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Chapter 16

I hid in the fitting room, trying to not get caught between Frankie and that poor girl who had an accident in the dress shop and was now wearing the same kind of Pull-Ups as I was, only what seemed to be an older version of it. 

I changed back into my outfit and left the frilly purple dress on a hanger. I could hear the conversation between the saleswoman and the girl’s mother, which I’m sure was a delight for Frankie.

Saleswoman: Don’t worry honey, I told your mother I would wash it for you before you take it home. Urine can leave stains if you don’t use the right products. You know it’s good thing you’ve had an accident here and not when you were trying it on at home, then I couldn’t have done anything.

Girl: Will you please… stop talking about it?

Saleswoman: Well there’s nothing to be ashamed of dear, it happens to lots of people. This is exactly what I was telling that young girl and her sister. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. You never know when an accident can happen… right in front of the potty too, poor thing. 

I felt bad for that girl, knowing very well Frankie was staring right at her, enjoying every minute of her humiliation, but at the same time… at least it wasn’t me.

I slid my shorts up on top of my Goodnites, making sure the door was locked as I did. Living with Frankie had me  becoming increasingly paranoid. I knew that one misstep would have me exposed. 

I could picture it very clearly: Frankie opening up the door as I was changing, standing in front of the whole store in just my childish potty pants. Then she’d make up an excuse like ‘‘Oh sorry I thought you were done’‘ and make a disingenuous comment such as ‘‘You don’t have to be embarrassed, you’re not the only one who has to wear Pull-Ups…’‘ 

Hearing the young woman storm out of the store brought me back to the real world. I got out of the fitting room, leaving the dress in there. 

Frankie : You missed out on a good show.

At the register, the young woman’s mother was still paying for the dress, apologizing for her daughter’s tantrum. The saleswoman shrugged.

Saleswoman: Do not worry at all, I know it’s hard at that age. Fancy herself a grown up even though she just had an accident like a little one.

Mother: I think putting on those training panties was exactly what she needed to remind her that even at 18 years old she’s not accident proof.

Saleswoman: Between you and I, I highly recommend you purchase at least one of our… thicker protective underwear. For the night of the wedding. You won’t want to be cleaning that mess up while your older daughter is getting married.

Mother: Alright, throw one in. I’ll put it in my purse though. I don’t want her to know until the wedding night.

Saleswoman: Sure thing.

I saw Frankie’s eyes glimmering, listening to every word between them. Given her obsession with diapers, I shouldn’t have surprised me that she seemed so interested by this situation. I didn’t want her to jump in the conversation however so I insisted that we’d get out of there before things escalated.

We stepped out of the shop and encountered the young woman sitting on a bench in front of the entrance. Of course, Frankie couldn’t pass this opportunity to be what she’d always been : a brat. She walked by the girl and candidly addressed her.

Frankie: Make sure you don’t wet your little Pull-Ups… or you’re gonna end up diapered!

Girl: Why don’t you shut the fuck up? I bet you still wear the same every night.

Frankie: Hmm no. I don’t need those anymore. And even if I did, at least I don’t pee my pants in the middle of the day! Goodbye diaper butt.

She walked away, looking smug and satisfied. I wanted to add something, to say I was sorry for her… but I knew that it would only serve to anger Frankie who wouldn’t hesitate to call me out on my own Pull-Ups.

I simply followed Frankie along to the next store, hoping this time she’d find what she was looking for.


And she did. A pretty black dress to make her look a few years older. Thankfully the episode at the dress shop seemed to have put her in a good mood. She even asked for my advice on what kind of dress to buy and whether or not it looked good on her. 

I was surprised not to hear comments such as ‘’what would you know, you’re still in diapers’’ or ‘’I don’t need help from a baby’’. 

She had been acting like a decent person for once, which made it harder for me to stay focused on my revenge. I needed to remember all the times she humiliated me to keep me from backing out of my own scheme.

We drove back to our family cottage. I hoped that Nancy, Frankie’s mother, wouldn’t be there as it might’ve compromised my plan. The house seemed empty however. 

Everyone was out and about on what might’ve been the hottest day of the summer so far. I brushed the sweat off my face, relieved I wouldn’t have to explain to my relatives that we were planning on going to a bar later in the evening, to celebrate Frankie’s birthday.

She, in turn, seemed pretty excited about the whole thing. She rushed downstairs to her room with her brand new clothes. I walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water. 

As it was filling up, I felt something tug at the back of my shorts, exposing my Goodnites’ waistband.

Ashley: What the hell are you… oh hi Aunt Sally. I had no idea you were here.

Sally: My voice must’ve been drowned in the sound of the water running from faucet, I’m sorry if I startled you my dear.

Ashley: Hum, yeah… that’s okay…

Sally: I just asked you how you were doing today, I didn’t see you at breakfast this morning… Then I thought I’d check up on you.

Ashley: I’m dry.

I probably sounded a bit more stern then I would’ve wanted, but that woman had a way of pushing my buttons by always acting as if I wouldn’t be able to tell if I pissed myself. I shifted my shorts up to make sure it would hide the Pull-Ups under them. I did not want her to check me like a toddler again.

Sally: That’s good. Very well. I was just making sure. Listen. About last night, I wanted to say I’m sorry if I sounded too harsh. But you know the rules under my roof are important to me. I hope you can understand that.

Frankie walked in the room as Sally gave me her half-hearted apology.

Ashley: Sure… I understand.

I secretly wanted to bash her head in, but I kept my cool. I knew it wouldn’t do me any good to rebel against her now. I had to put up with her authoritative bullshit all the way through… until tonight.

Sally: Good. Now it would mean a lot to me to just… make sure you don’t need a change my dear. We wouldn’t want you to hide secrets from us, would we? You know the consequence for your little accidents now. 

My eyes widened. She couldn’t be serious…

Sally: Show me please.

I hesitated, Frankie was watching the whole thing from behind my aunt. The silence was deafening. What could I do? 

I gradually reached down to my jean shorts to undo the front button, then slowly slid the zipper down…

Frankie : I just checked her Grandma, it’s fine.

I stopped and looked at Frankie, taken aback.

Sally: Oh you did, honey! Thank you for watching over her, what would we do without you? Did you have a good time at the pool this morning?

Frankie: We did, we met some friends there, we’re hanging out with them tonight.

Sally: Wonderful!

They walked away from the kitchen, heading outside, leaving me alone with my shorts halfway down, ready to reveal my dry Pull-Ups.


Follow Sundoll and please let her know if you like the audiobook :)




the audio tag is misspelt as audi by the way...