I could...”

The Headmistress covered her mouth with a finger. “No no! I have heard plenty! I will not listen to a single one of your lies for a single moment longer. Now come!” The older woman grabbed Shelly a little painfully by the arm and dragged her to the Nurse’s office.

The Nurse smiled at the both of them. “Hello Ma’am, I’ve been waiting for you.” The Headmistress nodded to the other woman before turning to Shelly.

“Young lady, up on the table. At once!” Shelly didn’t dare argue as she hopped up onto the nurse’s examination table, her wet clothes squishing once more beneath her. The nurse began to search through one of the cupboards before finding a big square package and placing it down next to her. Shelly watched with confusion as the nurse pulled out a strange white object. As she unfolded it Shelly realized that it was some strange kind of underwear. She figured that the nurse would get her some new clothes, but she never expected...

“Wait!” Shelly said aloud as realization shocked through her. “Is that a... diaper?”

“I believe the correct term is a pull-up young lady, and you best be thankful we are putting you in one of these and not one of the diapers from the pre-K classrooms.”

Shelly squirmed on the table as the nurse brought the white pull-up towards her. “I don’t need these!” The Headmistress gave her an annoyed pointed look.

“Oh really? Because it sure looks like you do.”

The nurse unbuckled Shelly’s belt and pulled her wet skirt and underwear off in big tug. Shelly let out a nervous squeak and covered her private parts in front of the two faculty members.

“It wasn’t me!” She tried to defend herself. “It was Crystal, she...”

Shelly was shocked into silence once again as the Headmistress grabbed her legs, lifted them up in the air, and gave her a hard smack on the bare bottom.

“That is enough Shelly! If I hear one more word out of you, blaming other students for your inability to be a mature adult then I will give you a firm hard lesson with the disobedience paddle.” The woman leaned in and whispered in Shelly’s ear, mirroring what Crystal had done earlier. “Oh, and you might want to think twice next time before getting in a scuffle with the Headmistress’s daughter.”

Shelly’s eyes went wide in shock as she took a better look at the tall woman in front of her and realized how much she looked like her daughter. She was so stunned that she barely noticed as the nurse tugged the padded pull-up onto her legs, resting it on the girls butt.

“Good, now let’s go!” Shelly found herself being tugged along for the second time that day as the Headmistress took her by the hand.

“Where are we going?” She asked. Shelly had the urge to tug against the woman’s hand and fight this unfair punishment being done to her, but she knew that if she tried to fight the Headmistress it would surely not lead anywhere good. As the woman led her out of the Nurse’s office she suddenly realized one crucial thing.

“Wait! Headmistress! You didn’t let me grab my skirt!” Shelly was panicked but she tried to keep her voice down to avoid letting anyone hear her as the faculty member dragged her into the middle of the school hallway wearing nothing but her shoes, socks, and the pull-up the Nurse had put her in. Having the pull-up hiding under her skirt would be embarrassing enough but it was now on total display for anyone who happened to be walking through the hallway right now.

The Headmistress kept a firm grip holding Shelly’s hand. “Oh don’t worry about that Shelly, where I’m taking you they won’t mind if you wear a skirt or not. It makes it easier to check on little girls like you.”
Picture by Ahoneymoss

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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