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Chapter 6 = Breaking into Character: “Baby, you really do look super cute!” Dave continued to gush at her as he had her twirl around and show off her outfit to him. “Oh my gosh and look at this!” He reached down to her waist and she looked down. Her frilly t-shirt was tucked into her pink and white overalls, but even with that her bright pink diaper’s waistband was still a bit visible on the sides. Dave poked her waistband several times, making her blush even more at how loudly the diaper was crinkling. “You really are just a little baby aren’t you?” Dave said teasingly.

“I am not.” Sarah said frustratedly crossing her arms. “And stop that.” She pushed Dave’s hand away and walked away. She crawled up onto Dave’s bed and as she sat crisscross on her padded bum she purposely faced away from Dave before crossing her arms again angrily. The girl was pouting. Dave had seen this happen many times before. Whether Sarah wanted to admit it or not, she could often act very childish. Pouting and the silent treatment were two of her go-to moves when she was upset with someone. Dave had never realized before how childish these two things made her look, but the acts themselves were emphasized by the fact that while she was sitting there her poofy pink diaper was sticking out of her waistband even more than when she’d been standing. Admittedly, Dave felt a little bad for teasing her. She was just so darn cute.

“Hey sweetie,” Dave said, coming to stand next to her. “I’m sorry. I won’t tease you about your diaper anymore.” Sarah frowned a little more and made a “Hmmph” sound. Dave had to force himself not to chuckle at her, it was liking talking to a real toddler. “Oh come on baby, I was just having a bit of fun. I wasn’t lying to you, honest. You do look adorable.” His words seemed to soften up Sarah’s physique a little bit as she blushed a little at his words. Dave smiled, knowing he was getting to her. He let out a soft sigh and sat down next to her. “Tell you what honey, if you keep being a good girl for me and continue to go along with this dare... then I’ll bring you to that ice-cream place that you love down the street.” Dave knew just the right words to get to Sarah. Immediately at the mention of ice-cream, Sarah’s whole body perked up a little and a smile was creeping onto her face. She softly turned to him.

“C-can I get cookie dough ice-cream?” Dave’s smile grew at the girl’s soft shy voice.

“Of course you can little baby, I’ll get you whatever kind you’d like.” Sarah looked away from him again to consider it, but she already knew her answer.

“Okay! I’ll be good.” She said in a voice that was much cuter than Dave figured she intended it. After grabbing a few things they may need, like a spare diaper, Dave took Sarah by the hand and led her out to the car. He still felt a little bad about teasing the cute girl so he was about to say that she could sit in the passenger seat up front with him this time, but to his surprise before he could even get the words out Sarah had already opened the backdoor and was attempting to strap herself into the car-seat. Apparently, she had gotten used to sitting in it. Dave watched her for a few seconds fiddle with the buckle before he realized that she was doing it incorrectly. He walked over and said,

“It goes like this sweetie.” He untangled the buckles and fixed them before strapping them up correctly. Sarah found herself blushing again as Dave helped her with the buckles, but she didn’t say anything. Dave got into the car himself and started driving towards town. It wasn’t too far, but a good 15 minutes away at least. He put on some nice calm music so the two of them could just enjoy the ride.

Sarah for herself was doing her best to simply forget about her circumstances and enjoy herself. She LOVED the ice-cream in town and for the moment that’s all her thoughts were on. The ice-cream was even distracting her from that small twinge in her bladder...

Once or twice Dave glanced back at Sarah just to check on her but also to remind himself of how adorable she looked right now. The best part about what she was doing turned out to be a surprise though. Dave didn’t know when she took it or how long she’d had it on her, but at some point she’d pulled out her pacifier again and was sucking on it. She looked like she was actually enjoying it. Dave had the urge to point it out to her again, so she could see how cute she was being, but he decided to just enjoy it himself. Hopefully she would start to realize that she was absolutely made for all this.


Before long the two of them finally made it to town and walked to the ice-cream shop. Sarah was so excited to get cookie dough ice-cream that she had momentarily forgotten to be shy or embarrassed. Dave watched as she rushed ahead of him, her hips swaying in a kind of waddle caused by her poofy diaper and every step she took was accompanied by a slight audible crinkle. He decided not to point it out to her. All that would do is embarrass her and make her self-conscious.

In the ice-cream shop Sarah lost any sense of being self-conscious as she practically hopped into the shop. Dave chuckled and shook his head as he watched her. Did she not realize how perfect of a little girl she already was?

The two of them ordered their ice-cream and as Sarah reached out for her scoop the shop owner said,

“There you go sweetie. Cookie dough just for you!” The older man smiled down at the short Sarah as she immediately began to lick at her treat.

“Sarah,” Dave said sternly. Sarah looked up at him suddenly a little concerned. “Sarah, what do you say?” The very parental tone he took with her made an intense blush creep across Sarah’s face, but she looked down at the floor shyly before saying,

“Thank you Mister.”

“Oh, it’s my pleasure sweetie.” The man turned to Dave. “Oh, she is adorable. Is she your daughter?” Sarah gasped softly at the man’s question, but before she could defend herself Dave responded quicker.

“Yes, she’s mine. She’s only 8, but she likes to pretend she’s older than that.”

“Aww, that’s really cute. I have twin daughters who are 9 and do the exact same thing.” The man looked down at Sarah. “Don’t worry sweetheart. You’ll be grown up soon enough. Enjoy being a little girl while you can.”

Sarah wanted to respond, but she was blushing too hard to even think of what to say. Instead she simply nodded. Dave retrieved his own ice-cream and the two walked outside to sit at a bench by a local park. Part of Sarah wanted to get angry at Dave for saying that she was his daughter, but she shrugged it off, assuming that it was better that that man think that rather than an extremely childish 21 year old.

As they sat there they didn’t say too much, but Sarah watched all the kids playing at the park while she ate her ice-cream and found herself strangely jealous of them. Maybe it was the fact that she was wearing a diaper, but something about this whole “little-girl” thing was getting to her. It made her nervous, but it was also strangely liberating. Why did part of her want to go play at the park so badly?

As she finished up her ice-cream she felt another twinge from her bladder, but she forced herself to ignore it. She was too excited while she watched the kids play.

“Hey Sarah?” Dave said suddenly. She looked up at him. “Do you want to go play?” 


This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here :


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