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Chapter 21: Punishments and Opportunities = Dafi screamed and wiggled but the teenager was holding her down tightly. Despite the fact that her body was physically that of a 24 year old, her loss of coordination and her inexperience in using her body mentally made Dafi’s attempts at escape even more improbable. She yelled out and the spanking hadn’t even started yet but she already had little tears in her eyes starting to drip down her cheeks.

“Wow, you really are a whining little baby aren’t you?” The girl whose lap she was over teased. “Are you guys seeing this? We actually used to listen to her didn’t we? I think she was just hiding that she was a crying little bitch the whole time.” The group all laughed as Dafi whined at the injustice of their words. She knew that she was a good girl and didn’t deserve a spanking like this. They were all just big mean bullies!

“Let me go! Let me go right now!!!” Dafi cried out as she kicked her legs as hard as she could. They were all big meanies and her Mommy would punish each of them if they saw what they were doing right now. Right now though she was helpless to stop the inevitable. With her pacifier still held firmly in her mouth, Dafi wiggled but could feel as the girl pulled her vest up along her back putting her naked butt 100% on display to the group.

“Ready little girl?” The meanie butt asked. Dafi whined and wiggled harder in response. “Good hehe.” She brought her hand down and SMACK! Dafi cried out and bit down on her paci as she felt the girls hand smack down hard on her butt. It hurt so much! The butt cheek where the girl had slapped now glowed nice and red. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! She rained down more spanks on Dafi’s poor little behind causing her to sob and send tears careening down her face.

At one point, the other female teenager wanted a turn, so while the first still held her on her lap she gave her a few spanks of her own! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Even the boys chuckled as they each gave helpless Dafi a small slap of their own. By the end of it all, Dafi’s little bootie was red and bruised.

“There you go little girl.” The teenager said condescendingly giving her one more small smack. “Now you’ll have something to remember us with that ass of yours stinging for the next month.” The group laughed at her one more time as Dafi pulled down on her vest embarrassedly trying to cover her privates as well as her now red butt. The pacifier she sucked on desperately now her only source of any comfort.

“Ya know...” One of the teenagers say, “Ya gotta admit. She is kinda cute. Definitely a fucking weirdo, but a little bit cute.” She leans over the whimpering Dafi and pats her on the head in a mocking way. Dafi was sure that this couldn’t get any worse until...

“Ummm... excuse me? I hate to interrupt but it looks like you might have been waiting for me.”

Dafi and the group of teens look over at the somehow familiar voice and Dafi’s eyes go wide when she sees one of the last people she would have expected to!

Her old friend Nicole!

She’d known the girl almost her entire life. They were the same age and had always gone to school together. Nicole had gone into photography which was also obvious by the big camera and equipment she was currently holding. The two of them had used to be really close but after a while their friendship had kinda fizzled out to the point where Dafi had felt that Nicole sorta resented her for finding the successes that she had.

Nicole now stood there, confused surely, but confident and professional as she held her photography equipment. “Dafi, I was told that you’d be willing to participate with me in the photoshoot for the Ranch.” She smirked as she looked down at Dafi’s outfit... if you could even call it an outfit. “I wasn’t planning on having a nsfw section of my article, but I like your boldness. Hell, you don’t even seem like you mind being dressed like this in front of your students. So who am I to judge?” She walked over to her with a smirk. “I’ll make it work.” Nicole looked at the teenagers. “You guys are welcome to stay if you’d like. Most subjects work better when they hear others reactions to their work.”

Dafi was panicking inside her head. On a normal day she would have been delighted to help Nicole and maybe even be featured on the cover of a magazine... but she didn’t want to be featured on the cover of a dirty magazine. What would her Mommy think?!

Nicole set up all of her equipment as the teenagers simply giggled to themselves. “This is so much better than a stupid lesson.” One of them commented, causing the rest of them to let out another fit of giggles.

Nicole smirked at her as she looked over the nervous girl, “I think I have an idea of something that could be cute though. Let me go grab something for you, you’ll look great. Trust me.” Nicole ran off towards the ranch with a small smirk on her face, that didn’t make Dafi feel very much trust from her old friend...


This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here :



"Stinging for the next month" Clearly these teens know nothing about spanking... I dont care how good you are a hand spanking is only gonna sting for a day or two at most in all likelihood.