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Chapter 17

I caught up with Frankie as my aunt left to join the rest of the family at the beach.

Ashley: Thank you for having my back in there, I wasn’t expecting that. 

Frankie: I guess that’s what family’s for. Plus I did check you didn’t I? I just forgot to mention you were wet.

Ashley: You threatened me into wetting myself!

Frankie: Irrelevant. You better score me a date with James for what I did though.

Ashley: Don’t worry I will.

I knew it couldn’t have been genuine. She wanted my help in return of our gesture. Still it was nice of her. Why did she have to start being nice now?

Ashley: We better start getting ready. 

Frankie: Can you help me do my hair and makeup?

Ashley: Sure.

Was I really starting to bond with that devilish brat? We put on some music and danced around as we prepared for a night out. Sisterly stuff. To be honest it felt good, not having to keep my guard up so much, but I also started to doubt myself and my desire to take my revenge.

Around 6:00PM we headed out to Charlie’s pub to meet with James and Casey.

Frankie wore her black dress while I stayed in my shorts and T-shirt. By that time I couldn’t even feel the Goodnites I was wearing underneath anymore, they were just part of my outfit. The whole day had been so hot, especially wearing Pull-Ups, but now that the sun was beginning to set, the temperature was ideal.

I was getting nervous in the car on our way there. What was I gonna tell James? He saw me wearing a diaper… Technically they were disposable training pants for teenage bed wetters, but I assumed he couldn’t appreciate the distinction.

Casey had definitely identified them as diapers. She would be a problem. I would need to keep her as far away from James as possible during the evening if Frankie was to have some alone time with him. 

Thinking back, was I really actively trying to score a date between James and Frankie? Of course it was all part of a greater scheme, but I surprised myself with how far this was going. I needed to remember my plan, why I was doing all of this.

We pulled up in the parking lot and saw the couple already waiting for us at a table on the terrace. Frankie seemed enthusiastic, it was most likely her first time in a bar. I felt kinda bad for being such a bad influence on her… but then I had a flash of her pouring a glass of water in the front of my Pull-Ups on the football field a few days before, then accusing me of lying about peeing myself.

Frankie: Are you sure they’ll let us in? You’re not 21 either.

Ashley: James knows the owner of the pub, it won’t be a problem.

Frankie: Cool. Remember to get me some one on one with him.

Ashley: Remember that after this we’re square.

She nodded. We joined our friends at the table.

James: There they are! Happy birthday again Frankie! How old are you now, I didn’t ask?

Frankie: 18.

She lied. 

James: Sweet! We didn’t wait for you guys and ordered some sangria for all of us, help yourselves!

Ashley: Thank you!

Casey: So… Ashley, I’m sorry I can’t help but ask… What’s the whole deal with you wearing… diapers?

Shit. I had forgotten to look up the whole Protection March thing. 

Ashley: Hum… It’s… 

Frankie: Actually it was just a joke. We have a few younger family members who struggle with bedwetting so I dared Ash to put on one of their diapers to the pool to see if anyone would notice. Since it’s my birthday she couldn’t refuse me!

James: Oh right, you got all of your cousins and their kids at the cottage this year?

Wow, Frankie was really going all out to protect me this time, it was almost touching if it wasn’t for the fact that she just wanted my help to seduce James.

Ashley: Huh? Oh… Yeah, yeah everyone’s there. The whole family.

Casey: So are you still wearing that diaper now?

James : Why don’t you drop it Casey? She said it was a joke…

Casey: I’m just curious… Jeez. Why are you so defensive? 

Ashley: No, I’m not wearing it anymore.

I lied. Tightening my legs closer together, feeling the dry padding of my Goodnites squeeze between my legs, hoping my cheeks wouldn’t betray me by turning red.

Casey: Good for you. What about you Frankie?

Frankie: Me?

Casey: Do you wear diapers too?

The look Frankie gave her was a priceless mix between disdain and contempt.

Frankie: No Casey… I do not wear diapers. I go to the bathroom like a big girl.

Casey: Well look at you two grown ups! Cheers to that!

Ashley: Cheers.


