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Chapter 18 = The Job: Lauren needed to get to work soon, so the two of us quickly got to work. I thanked God as Lauren and I were about the same size in her clothes. The shoes were a bit of a tight squeeze for me, but I would make it work. Lauren helped me clean up my hair and my makeup so that I still looked quite feminine. Unless I talked or someone looked at me very closely, no one should be able to tell that I wasn’t actually born a girl.

We went with an outfit that was significantly less flashy then the one I had worn the evening before, but I was truthfully gleeful at the girliness in its simplicity. Similar to the previous day, it wasn’t very cold out so I went with what was a more risky choice but more fun all the same. On my lower body was high waisted jean shorts that nicely showed off my body and was complimented by a cute pink t-shirt. Next, I had pink socks and white sneakers. Finally, to finish off my look and to try to help hide my identity a little, I wore Lauren’s pink beanie over my head with hair coming out the front and back which sneakily covered parts of my face. Lauren and I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror.

“You look great sweetie,” Lauren said as she hugged me from behind. “Even without the fancy dress, the high heels and the super heavy makeup you’re still just a little girl.” I giggled with her but found my intense blush returning. She was pulling at the strings of one of my biggest insecurities, the fact that I always felt like I looked too girly and it made me unhappy with my body.

“Hey Lauren?” I found myself asking.

“Yes Lexi?”

“Is that okay? Is it okay that I look girly? I just... I know that most girls like the stereotypically buff guy and I guess the fact that I never looked like that always made me feel miserable and bad about myself. And I guess that I never really needed...”

I was cut off as Lauren pulled me in close and gave me an unexpected kiss. The mixed scents of our girly perfumes smelled wonderful. When we pulled away from each other Lauren’s grin was nice and wide again. “Sweetheart, first of all... I’m Bi, so... hehe I like em both ways. But no, buff guys are not by any means the only ones that can be attractive. I love how cute and girly you are and how adorable you are. And that’s not even a girl thing. I knew how cute you were even when you were a boy.” We smiled at each other again before sharing another cute kiss.


It wasn’t much longer before the two of us were out of the house. Dressed in my new persona I planned on pretty much just keeping Lauren company in the office. She only had to work there for a couple hours on a Saturday. As we left the house, Lauren handed me my purse from the night before. It had my wallet, some makeup, a couple essentials, and to top it off (Lauren thought she was hilarious.) as I saw that it had 3 pull-ups inside of it.

I looked at Lauren after making this discovery and she winked at me. “Just in case little girl.” I grinned and shook my head at her. Under my jean shorts I wasn’t wearing anything except for the red lacey panties I had worn over my pull-up the previous night.

The two of us arrived at the office and Lauren unlocked the door and took her seat. The two of us just sat there and chatted for a while. It was strange how normal it felt. Sitting there with her, having her call me Lexi, wearing jean shorts and panties like it was the most normal thing in the world. To be honest, it felt amazing.

Every time a person would come in the office, however briefly, I could feel my heartbeat start to pound again, worried that I’d be recognized. To my surprise though, no one said a single thing about it. As a matter of fact, more than once, people actually greeted me and Lauren introduced me as her friend Lexi. (To which I said nothing other than a simple smile and wave to avoid using my voice.) It felt so wonderful and simultaneously strange to feel... accepted.

“Hey Lexi, can you do me a favor?” Lauren broke me out of my wandering thoughts by breaking the silence we’d had going for the past several minutes.

“Uh, sure. What’d ya need?” I asked.

“I need someone to take this package to the main building but the other girls don’t come in on Saturdays.” She raised her eyebrows at me slightly. “You think you can handle it girl? I gotta stay here.” The main building was on the opposite side of campus.

“You want me to... go all the way over there by myself?” I responded nervously. Lauren nodded to me softly.

“I think it might be good for you sweetie. Give yourself a chance to try it. Don’t be nervous. You look very pretty. Trust me. I don’t think anyone will even recognize you.” Something in my gut was telling me not to in that moment, but I knew what I needed to do.

I sighed softly. “Okay, you can count on me.”


Walking around without Alice or Lauren felt very strange. Whenever I passed by someone and they looked up, I knew they were looking at me and not at anybody else standing beside me. At one point I even noticed that a pair of football guys turned around and checked me out as they passed by. Being a girl felt so strange. It was such a different feeling walking somewhere when you’re female. I could understand girls who could sometimes feel unsafe when walking by themselves.

I had brought my purse along just in case I needed it. I did have a couple useful things in it including my wallet. The package that I had received from Lauren was small enough to fit inside of my purse so I didn’t even need to carry anything extra with me. It had been a long time since I’d been to this side of campus, I had forgotten how far away it was. The way our campus was set up included buildings separated by departments and majors, and the buildings themselves were set up all around town.

As I walked, a large man from across the street whistled at me. “Hey baby!” He remarked. “Why don’t you come over and hang with me?” Just as Alice had told me, I averted my eyes and picked up the pace a little. Living like this, while it had its amazing points, I could see some of its challenges as well. Unfortunately, in the society we live in, females have to occasionally be on their guard.

The farther I got from where I started the more confused I became. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere because I was starting to completely not recognize the buildings I was passing. I went to reach for my phone in my pocket.

My eyes widened as I spoke aloud. “Fuck.” I had left my phone in the office with Lauren. No GPS to help me out. I contemplated going into one of the stores and asking for directions, but then my identity as a boy would be revealed. All this, and I could feel my need to pee beginning to grow. What was I going to do?!

Unfortunately for me, the worst was yet to come...

As I stood there, trying to figure out what to do a voice said something from behind me. “Hey sweet cheeks, you looking for something?” I turned around to see the large form of a man with a square jaw and a dark curly hair standing in front of me. I chose to ignore the annoying nickname because by this point I was in a bit of trouble.

I took a deep breath and did my best ‘girl voice’. “Oh uh... I got a bit lost. I was looking for the main campus building.” I sighed in relief as my voice had sounded actually pretty feminine.

The tall man smiled down at me. He was at least a full foot taller than I was. He was wearing cargo pants and a camouflage shirt. He must be in the ROTC on campus. “I can get ya there honey. The name’s Carter.” He said, giving me a crooked grin. “I know exactly where that is.” I looked at the man suspiciously. He was in ROTC which means he had a sense of discipline, but that didn’t mean he was necessarily safe. I could feel a bad vibe coming from him, but I didn’t know if I really had a choice at this point. Especially with my urge to pee growing more and more.

“Okay,” I said finally. “Lead the way Carter.”


This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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