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Chapter 19 = A Dangerous Observer: Carter led the way as the two of us walked down street after street. I knew that I was lost, but I hadn’t realized that I was this lost. As the two of us continued to walk I thought I noticed a couple things that I recognized, but for the most part I had no idea where I was.

“So are you new around here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.” Carter was trying to make small talk. I found myself suspicious, but so far he hadn’t really done anything to deserve it. So I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

“Uh, y-yeah. I’m new. I’m just running an errand around here. I’m uh, friends with Lauren? I don’t know if you know her.” Carter shook his head.

“You know, you are very beautiful.” He said it so suddenly that I was completely not prepared for it. I found myself blushing, but also suddenly hyperaware that there didn’t appear to be anyone else around the area.

“Oh um... thank you.” The two of us continued to make simple small talk while we walked. After we had walked for a bit, my suspicions were growing. I didn’t want to say it but I could feel my need to pee growing more and more desperate by the minute. I hadn’t wanted to pee until I got back safely to the LGBTQ office, but that was appearing to be less and less likely.

“Hey uh, Carter? Do you think we’re getting close? I really need to pee.” I was embarrassed to admit something like that to someone I had just met, but I was running out of options. It was getting to the point of desperation where I was going to soon have to start holding myself through my jean shorts.

“Yeah sure Lexi, we could make a quick stop at my apartment. It’s on the way to the campus building.” Despite my thoughts against the idea, I followed Carter down a detour route and headed towards his apartment. ‘It would be fine.’ I told myself. We’re just gonna go in and I’ll be in and out super quick.

We walked into his house and I looked around. The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight as I heard a lock, click.

“W-where’s the bathroom?” I asked him. I looked back to the large form of Carter grinning at me.

“Oh do you really wanna go there Lexi? I don’t know if you can...”

Carter took a step towards me and I promptly took a step backwards. “What are you talking about? I said softly.

“Well you see... when I was at the bar last night there were a lot of cute girls there... but two in particular caught my eye. And it was not for the reason that I would have thought.” As he spoke Carter was slowly coming towards me. I found myself trapped between his body and the kitchen counter. “Ya see, every girl in that bar have the best butts in the college, but last night I noticed two girls above the rest whose butts seemed to be a little... poofy?” I could feel my cheeks turn red again. Either this guy was hyper observant, or he’d seen more.

Carter smiled at my confusion. “So, I kept an eye on these two girls, thinking I might see something fun.” Carter looked up at the ceiling and let out a horrible chuckle. “Lo and behold, that’s exactly what I saw. All it took was a simple push from behind, and one of those girls’ purses scattered all over the floor.” My eyes went wide as I realized how close Carter had been to us last night. “And what is it that I see? Pull-ups? Little baby diapers?” I stand there, holding myself in an attempt to stop my body from having the accident that I can feel creeping closer by the second.

I tried playing dumb. “Okay... I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about but...” I let out a little shocked squeal as Carter moved in uncomfortably close.

“Oh don’t try that,” He teased. “I even saw you and that other girl give each other little peeks of what was under your skirts. I know at least she was wearing one of them, I can only assume that you were too.” I tried to build up a response to his accusations but I couldn’t find the right way as I stumbled over my own words. “Heh heh, that’s what I thought.” He chuckled out. “How about now?”

I looked up at him. His tall form leaned over me so close that I could feel his breath on my neck. “W-what?”

Carter smirked as he placed his hand on my waist. “Is the little girl wearing one right now?” I glared at him.

“Let me go!” I yelled out and tried to push him away. The man in front of me wouldn’t move that easily though. He was clearly muscular and his height already gave him a distinct advantage.

I let out another little squeak of surprise as I felt him place his hand on my denim covered butt. “Let’s take a little peek little girl.” Carter chuckled as a few of his fingers slipped into the waistband of my shorts, and a few seconds later he pulled his fingers back out, pulling on my red panties, effectively giving me a bad wedgie in the back. “Oh, heh heh, the little girl is wearing panties at the moment. Lexi wanted to be a big girl today, didn’t she?”

I whimpered as I tried to push him away again, but he grabbed onto my wrists. “You told me you needed to pee though, didn’t you Little Lexi? I think you're just a little girl who should just use her pants.” He said. My only response was another angry whimper. “Well come on then babygirl... pee for Daddy.


This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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