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 This is a brand new story by Zander Chesney, one of my personal favorites of his so far! Hope you also enjoy :)

Chapter 1
How it all Begins

My name is Alyssa. I am 18 years old and close to graduating high school. I have dark black hair and deep green eyes. I am a cheerleader, well, use to be a cheerleader. In fact I used to be a lot of things. I used to be a normal 18 year old girl, I used to be feared by most people who knew me, and I used to be queen of my school. But now… Now, I’m so little. In such a short amount of time so much changed for me. My entire world collapsed around me and changed without me being able to control it. Unfortunately I can’t blame anybody but myself. If I had been nicer to people, or didn’t bully so many people all of this may have never happened. But it did. And my life will never be the same again…

            I will get to all that though. To understand my story you need to hear it from the beginning. From where it all started. From the day that I found that fucking note.

            It started out as a seemingly normal day of high school. The day was going on like any other usually did. I had just gotten out of my final period of the day and was heading to my locker. My best friends were my fellow cheerleaders. I was a captain of the squad, of course. Who could be better than Alyssa Parker for cheer captain? Our school had three cheerleading captains. There was Matilda, the redheaded “nice girl”, and Jessie, a blonde bimbo. Even though there was three of us though, everyone knew I was the real leader.

            So naturally those two girls were my BFF’s, but I knew they talked behind my backs; the skanks. They were just jealous that I was the one on top. We didn’t have cheerleading practice that day so we were spending our day off enjoying messing with our fellow students; or as I liked to call them, my subjects. We weren’t exactly on the same level. Nobody was on the same level as Alyssa Parker. At least, nobody used to be.

            One girl in particular was my favorite to pick on. Her name was Katie. Katie Edwards was a very nerdy girl who had tried out for the cheerleading team on several different occasions. I always tried to convince her to stop trying but she never would. The truth is, I thought she just wasn’t hot enough to get on the cheer squad. We didn’t need someone like her distracting our fans from looking at me. That day it all started I do remember being particularly mean to her. My favorite nickname to call her was babytits. She had some of the smallest breasts in school and I loved using that against her.

            “What’s up babytits? How’s it going?” I said to her as my posy and I walked up to her locker. She was rushing to put her books away; she’d known we were coming. With a giggle I gave her a hard smack on the ass. “I said, how’s it going babytits? Or does the little one need another spanking?” We all chuckled at her. Katie turned her butt towards her locker to shield it.

            “Everything was fine until you all showed up!” She whimpered out. “Why don’t you just leave me alone?” I laughed at her, begging for mercy like a little child.

“Could you be more pathetic? And you actually thought we would let you on the cheer squad?” I laughed in her face. “You must really be crazy, or maybe you’re just stupid. Either way, your dream of being one of us will forever remain just that, a dream.”

With that I kicked her backpack which lay on the ground, her books spilled out of it and skittered across the ground. “See ya around loser.” I called out as we walked away.

“Hey!” Katie shouted. I turned to look at her. She was standing straight and had a stern face. “You just wait Alyssa Parker. Karma is coming to get you.” I rolled my eyes at her and kept walking. Karma hadn’t worked on me for 18 years, why would it start now?

I reached my locker and started inserting the combination. Without any cheerleading practice I would be able to go home and relax for once. I was sick of all these weirdos anyways. I just wanted to get home and have some alone time.

That’s when the trouble began…

My locker popped open after I finished the combo and before I could think about anything else a small little envelope fell to the floor in front of me. “What the..?” I said softly to myself. I bent down and picked the envelope up. No stamp, no address, no anything. ‘Strange,’ I think to myself. I turn the envelope around and rip the thing open. Inside is a simple piece of notebook paper. I unfold the paper and read the words on the page,

“Hello Alyssa Parker. You have been a naughty naughty girl. But you have also been a very careless girl as well. I have something of yours. A prized possession of yours that would cause you a lot of turmoil if the whole world were to see it. If you would like it back I suggest you meet me in the field behind the school after school ends or everyone will see what I have. Come quickly, come alone, come and see me you naughty little thing.”



I gasped at the name signed on the page. Master? Seriously? I considered not going, but how could I not. I was unsure what the “Master” could have and what if I decided not to go and it turned out to be true? I couldn’t risk it.

So despite my nervousness in going I headed around the school and walked towards the grassy fields we have behind our building. As I got closer I could see a figure dressed mostly in black. But who? As I got closer I let out a gasp. I knew exactly who it was, and I was gonna be in some deep trouble…


This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here : https://zanderchesneyoriginals.tumblr.com/ 


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