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Chapter 20 = Damsel in Distress: I squirmed in Carter’s grip as the tall guy continued to chuckle. “Oh what’s wrong babygirl? I know you have to peepee. Why don’t you just let it go?” I struggled more but I could tell that it was no use. Carter had both of my wrists in his one meaty hand and the other held me close around my waist.

Part of me wanted to go for the obvious tactic of revealing myself as a boy; but I would potentially be in even more danger at that point. There would be no stopping Carter from beating the shit out of the boy who he had embarrassed himself by hitting on.

I let out a little gasp as I felt the first little shot of pee soak into my panties. It was immediately warm but soon after was beginning to grow cold and uncomfortable. I had never wet myself in anything other than a pull-up. I was doing my best to hold my legs tight together, but even that was starting to fail me. Carter noticed this though and with a hearty guffaw he reached down and separated my legs. With his own legs held in between mine, he was effectively holding my legs apart from each other, making my urge to pee that much stronger. Carter chuckled as he reached down the front of my shorts and grabbed the waistband of my red panties. He pulled them up slowly but tightly. I whimpered as he gave me a strong frontal wedgie. “These panties are so cute sweetie,” The jerk said chuckling. “Though I think you’d probably be better suited in one of those little girl pull-ups that you and that other girl were wearing last night.” He leaned in and smirked at me. I could smell the musty smell of his jacket. “Come on little girl... prove it to me.”

Whether I wanted to or not, I was indeed proving it to him. With my red panties pulled in a strong wedgie painfully up the front of my body and my legs being held apart, my whole body was trying to resist what he wanted me to do, but I couldn’t.

With a little gasp in my voice, I could feel the trickles begin again. It started out small but was growing more and more. It wasn’t long before my accident soaked through my lacey panties and a wet spot grew bigger and bigger on my denim shorts. “That’s it little girl.” Carter encouraged. “Keep going.” I could feel little tears in my eyes, but there was no holding it back now. As I was held there in front of Carter my accident started coming out of me in full. The pee soaked my shorts so bad and so fast that the liquid started pouring down my legs and into my socks. The entire denim of my shorts had grown a darker color from being soaked. Carter continued to mock me. “Such a good little girl,” He said chuckling. “There you go honey. Do you feel that? You’re wetting yourself just as if you were a helpless little 4 year old.”

Carter let go of the painful wedgie he was giving me, which gave me some relief, though my stretched out red panties fell into a heap on the top of my shorts. Carter chuckled again as he took his free hand and reached it around, placing it firmly on my backside. He wiggled his fingers in between my legs and rubbed. I found myself glaring at him as I bit down on my lip. “Oh come on Lexi, don’t look at me like that.” He pressed his hand even harder into my butt, making sure I could feel it there as he held me closer. “Isn’t this your natural state? Just a stupid, helpless little girl? Come on baby, moan for Daddy. Tell me how much you’re loving this.”

I whimpered as I tried harder to push him away as he continued to rub at me. Luckily for me he hadn’t yet found the thing that would surely give me away if he felt it. I didn’t want to know what would happen if he did.

I squirmed and whined in his grip as my accident was nearing its end. By this point my sneakers, socks, and denim shorts were totally soaked. I could feel the last little bit squirt out of me, until finally it all came to an end.

“Is that it?” Carter went back to his teasing. “Is the little baby all done? Well if that’s all then I think the little baby probably needs a change. Don’t ya think?”

“P-please Carter... you have the wrong idea. Please let me go... I don’t...”

“There there little girl... you don’t have to worry around Daddy. Ssshhhhh... now be good.” My eyes went wide as Carter reached into his back pocket and had pulled out a pink pacifier.

“No... Carter no... I...”

“Ssshhhhh....” He said softly. I wiggled as hard as I could in Carter’s strong grip as the pacifier was drawing closer and closer and closer to my mouth and then...


I couldn’t stop myself from letting out a little scream as something large crashed and broke over Carter’s head. Carter’s eyes immediately rolled back in his head and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious. The remains of what had smashed over his head lay in his hair and all over the ground. A maroon clay pot that had been holding a potted plant. Still in a state of shock I looked up in surprise to find a familiar face.

“Hey girl, you okay?” Alice asked.

“Alice! Oh my god!” I stepped over Carter’s unconscious body, dirt, and broken pot pieces and wrapped my arms around Alice. “What are you doing here? How did you...” Alice chuckled as she held me tight.

“Douchebag doesn’t lock the back door. Believe it or not, this dumbass here is my... was, my boyfriend.”

I pulled away from our hug to give her a look of shock. “What?! You can’t be serious.” Alice shook her head in disbelief as she looked down at the sleeping Carter.

“I told you I thought he was cheating on me. I just hope that he hasn’t done something crazy like this to anyone else.”

“Shouldn’t we like... do something?”

“Already on it.”


Alice smirked at me. “I know where the idiot keeps his drug stash. All it will take is one little anonymous tip to the cops and Carter here will be in a whole lot of trouble.” Alice and I found ourselves hugging again as my breathing finally started to calm down. “Now come on,” She said. “They’ll be a little big on you but you can borrow some of my clothes from the stash I have here. We should get outta here before the gorilla wakes up.” I nodded to her and thanked my luck as I followed her away from my would be... “Daddy.”

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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