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As Rachel continued working on the food she let out a soft gasp as the man suddenly pressed his hand firmly on her crinkly butt.

“You scared me.” She said, giggling a little as she put her hand to her chest, her heart pounding faster than normal.

He smiled as he pressed his hand against her plastic covered buns, “Sorry babygirl, it’s been a while since I’ve checked you. I needed to make sure my little girl didn’t have an accident.”

Accident? She thought, what’d he mean? Like cutting herself on a knife or something? It’s not like she didn’t know how to cook for herself.

But to her surprise the man didn’t do anything but repeatedly squish the padding that was around her butt cheeks. He felt the upper padding and then he prodded at the lower padding still against her butt but further between her legs.

“Hmmm... clean, for now at least. Let’s see if I have a soggy baby.”

Before Rachel could get another word out she let out a sharp gasp at the sudden invasion of her undergarments as the man reached forward and stuck two of his fingers deeply inside of the leg hole of her crinkly underwear right near her private parts. Rachel could feel her heart pounding even harder as she could feel herself grow deeply aroused. His fingers were so close...

Yet... all he did was prod the inside of her garment for a few minutes before pulling his fingers back out. “Wow, all dry too. I bet that’s a new record for you sweetheart.” He said chuckling as he walked away, back to his own task for the cooking.

Rachel was thoroughly disappointed at what she perceived as him teasing her. He’d been so close to touching her... so tantalizingly close. Maybe she just needed to wait until after dinner...


When their meal was finally finished the two of them ate at a pristinely set dining table. They chatted fairly normally, like they had on their other dates, but Rachel couldn’t get the fact that she was sitting there in such an infantile garment out of her head. She had asked if she could put her skirt back on, at least for dinner; but he had wholeheartedly refused. (Which made her mutually angry and continuously turned on as she followed his every order.)

She squirmed a little bit as she sat there and ate. It had been several hours since she had arrived at his house and even longer than that when she had been able to use a bathroom last. She could feel the need creeping up on her.

Rachel stood up to use the restroom. “Where are you going little one?” The man asked her suspiciously.

“Just going to find the bathroom.” She said as casually as one normally would.

“I don’t think so. Get back here little girl.” She was shocked at his words, but found herself drawn back to the table.

“But I need to go.” She said, not liking how much she was starting to sound like a real little girl whining with her Daddy. “Please Daddy?” She said.

“No babygirl,” The man spoke firmly. “Little girls like you are not allowed to use the big girl potty. Now sit down and finish your food.”

Despite her gut starting to grow a little painful, Rachel found herself sitting back down. She didn’t have to go too badly yet. Clearly this was just another game the man was playing with her. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t deny how much it turned her on even more that he was refusing to allow her to do something as simple as use the bathroom herself, as if she really was his little daughter.

The two of them continued their conversations until both of them were finished with their meals. By that point, it had been at least 3 and a half hours since Rachel had arrived and she was starting to feel the need to go to the bathroom even more. Contemplating her priorities though, Rachel decided there was something at this moment that she wanted far more than to use the bathroom... sex. And she wanted it now.

As for the man, or Daddy, he seemed to be enjoying Rachel’s urges to use the bathroom. She had been unable to stop herself from squirming in her seat during the dinner, at least by the end of it. And whether or not he wanted to admit it, Rachel could tell he was enjoying her desperation.

As the man picked up the dishes and carried them all to the kitchen to clean them, Rachel’s jaw fell open as she suddenly had a realization:

How had she been so stupid?!? It had been right in front of her the entire time!!

Calling him Daddy, the special crinkly undergarments he’d given her, refusing to let her use the bathroom, and “checking her” earlier... he actually wanted her to use them! He wanted her to have an accident in them! Or at the very least that’s what he seemed to be expecting... She couldn’t believe it! He had actually been checking to see if she’d pee herself??! Or worse...

The young women contemplated her discovery as she sat there in the living room as he cleaned the dishes. If she was going to get what she wanted tonight then she was going to have to do something drastic... 


Special thanks to UKDiapergirls for allowing us to use their images.

UKdiapergirls.com for more ABDL pictures.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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