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Chapter 8 – Stella’s New Position

Stella’s eyes were wide in alarm as she stared at the padded undergarment in her boss’ hand. The simple design was still just blue and white, and under other circumstances she might even be able to believe that they were panties but right now she can’t get over how much crinkling is coming from it when Ms. Pedigrew moves it in her hands.

“Here’s what’s going to happen Stella. You are going to remove those clothes for me and I’m going to help you get cleaned up. Then you are going to put this on and continue to listen to me for the rest of the day.” Stella heart was pumping fast with every word out of her boss’ mouth. She was about to speak up until Anne finished her statement. “And if you do not… you will be fired. Right here, right now. It’s up to you. I want a simple answer whether or not you will comply. Yes… or No.” Standing very stoic Ms. Pedigrew waited patiently for Stella’s answer.

Stella didn’t know what she was going to do. She needed this job. If she got fired just like this she’d have to move back in with her parents. Their cautionary tales of never going to college would suddenly become all too real. In actuality, she had no choice. Besides, they would only be a precaution. And tonight when she went back home again she would just change back into her panties. There was no other options…

“Yes.” Stella said softly.

“Yes what, my dear?”

“Yes I will listen to you. Please… don’t fire me…” Ms. Pedigrew grinned to herself, she knew that she had won.

“Undress for me my dear.” Stella couldn’t help but hesitate even though she’d agreed to be compliant. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing that I haven’t seen before. Do it right now Stella.”

With a deep breath Stella looped her fingers into her borrowed panties and pulled them down. Out of instinct she covered her privates with her hands, but every time that she tried to Anne would swat them away. While her boss looked on Stella stripped down the rest of the way; Anne wanted to change her and clean her fully. As she stood there naked in her superior’s office Stella never felt more embarrassed in her life.

“I just need to get through this…” She kept telling herself quietly. She would earn back her panties and her boss’ respect before the week was over. But for now… she had less than respect for herself. Ms. Pedigrew lay a large towel down on the floor and forced Stella to lay down on it and spread her legs which made the young woman’s face even redder than it already was. Ms. Pedigrew pulled out baby wipes and powder’s to clean Stella with. As she went to work cleaning Stella’s feet and legs and private parts, Stella did her best to look literally anywhere else and think about anything else. She could not believe that her boss was cleaning up her body after she had peed herself at work, in a pair of panties that didn’t even belong to her but her boss’ 15 year old bedwetting niece.

Anne was holding a big bottle of baby powder and deliberately spread it all over the young girl. With her crotch covered in white and the strong babyish scent following her around Stella was ready for her new undergarment, much to her dismay. Anne grabbed the girl by the hands and stood her up. Then she grabbed the blue and white pull-up off her desk and held it out by Stella’s feet. As she bit her lip to stop herself from complaining any more, Stella stepped into the childish thing one foot at a time before Ms. Pedigrew pulled it up her legs and secured it on her crotch. Stella was internally furious at how well they clearly fit her.

“There we go. That wasn’t so bad, was it?” The older woman smiled down at Stella and patted her on her poofy bum. “If you had just put these on when you were supposed to the first time, all this might not have happened.” Stella didn’t really think that was totally true but she decided not to say anything. “Now,” Ms. Pedigrew continued. “Time to get you a new outfit little one.” Anne reached into the large bag that she had pulled the powder and wipes out of and produced a cute yellow training bra and handed it to Stella. Stella looked at it in shock and then back up at her boss who simply shrugged. “Sorry sweetie, my niece is not very well-endowed. That’s all I have for you; so put it on.”

Stella didn’t like it but for the sake of her job she did as her boss commanded. She would never admit to herself that the training-bra was not as tight on her as she would have liked it to be. The bra was followed by a frilly purple dress that she would normally never be caught dead wearing, especially at work. The dress was followed up with cutsie anklet socks and black Mary-jane shoes. As Stella put the items of clothes on she was finding it quite hard to believe that some of these items belonged to a 15 year old, but what could she do? It was either listen or be fired.

“Awwww,” Anne said with a smile. “You look pretty cute Stella. Now, one more thing.” She reached into the bag one more time and pulled out a poofy bow and stuck it into Stella’s hair. “There, perfect.” She said as she looked at Stella like a proud parent. Stella on the other hand caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and couldn’t shake the fact that she looked more like an 8 year old then the assistant business executive she really was.

“Now Stella, you have lost a lot of my trust. What I am expecting from you now is to try to earn some of it back.” Stella didn’t know what was going to be asked of her but she nodded her head enthusiastically. Anything was worth trying to earn some of her trust back; and she wanted to earn it back quick because her pull-ups under her dress felt very very strange to her.

Anne led Stella to another small desk in her office and sat the young girl down. For the rest of the day Anne had Stella do task after task that Stella had never done before at her job. Every time she didn’t know what something was or how to do something Anne would become annoyed and be forced to stop her own work to show her how to do it. Stella felt that it was very unfair that she wasn’t just given the work that she normally did but wasn’t going to say that to her boss. Anne simply said that she was staying in her office because she wanted to keep an eye on her. As she worked around the clock though Stella hated the constant poofy feeling on her bottom, all it did was remind her of how she’d landed in this exact situation.

She occasionally made Stella make runs to other employees to get things from them or deliver things to them and to Stella’s intense embarrassment they all enjoyed telling her how much they loved her new outfit.

Finally though, Anne told her she was done with deliveries for the day, which was more than fine with her. She took shelter in Anne’s office and wanted no one else to see her for the rest of the day. She was finally truly focused. No more distractions, she finally was starting to get what she was doing… and then…

Suddenly Stella felt the back of her dress lifted up and its skirt held against her back. Her pull-up covered butt was on display. With her cheeks burning with shame Stella looked up to find Anne over her and feeling her padded crotch, front and back, as she sat there frozen.

“Don’t look at me like that little one. I’m just making sure you didn’t have another accident. I could have asked you, but after everything today I’m not sure that I can really trust you sweetie.”

Stella wanted to fight it but she chose to stay still. She whimpered and held her tongue while her boss touched, poked and prodded every angle of her crotch on the outside and on the inside as she pulled the waistband of the pull-up out.

At that moment, as Stella was leaning forward trying to ignore her circumstances and Anne was holding her skirt up and had the back of her pull-up pulled outwards… the door creaked open.

By this point in the day, every other employee had gone home besides the two of them, or so Stella thought… “Hey Anne I was just wondering if… Ohhhh…” Stella let out a shocked gasp as she saw that Lisa had walked into the room. The other woman stood there staring at her boss check her rival’s pull-up.


This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here :


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