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 Chapter 2
A New Master

The figure was a young man. A tall, large young man. He had short black hair and a bit of a five o clock shadow. I knew him; he had graduated from the high school almost three years ago. His name, was Blake Edwards. The older brother of Katie Edwards, the girl that I had relentlessly been making fun of since the both of us were in the 5thgrade. I stood there stunned; I didn’t know what to do. I knew I was in big trouble if this was the person I was looking for. If Blake Edwards was the person who claimed to have my precious property then I was going to have some serious problems on my hands.

“Hello there Alyssa.” Blake said with a deep smirk on his face. When he grinned I knew. His smile was enough to tell me that he was the person I was looking for. He had been waiting for me to arrive. His grin was that of a person with a plan. A plan for… revenge. “Lovely day is it not?” He asked, as if we were just going to have a casual conversation.

“Cut the crap.” I spat out to cut him off. “What do you want Blake? Why did you bring me here?” I didn’t feel like having random chit chats with this fat fucker. I wanted to get what was mine back and get the fuck out of there before something bad happened. I could feel it in my gut though, even then. This was not going to end well.

 Blake laughed at my anger, “Right to the point then? In a rush are we? Very well.” Blake reached behind into a large backpack that he had sitting on the ground and dug around inside of it. “Where is that… ah! Here it is.” He then pulled out a small pink book covered in stickers. I gasped as I saw what it was.

“Is that my diary?!” I screamed out. Blake chuckled loudly.

“Why, yes it is. You have been careless with your belongings Alyssa Parker. Now I am in possession of this beautiful, secret filled book. It was quite the read you know, very enjoyable.” I could feel my cheeks dye themselves several shades darker as I thought about every secret I had written inside my diary. I didn’t even remember all of the ones that I had written! “I particularly enjoyed the entries that described how you weren’t fully potty trained until 6th grade.” He flashed his eyes at me mischievously. “When you first started bullying my sister you had something a little more absorbent than panties on under your jeans didn’t you little girl? Not so grown up after all…” He mocked.

“Give me that back!” I screamed out and tried to grab for the book. The diary itself was very childish because I had been writing in it since I was little. It just made the book that much more embarrassing if anyone was to lay eyes on it. Unfortunately for me Blake is a very tall and big guy and no amount of pushing or cursing from me: a 5’5 and 96 pound girl was going to knock him over to get it.

“Oh stop your fussing!” Blake yelled out at me after a minute. “It’s not going to work. And besides,” His grin formed once again on his face. “I’ve already made a copy of it.” I felt my heart beat three times faster. I wanted to scream or punch him in the face, do any matter of obscenity; but I knew I only had one option.

“What do you want?” I said softly.

Blake smiled victoriously. “Good girl, you already know that there’s no way out of this for you.” Blake put my original journal back into his backpack. “Here’s the deal Alyssa, from now on you are going to do everything I say, EVERYTHING, or I will publish your entire diary as an entry into the school newspaper as well as posting it on every social media available.”

I could feel my jaw physically drop. I was now practically his slave. It was either that or have every single one of my secrets be revealed to the entire school and then the world. What kind of sick twisted things was he going to make me do?!

“Spin around!” He said suddenly. I gave him a bewildered expression.

“What?” I replied.

“Spin around!” He repeated. “I want you to spin around right now! Do everything I say or everyone will see this.” He said that as he patted his backpack containing my diary. I wanted to argue with him, but what could I do?

I started spinning. I spun in place as Blake began to laugh. “There you go girl! That’s it!” I felt ridiculous, just spinning around in a circle for this idiot. “Okay stop.” He said. I did graciously, I was starting to feel dizzy. “Now pat your head and rub your tummy!” He said with a smile. I shot him another angry glance but he immediately added, “You know the consequences if you argue with me.”

I sighed softly and did what he told me. I patted my head and rubbed my tummy, looking like a complete moron for this fat loser. “Okay stop.” He said, so I did so. Blake was rubbing his chin in thought with a smirk on his face. “Now I want you to suck your thumb.” He said, his grin grew larger than ever.

“You can’t be serious! I am not going to do that!” Blake suddenly looked angry for a moment.

“Little girl! Do as you are told or you will earn many more punishments than what you have already got coming to you!” His words, and the intensity that he said them at, actually made me frightened. So, swallowing my pride, without another word I stuck my thumb into my mouth and begin to suck on it. I felt like a toddler. Blake’s devilish smile told me I was right where he wanted me.

“Good Girl Alyssa, we’re going to have so much fun…”


This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here : https://zanderchesneyoriginals.tumblr.com/ 



Cant wait for the next Chapter