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Chapter 6
A Change in Leadership

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Everyone was either staring at me or flat out made fun of me. Matilda and Jessie sat on the opposite side of me in history class instead of sitting next to me like they usually did. In one measly act, one pair of wet pants, I had lost all of my power. My ruling in the school was gone as of this moment. This morning most of the school either wanted to be me or feared me, now neither of those statements were true. No one feared a pants wetter, and no one wanted to be one even more.

Instead of trying to participate in anything, I tried to keep my head down and my face covered for the rest of the day. Finally it was time for cheerleading practice; something I was good at.

I walked into the room and it was very clear that the loud chattering that had just been going on stopped abruptly as I entered. I chose to pretend that the whole incident had never happened, maybe the other girls would agree with me.

“Hey there puddle pants, how’s it going?” Matilda called out. So much for keeping it quiet. My cheeks were instantly as red as they could be again. Several of the other girls were giggling and talking about it amongst themselves. I just had to stay strong and try to treat practice like normal. I groaned internally though when I saw that Blake himself was sitting far back on the bleachers watching the entire time, grinning to himself.

Overall though, practice went as normally as I could have hoped it would. Once the teasing subsided we got into our normal routines and no one seemed that interested in talking about what had happened. ‘Thank God.’ I thought to myself the entire time. Maybe the whole accident thing would have a chance to blow over after all. I wouldn’t become known as Princess Tinkles all over the high school.

Or so I thought…

Finally the longest cheerleading practice I had ever been a part of came to an end. I excused everybody from practice and quickly excused myself to the locker room. I decided to take a shower, even if it was only a quick one. Even after the baby wipes my legs and crotch didn’t feel very clean. So I hopped in and began to clean myself up. I half hoped that Blake would be gone from his spot by the time I walked back out, but I knew that was too much to hope for.

After my shower I walked out feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. At least now, whatever new thing Blake threw my way I could be clean for, and thank goodness it was the weekend. After getting dressed back into my borrowed clothes I was getting ready to leave when I heard a voice.

“Hey there sweetie.” Jessie’s suddenly said. I turned to look at them and Matilda and Jessie were both standing there smiling at me.

“Oh,” I said to them. “Uh, hey guys were you waiting on something. The two girls giggled to each other, but I didn’t understand what was so funny. They both observed me for a moment.

“You know Jessie,” Matilda began as both of them moved towards me slightly. “I never realized how cute she was until she had her little accident.”

“What…” I began to say but Jessie cut me off.

“Oh I know Matilda! She always acted so mean and tough and bossy, but I think she was secretly hiding the fact that she is just a little girl with a big problem.” I didn’t like where any of this was going.

“Okay look guys, I don’t,” But I was cut off again.

“No you look sweetie!” Matilda said as she brought her face very close to my own causing me to fall back and sit down against the bench. “You have been bitchy and bossy and rude to both of us for years! We thought we had to listen to you but that was all just a big joke.” Matilda brought her face inches from my own. “You’re just a little puddle panties who probably needs some protection.”

Before I could react Matilda grabbed hold of my little black skirt and pulled it up putting my little pink panties on display. “Awww, those are cute.” Jessie said, coming closer as well. “It’d be a darn shame if something were to… happen to them.” I tried to speak, to explain to them that I had all been a big joke but neither of them were listening to me. They both had mischievous looks in their eyes.

At once both girls sprung at me and began tickling me to my surprise. “Come on little girl!” Jessie called out.

“Give us a show sweetie!” Matilda screamed out. The both of them were giggling to but in a much more cynical way. I knew what they were trying to do but I wasn’t going to give in. Unfortunately, ever since the incident in the cafeteria actually using the bathroom was not the main thing on my mind. As the tickled me relentlessly I felt my urge to go getting worse and worse.

“Please stop! Please…” I begged them. The two girls I thought were my friends had secretly hated me just like I had secretly hated them. They wanted me out of the way so that they could become the real head cheerleader. Bad news for me because they may just get their wish.

I let out a loud gasp as I felt a wet spot begin to blossom in the front of my pink panties. I whimpered and crossed my legs and tried everything to hold it back but it was no use. The tickling had made my entire bladder give in. As I whimpered the wet spot grew bigger and bigger until my entire panties were soggy.

Matilda and Jessie had backed up and enjoyed simply watching once it had started. As I sat there on the bench in the locker room, tears swelled up in my eyes for the second time that day as my panties were filled with pee. Real pee this time, not lemonade. The wetness made a puddle on the bench until it dripped down my legs as well as dripping off the bench and making a bigger puddle on the floor. Matilda and Jessie were laughing hysterically the entire time as I covered my face. When my second “accident” of the day ended I opened my eyes and I was even more humiliated when I saw that Matilda was taking pictures and Jessie was taking a video of the entire thing. With that I sprang up off the bench and ran out of the locker room to try to save myself from any more embarrassment! The girls laughed and called every insult they could think of after me as I escaped.

I ran right into Blake as I left. “Hey there babygirl.” Blake’s eyes grew wide at the sight of my soaked crotch, skirt, and legs. This was a part of my punishment that he had not planned. Immediately he took me by the hand and said, “Come on, let’s go back to the nurse’s office baby.” I didn’t want to take his hand, but as I walked in my cold wet accident I had no other comfort at the moment. The two of us headed back to the nurse’s for the second time that day.


This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here : https://zanderchesneyoriginals.tumblr.com/ 


Stuart Atkins

I think this story may be the best content at the moment.