As the evening went by we hung out and did some catching up. We talked about our summer plans and returning to school in the fall. James was hoping to take over his father’s shop on the town’s main street as I would go back to living in a dorm in the city. 

Our friendly conversations reminded me of the good times we had together when I last visited this small summer town. If only I had been more confident in my intentions then… perhaps things would’ve happened differently. 

My only fear back then was that he’d come over to our cottage and find out about my night time secret. Funny how fate had allowed us to cross paths again, only for me to be wearing those same embarrassing Pull-Ups in front of him. 

He had been so protective of me though, so helpful. It was as if he always knew, but how could he? There was this one time at the tree house.. but no, that wasn’t possible. I had been very careful not to expose myself. Is there any way he could’ve…

Frankie: Earth to Ashley, are you listening? 

Ashley: Hmm, what’s that?

Frankie: I was just saying I needed to go to the bathroom, wanna come with me?

That sounded more like an order then a suggestion. 

Ashley: Sure.

James: Don’t take too long girls or there won’t be anymore sangria when you come back!


We walked in the bathroom and Frankie immediately cut to the chase.

Frankie: What’s going on? You promised me some alone time with him and you’re over there lost in your thoughts, all doe-eyed and mouth open like… like you…

She stopped talking and frowned, a strange expression on her face.

Frankie: Did you…?

Ashley: What?

WIthout any warning she suddenly grabbed my shorts and yanked them down in the middle of the restroom, exposing the orange owl and flowers on my Goodnite’s crotch. Before I could even react, she slipped her hand right between my legs and lightly pressed against the padding.

Ashley: What the fuck Frankie?! I did NOT pee myself!

Frankie: Just checking. You had that look in your eyes. 

I heard the bathroom door opening and immediately slid my shorts back up as Frankie removed her hand from my crotch. 

Ashley: Don’t do that again.

Frankie: My bad… but you’re gonna help me with James right? 

Ashley: I’ll do what I can.

At that moment, Casey turned the corner. I hoped she hadn't heard our conversation. Or seen it for that matter. 

Casey: Hey there, what are you two up to?

She seemed unnerved so I could safely assume she had not just witnessed Frankie checking my Pull-Up like an overgrown toddler. As far as the second part of our conversation though… hopefully she wasn’t on to us.

Frankie: Nothing. Just girl stuff.

Casey: I can see that. Sharing secrets in the little girls’ room? 

She walked over to the sink and began to powder her nose.

Casey: Does any of you need help to go potty…? No? Ashley? I’m just asking since you just got out of diapers…

We both remained silent to her not-do-subtle hostile tone.

Casey: Oh come on, relax guys I’m just teasing. I didn’t mean to insult you. We actually missed having you around last year James and I… Although he kept me busy the whole summer if you know what I mean. Still though, I’m happy to see you back in town. And to meet you Frankie. I think we’re gonna be the best of friends! 

She put on the finishing touches of her makeup as we gawked at her, grinding our teeth under a forced smile.

Frankie: I’m sure we will. See you at the table.

Casey winked at me as she passed me by and exited the restroom.

Frankie: What a bitch.

Ashley: Finally something we can agree on.

Frankie : So what’s the plan?

Ashley: Keeping her away from her boyfriend won’t be easy, but I’ve got an idea, but you won’t have a lot of time. When you speak with James, make sure you talk about the beach, surfing, anything that has to do with that… he’s in love with the ocean. 

Frankie: I don’t know a lot about those but I’ll try that.

Ashley : And I will try to make sure Casey doesn’t find out I’m still wearing a Goodnite now.

Frankie: Try to keep that Pull-Up dry too, you know the only change I’ve got is a night diaper in my bag.

Ashley: Oh shut up, you know I won’t need it.

Frankie: You never know.

Ashley: I guess this is it then. Good luck with James.

Frankie: Thank you… for your help. It means a lot to me.

She left the bathroom before I could say anything. It was getting harder and harder for me to plan her demise.

Were we becoming… friends?

Follow Sundoll and please let her know if you like the audiobook :)




Once again, great audio to go along with a great story!


nursury harem