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 It took a long time for Mia to finally fall asleep that night. She was tossing and turning for hours trying to find a comfortable position inside the cage. She couldn’t even stretch her legs out all the way, so she was forced to stay in an awkward scrunched up form. Finally, sleep mercifully overtook her and she fell asleep.


“Young lady!” Mia jolted awake at the sound of Amy’s Mothers loud voice. “What did you do?” Mia, still locked inside of the cage looked up wide eyed at the Mother who was standing over the cage looking quite disappointed. The woman bent down, looking at Mia more face to face. “My little Amy tells me that you were a naughty girl and she had no choice but to have you sleep in the “Naughty Cage” last night.” The woman shook her head at Mia. “I’m very disappointed in you sweetheart.”

Mia was laying there on her stomach, shocked and angry. “W-what no... I didn’t do anything!” A clanking from the side of the cage made Mia look over to see Amy removing the padlock from the door and opening it up.

“I’ll explain Mommy.” Amy said innocently. The young girl reached into the cage and grabbed Mia’s arm, pulling her out. She leaned in and whispered in Mia’s ear, “Be a good girl, and agree with everything I say or every single one of those photos are getting posted on the school’s Facebook page.” Fear struck through Mia as she nervously nodded while Amy pulled her out of the cage.

Amy continued, “You see Mommy, I was trying to go to bed last night after you left, but little Mia here wanted to play dress-up." Amy gestured at all the cute little accessories that Mia was still wearing. Mia stood there furiously wanting to defend herself, but she knew what the consequences would be if she even tried. Amy’s Mother was already shaking her head, even more disappointed at her. “But while she was playing dress-up Mommy, Mia had a little accident.”

Amy reached into the diaper pail next to the cage and pulled out the pull-up that her Mother had put Mia in the night before, the one that Amy herself had changed her out of. It was soaking wet, almost dripping from the yellow stain that now coated its previous white surface! The Mother let out a soft gasp, “She had an accident? A daytime accident??”

Mia’s face turned red hot with shame. “I did not!” She said in a voice that sounded much more like a little kid whining than she would have liked. Amy shot Mia a death glare to get her to shut up. Mia whimpered a little and forced herself to bite her tongue once again.

“She did so.” Amy said, “But that’s not all. After she wet herself I told her that we needed to change her before she went to sleep or else she’d get a rash, but the little baby didn’t want to. She wanted to stay in her wet one!” The cheerleader was disgusted while listening to Amy’s story. Not only was she claiming that she had peed herself, she was claiming that she had been acting like such a little baby that she had actually wanted to stay in her used one! “After I gave her a few more spankings, she finally let me change her. But I decided because of all the naughty things that she had done she deserved to spend the night in the naughty cage.”

The Mother smiled at her daughter beaming with pride, “Well I absolutely agree with you that she deserved the naughty cage after all of that. That was very mature of you sweetheart. I’m proud of you.” Mia couldn’t believe these two crazy people. One of them was blackmailing her and the other was either too blind or too stupid to see it. Amy’s Mother reached down and petted Amy on the head. “You’re my good girl sweetheart and I think between that and between waking up dry for so long in a row, I think you’ve earned your way out of protection for a while.”

Amy’s eyes lit up at her Mother’s words. “Really? You mean it Mommy?” Her Mother nodded smiling. “Oh thank you Mommy! I haven’t had any accidents for weeks. I’ll show you how much of a big girl I can be.”

Delighted with herself, Amy skipped out of the room. The moment she did her Mother turned to Mia sternly. Mia could feel herself physically shrink under the woman’s gaze. “On the other hand, you little girl have been very naughty. I’m so cross with you. How could you not tell me that you still have accidents during the day?” Mia’s cheeks were bright red. This woman actually believed that she was capable of peeing herself even while she was wide awake. “I know it must be difficult to go to high school wearing protection, but that’s what little girls who can’t control themselves need to do. I’m surprised your Mother still lets you wear panties at all seeing as you still can’t control yourself during the day. I’m going to have to tell her about your accident last night, maybe she can buy you some proper protection herself.”

“N-no... you don’t understand! I don’t...”

“Don’t even try to deny it Mia! It looks like you already received enough punishment for one night, but if you continue to be naughty then I’ll have no choice but to give you a full on spanking this time.” Mia felt fear rush down her spine, knowing that she was much too petite to fend this woman off if she wanted to spank her. “Now come on honey, lay down. Let’s get you into something that will actually hold up to your accidents during the day.”

Mia desperately tried to explain herself or deny what the woman wanted her to do, but it was hopeless. Within moments she had laid Mia down, removed all the accessories she was wearing, and had pulled out a real diaper. A big white poofy one. Mia began to cry and yell, feeling a little like the baby they were apparently trying to turn her into, but it did no good. The Mother slid the poofy diaper under Mia’s bum and quickly taped the thing up around her crotch, giving it her signature possessive pat on the crotch once she was done.

“There you go little one. All finished. Doesn’t that feel so much better?” Mia sniffled and shook her head no, but the Mother ignored her. The diaper was huge! Mia couldn’t close her legs and she felt herself start to waddle when she tried to stand. The Mother grabbed an adorable pink and white shirt and pulled it over Mia’s head. Then she put white bows in her hair and pulled socks onto her feet. Mia was hoping that she’d also give her a pair of pants so she could cover up, but she didn’t. Her diaper was left fully on display. She looked down at her handy work and smiled. “Oooh sweetie. You look so adorable now.” She frowned for a moment though. “I should also talk to your Mother about getting these piercings and tattoos removed. You’d look so much more precious without them dearie.” She looked back up towards the door. “Amy sweetie, you done changing?” 


Special thanks to ABDreams for allowing us to use their images.

Abdreams.com for more ABDL pictures.

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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