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It would be a long time before Rachel ever agreed to go on another blind date again. In fact, it’d be a long time before she’d get a chance to do much of anything. It had all started with poor Rachel’s terrible luck in the dating world. The girl was twenty-six now and the only “action” she’d gotten in years was a long line of bad dates and douchey guys. Apparently chivalry really was dead. Guys didn’t treat girls like princesses anymore. No door holding, no pulling a chair out for them, and most of them just wanted to get into her pants on the first night after a cheap dinner.

 Suffice to say, Rachel was getting pretty fed up with it. It wasn’t long though before one of her friends decided to make a suggestion, “Why don’t you try a blind date?” They asked her.

 Rachel tried to hold back her urge to groan. Blind dating felt like the equivalency of giving up. Almost as bad as online dating. “I won’t even know the guys though.” She protested. “What if there just as douchey as the rest of them?”

 Her friend smiled and shook her head. “No no no... I have just the guy in mind. He’s a real gentleman. Just the kinda type you’d enjoy.”

 Rachel sighed softly before giving a small shrug. After all, what’d she have to lose? “Fine, I’ll meet him.”

 So Rachel went on the date, and to her surprise... the guy was amazing! He was handsome, he didn’t seem shy with spending his money, and he truly was a gentleman! He pulled her chair out when they got to dinner and everything! Saying that Rachel was quite enraptured with the man almost immediately would be a bit of an understatement.

 Despite the man’s several positive qualities, he did seem a bit... peculiar. A couple times during the meal she caught him staring at her. When she would catch his eye, he’d look away and continue eating. She told herself it was just because she’d dressed so elegantly and beautifully that night. Then he started doing more things for her, like cutting up her food and calling her, “Little One.” She didn’t necessarily mind it too much, but it was definitely odd.

 Besides those small things, Rachel had a beautiful evening and hoped that she saw the man again very soon. As he walked her up to her porch and they did the rigmarole of friendly chatting about how the night had gone, Rachel leaned in for a kiss on the lips, but was shocked when the man just gave her a soft peck on the cheek, his cologne intoxicating.

 After the one small kiss on the cheek, Rachel stood there watching as the man proceeded to walk away, promising to get back to her soon.


 After their first date, Rachel had gone on two more dates with the man and both of them had ended up being just as amazing as the first, though more strange things had occurred. He had started occasionally calling her “Little Girl” and had been doing even more simply things for her like helping her buckle her seat belt.

“I just don’t want my little girl to get hurt.” He would say.

Rachel truthfully thought this was pretty strange, but she didn’t want to ruin what they had so far by offending him. Rachel normally wasn’t that type of girl, but she could feel herself already falling hard for this man. Maybe it’s because it had been so long since she had been dating anyone who she actually felt any sort of connection with.

Rachel could feel the sexual tension growing between them with every date they had. She would smirk flirtily at him, he would chuckle and shake his head before looking away. Or when she wasn’t looking he would lightly press his hand on her butt. When she lifted her eyebrow at him he’d just smile at her and say, “Just checking, little girl.” Before giving her butt a soft squeeze.

 Everything changed though when she got a strange package in the mail. She opened it up and found a letter on top. The letter told her that it was from the man himself! She read over the contents and was intrigued but also confused:

 Dear Rachel,

Hello, my little one. The past few evenings we’ve spent together have been marvelous. But, I think you’re ready to take things to the next step. I would like you to wear one of the garments included in this package and report to my house at 5:00pm sharp Saturday evening for dinner. Feel free to dress casually. I will as well. I look forward to your visit. My address is marked on the box.



P.S. = You better be wearing one of these when you arrive. Otherwise you’ll face consequences.

Rachel could feel a blush grow on her cheeks for a couple different reasons. Daddy??! Was he into that sort of thing? She’d heard of that kind of kink before but she’d never really thought about it. More than that... why was it making her heart beat so fast? Was she actually... turned on?

Just as nervous as she was intrigued, Rachel reached into the box and pulled out... what were they? They looked kinda like towels. Big fluffy white...

Rachel felt her heart want to stop as she realized what they were. He couldn’t really be serious... could he? This had to be some sort of joke. And yet... thinking back on their dates and some of the ways he’d treated her, it didn’t seem too far off.

Was she actually willing to do something like this for a date?!

Rachel only realized that she’d already made up her mind on that question as she began ripping open the package... 


Special thanks to UKDiapergirls for allowing us to use their images.

UKdiapergirls.com for more ABDL pictures.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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