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Sorry there was a problem with the post originally, it didn't save the version with the text when I programmed it. Fixed it by editing it- won't change charges or anything else.

It's almost the end for this story, what kind of send off would you like to see for Ashley? Does she finally get her revenge? Does her plan turn against her?  

Your comments and suggestions will be taken into account for my next poll on this story's ending.


Chapter 34

I woke up from my nap with the distinct feeling of a hand brushing on the front of my diaper, trying to check if I had wet myself during my sleep. To be fair, at this point I couldn’t even tell anymore, nor did I believe it was certain I’d still be dry. 

I rubbed my eyes, still in a sleepy state and noticed I was instinctively nibbling at something in my mouth… It was a pacifier. I pulled it out. It was pink with a rainbow on the front button, but it didn’t look like an old pacifier that could’ve belonged to one of the kids when they were babies. It was new… and big. It might’ve been adult sized actually.

Frankie: Oh baby’s awake from her nap-nap, good.

Ashley: What the hell is this, Frankie?

I was coming out of my slumber, perplexed and immediately spat the babyish item out of my mouth. Frankie picked it up naturally.

Frankie: I noticed you were agitated in your sleep… as if you were longing to suck on something. Your thumb maybe? I saw you doing it earlier today… So I thought you could try this. Isn’t it cute? It made you so peaceful instantly. 

Ashley: How and why do you even have a pacifier that big?

The question seemed to embarrass her a bit. She didn’t respond right away.

Frankie: I… have my ways. I don’t owe you any explanation, you’re the baby here.

Ashley: Well not for long.

I said confidently. I recalled my previous conversation with James, the plan was underway.

Frankie: What was that? Oh, please, I heard what happened earlier with grandma Sally. when she found out about your little… messy accident. 

Ashley: You know exactly what happened. I’m weirded out by how much pleasure you take in this. Do you like it as much as wearing Pull-Ups, Frankie? Was that your repressed goal all along? How does it feel to waddle around in training pants? You wanted to be your grandma’s little tattle tale, didn’t you? Does she check you to make sure you didn’t pee yourself?

Frankie: As a matter of fact, she doesn’t. Because she knows who actually needs those and it turns out she knows you do, since I’m supposed to come and change you before dinner. 

Ashley: Well I don’t need a change, so…

Frankie : Are you sure?

I couldn’t answer. The truth was… I wasn’t sure at all. I felt dry. A little damp perhaps, because of the sweat associated with a hot summer. Could what I thought to be sweat actually be from having another accident I had in my sleep? I did have to pee very badly before I went to bed, but it would be troublesome. My incontinence had been increasing in the past week and it seemed there was no way around it.

Frankie: You don’t even know, do you? Well no matter, that’s why I’m here to check you baby girl.

Ashley: I… Yes! I’m sure.  I still have to go to the bathroom. So, if you’ll excuse me…

She pressed harder on my crotch, directly on my the padding of my diaper and I felt it. It wasn’t much, but it was more than I could possibly allow myself to tolerate. True to my recently reignited bad habits, I had involuntarily wet myself in my sleep. In a very visible diaper, no less.

I still had to pee. I could feel it, but some had leaked out of me in the middle of my nap.

My hands reached my face to cover my reddening hot cheeks as Frankie patted my the soaked garment, ready to take it off of my butt and replace it with a new, dry, thick pair of oversized Pampers. 

She wasn’t even surprised at this point, as if she had expected this all along. A part of me wanted to doubt it, my mind immediately went out to her sneaking into my room and put my hand in water. Some kind of trick that could take the responsibility away from my shoulders. But deep down I knew it was my own doing. It was this place, turning me into a bed wetter

Taking absolute delight in my confusion, Frankie popped the pacifier back into my mouth. This time, I unwillingly accepted it, mesmerized by the overwhelming realization that I was about to get my wet diaper changed by Frankie.

The display must’ve been pathetic from a bystander’s perspective. An overgrown baby girl, legs in the air, pacifier in her mouth, her diaper taken off by her younger sibling. Demoted from her training pants for having too many accidents.

To me it had become reality however and I had to get my revenge on these scheming, manipulating monsters.

I knew James had dropped a package for me in the mailbox. I knew he would be back soon. It would be the final showdown before my escape. I had enough of being the victim and biding my time. I had enough of being their toy, a silent little doll, thrown around and mocked. 

The anger rose up in me and as my diaper was open and Frankie was cleaning my private parts with baby wipes. I spat out the pacifier and suddenly  the tension released itself in the simple form of my bladder emptying and I started wetting myself and everything around me. Voluntarily leaking on my first cousin’s hands and wipes.

I started fully peeing as she was changing my diaper, in a childish attempt to shock or unnerve her. To show her she might’ve had the power to confine me in those for the time being, but I had the power to get her dirty while she was attending to it.

Frankie: Are you fucking kidding me… This is disgusting!! What a repulsive dirty little girl you are.

Her smile didn’t fade however and if anything she seemed more interested by what was happening than truly angry at me.

Frankie: Tssk tssk. You really can’t hold if anymore, can you Ashy?

Ashley: I can, I just choose to release it on you.

Frankie: I didn’t expect you to come around so quickly, look at you!

Ashley: Whatever sick thing you’re into, leave me out of it. Now go ahead and change my diaper for me. Isn’t that what you’re here for? 

I saw a glimpse of light in her eyes as she grabbed the new garment from my dresser, washing her hands off with wipes in the process and throwing them away.

Frankie: Yes I am. 

As she slid those big Pampers under my butt, I could tell we had reached another level in our game. I was no longer interested in saving face. All I wanted was the chance to put them all back in their place. 

Reaching the mailbox was my next step. I would get there crawling on the floor in my Pampers, pacifier firmly placed in my mouth if that’s what it took.

One way or another, tonight was the end… and I planned on ending it with fireworks. 



A excellent addition


0w0 fantastics


Still waiting for the Hermione story ;)


It's not working 😔


I'd like to see her plan turned against her. :)


would love yo see her get her revenge on her custin and aunt

Stuart Atkins

I'm in two minds about this one. On the one hand I'd love to see Frankie get some come-uppance. However, Ashley is very good at being humiliated. Whichever way it goes I feel the important thing to finish strong is maximum humiliation for whichever (or both) girl winds up getting screwed over. I also hope you've got something strong up your sleeve if you're finishing this one because it's definitely the strongest story you have.


I vote having her plan turned against her.


I'm in the same boat as Stuart, could not have said it better myself.


Why not both, Ash gets her revenge and there is a price to pay.


I'm with Random Patreon, I vote for both. Revenge, at a price. Preferably a humiliating price.


Thanks for all your comments! I'll keep them in mind!


I definitely want Frankie to get payback from Ashley (i.e., real infantilization, not just diapers) but if Ashley remains in diapers for quite some time, then it's alright with me. Also, why can't Ashley's Aunt end up in diapers, possibly due to a urinary tract infection, and her daughters put her back in thick diapers with locking plastic panties due to her attempts to remove her protection. She and Frankie could spend some quality time together in a playpen.


I want Ashley to get her revenge. These two have had it coming.


I want Ashley to get revenge on both Frankie and her aunt maybe Ashley's. Mom can make a series finale entrence.


Okay, I'm all caught up with this story. I had trouble reading it because I honestly thought this was an unfair story for the main character, but I had to know how it would end. Now I'm curious about how you'll eventually end this.


It is quite a bit unfair you're right! But where would be the fun in everybody getting along? ;p


When is a new chapter coming? It’s been two months.