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Alli was not very happy with the way her mother had been treating her lately. The girl had always looked very young with a very childlike looking face and standing at a miniscule height of only 3’12. She knew that she was short, obviously, but that didn’t matter! She was still 18 years old! She was practically an adult! Lately though, that didn’t seem to matter to her mother. Her mother had been treating her more and more like a child lately. She had started setting earlier and earlier curfews, cutting up Alli’s food for her, and even picking out some of the clothes that she would wear! She’d be fine with it if she was at least picking out some of the more normal, adult-like clothes that she normally wore like yoga pants and plain shirts, but instead her Mother would always seem to go for the cutest things she could find in the girls wardrobe.

Alli swore she didn’t even recognize some of the cutsie pink clothes. Could her mother actually be buying her new things and claiming that they already belonged to her? What was the point? Alli had tried arguing with her mother but she would not hear it.

“You live in my house, you live by my rules!” She would always say.

At least it was finally winter break, Alli thought, for a while she could escape some of the teasing she had started receiving at her high school about her new wardrobe tendencies. She still had to go out in public sometimes though. Alli and her mother were out at a nice restaurant, just the two of them. For today’s dreadfully childlike outfit Alli’s mother had made her wear an Elmo shirt and a pink skirt that was surely at least a size or two too small for her. She had to keep pulling it down to hide what was beneath it.

The waitress brought the two of them to their table. Alli’s mother sat down and the waitress gave her a menu. As Alli sat down though she felt something strange. It sounded crazy but... it felt like something was “changing” under her skirt. Her underwear felt weird... Almost like they were made of a different material than normal, and they seemed to be poofing outwards...

While Alli was trying to figure out what had happened to her underthings, the waitress placed a kids menu down in front of her. This just made Alli blush more than she already had been.

“Wait! I don’t need...” She tried to say, but the waitress was already gone. Alli sighed and looked down at her kids menu covered in colorful cartoon characters and advertising, “Chicken Tenders” and “Grilled Cheese”.

For a moment though, Alli turned her attention back to her more pressing issue, the strange crinkling sound that was coming from under her skirt. When she was sure that her mother wasn’t looking she looked down and was shocked and embarrassed as she realized that the waistband of something that looked like it belonged to a toddler was sticking out of the top of her skirt. She stuck her finger inside of her skirt and pulled it out slightly so she could see inside. Alli’s face flushed as her fears were confirmed. She was wearing a pull-up! A full-fledged pull-up’s diaper! How had this happened? She had certainly not put that on this morning!

“Alli,” Her mother suddenly scolded her and slapped her hand away from her skirt. “Don’t touch that sweetie, you know you’re not supposed to.”

“But I...” Alli started to say.

“Hey there, my name is Kaitlyn, I’ll be your waitress today.” The waitress had appeared out of nowhere and had made Alli jump slightly. She hoped that neither the waitress nor her mother had noticed. As Alli sat there, she tried to listen to what the waitress was saying but it sounded like really boring stuff that she should let her Mother deal with. Alli had more important things to worry about. Like how had she ended up in a pull-up!

As she thought about this Alli barely even realized that she was squirming in her seat. She had to use the bathroom all the sudden! And soon!


Alli’s cheeks turned bright red as a little fart came out of her. Both the waitress and her Mother stared at her. Neither of them were angry, more amused.

“Heh, excuse her.” Alli’s mother said. Alli covered her face, wanting to melt into her seat, even more so as a second little fart escaped from within her skirt.

“Oh no worries, I’m sure the little one can’t help it.” The waitress said cheerfully. The woman turned her attention to Alli. “Sweetie, it looks like you’re a little low down there. Would you like me to bring you a booster seat? Oooh! Or some crayons? Does that sound fun?”

Alli’s jaw dropped at the suggestion and she was about to defend herself when her Mother answered first.

“Oh that would be lovely. Could you please?”

“Right away Ma’am. Also, I would recommend the grilled cheese and the juice for your little one. I know she’d love it.”

Alli’s Mother smiled at the woman. “Oh thank you, that is so sweet of you to offer a recommendation.” Alli groaned at the embarrassment but even more so as her stomach groaned and she farted a little bit again causing both of the older women to smirk at her again.

“How’s potty training going?” The waitress asked much louder than Alli would have liked. How could she possibly think she was still being potty trained?! She was 18 for God’s sake! To Alli’s increasing shock though, her Mother answered in a very different way than she expected.

“Oh it’s been a little tough honestly. The little one tries but she’s been having frequent accidents.”

Alli couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Had the world gone crazy? She was 18 years old! She hadn’t had an accident in years! What in the world was going on?!

Alli wanted to argue with everything that was being said but she realized her body couldn’t wait any longer. She barely noticed that she had been holding her crotch. Without hesitation she said to her Mother, “Gotta potty now, I'll be back Mommy!” and hopped out of her seat in search of the bathroom. The thought didn’t even cross Alli’s mind that she had just called her Mother, Mommy. She hadn’t done that in years.

Alli looked around desperately until someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up to the face of the same waitress that had been at her table. “What’s wrong sweetie? Can I help you?”

Again, not thinking of her own modesty Alli spoke in a strange new voice that she didn’t even think where it might be coming from. “Me need go poopy now, can you take me to da potty?" She asked desperately, bouncing up and down.

“Oh sure honey. Let’s go.” The waitress reached down, and to Alli’s shock, picked her up. The young woman rested Alli on her hip and carried her like one would a toddler towards the restrooms.

Alli was about to yell, to scream, to do anything to stop the injustice that was taking place... until she felt something strange...

A weird feeling was happening in her crotch. A warmth? She reached down and felt under her skirt to her pull-ups. She was wearing big-girl undies obviously. Her Mommy had told her that she could wear pull-ups instead of diapers if she stopped having accidents.

But something was wrong.

Alli squirmed and whimpered as she felt her pull-up starting to sag. It was hard to hear in the loud restaurant but there was a hissing sound as her training pants were filled more and more with yellow liquid. She was wetting herself! Alli didn’t even have time to cry before she felt something else happening. She groaned painfully as she felt the back of her pull-up ballooning outwards as the waitress carried her towards the big girl potty. She couldn’t believe it! This couldn’t be happening! She was clearly a big girl! Almost 4 years old! She was too old to be having accidents like this.

Alli couldn’t help it as she burst into tears as she felt a fresh wave of mush pushing into her pull-up’ but suddenly a strange feeling blocked her mouth as the waitress pressed a pacifier into her lips.

“Don’t worry sweetie, accidents happen.” The waitress spoke as she felt and smelled Alli’s bottom. “I’ll have you changed in no time. You are such a precious little angel.”


This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here :




Not to nit pick buy 3'12 is 4'

John Doe

Might be my favorite story of all time!

Zander Chesney

Lol, ya know, you're totally right. I didn't even really think about that. 3 feet and 12 inches was the exact wording on the request we got, and I was probably too focused to even think about it. Haha

Zander Chesney

Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it. It's always really nice to hear compliments. :)