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Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it!
This is my present for you guys : by popular demand, a brand new chapter of the Hermione Saga :)


Chapter 7

Hermione was standing with the other students in professor Slughorn's potion class, trying her best to avoid glancing at Lavender as much as she could. It had been a few weeks since the embarrassing situation Lavender put her through, changing her in the middle of the evening, in front of Luna.

These had been quiet days and Hermione grew anxious as to what Lavender’s next move might be. She would’ve rather be done with it quickly then letting this torture linger.

It seemed Lavender had other plans, much to the dismay of the young witch who took as a sign of an elaborate scheme in the works. Some would’ve suggested her fellow Gryffindor student might have realized how cruel and grotesque was the pact she designed. Perhaps she had grown bored of ordering her helpless classmate around.

Hermione knew better, of course, especially as she was still required to wear nappies everyday, even to class. That had been her worst nightmare at first. Crinkling about in these enormous padded underpants was humiliating enough, but Lavender insisted on ‘‘checking’‘ to make sure she had them on every morning before they left for the great hall. This inspection had become a routine and thankfully Hermione was now allowed to wear her Drynites during the day due to the short supply of regular nappies, which were originally meant to keep her dry at night.

Her ‘’daytime nappies’’, as Lavender called them, were not as thick and loud as their puffy cousins, but they were still absorbent underwear which noticeably rustled under her school skirt as she walked in the echoey halls of the castle.

The good thing was, she didn't have to take the tapes on and off anymore whenever she needed to use the restroom. The bad thing was... now Lavender insisted that whenever she needed to relieve herself, she would have to come to her and ask permission to do so. ''Begging'' would've been a better word, as the evil witch made it an increasingly long process of justification and baby-talking her way into using the bathroom. So much so that Hermione would need to rush and find her as soon as she felt the need to go, to make sure she would make it on time.

So far she hadn't had an ''accident'' thankfully, but it felt as if Lavender had made it a personal mission to achieve just that purpose. Her new rule included sliding down her Drynites for her! As if Hermione was incapable of even the slightest hint of grown up behavior when it comes to potty training.   Her cheeks were on fire just to think of it, closing her legs together as she reminded herself of the knicker-shaped nappy she had on under that skirt.

 She kept staring at the door. Where were Harry and Ron? Her best friends had been her only distraction through all this nonsense. At least they weren't suspecting anything... yet. Ron would make her life impossible if he learned she was permanently in Pull-Ups. She wasn't allowed to explain why, so she would have to lie and tell them she needed them in case of accidents... which would result in even more nightmarish mockery.   
 ''Keeping your little girl knickers dry I expect?''

Hermione jumped, taken by surprise at Lavender suddenly standing next to her.
 The young witch wrinkled her nose in distaste, her eyes searching for any sign of someone over hearing them.   
 ''I don't need to... go, yet.'' She whispered. ''I'll let you know when I do.''

''Today should be interesting if the rumors are to be believed... Slughorn has a special reward for whoever will be able to cook the best potion. I want you to win that reward and give it to me. Shouldn't be too hard for you, Miss Perfect, right?''

''I don't even have a clue of what the potion is... It might not be something I'm familiar with...''

'' Well you better learn, because if you lose, you'll have an accident in this very classroom, do I make myself clear?''

 At that exact moment, Harry and Ron barged into the room, running towards her desk. When Hermione turned around to greet them, Lavender became quiet, preferring to look at Ron instead.

 Professor Slughorn stopped his monologue to acknowledge Harry and immediately took notice that the late comers were empty handed. He sent them to the old cupboard at the back of the room while Hermione was busy exchanging nervous looks with her tormentor.

 The rest of the class went as Lavender had predicted. Slughorn announced the contest and whoever cooked an acceptable ''Living Death'' potion would win the rare 'Felix Felicis' which guaranteed luck to anyone who would drink it.   

 Truth be told, Hermione desired the potion more then her classmates could've imagined. Not to give it to Lavender, but rather with the hope that consuming it right then and there would allow her to somehow break free of that stupid Vow she made with the bratty witch who blackmailed her.
 Alas, much to her dismay, Harry followed some strange written instructions in his old potions manual and somehow bested her. As he stood there with a victorious smile on his face and everybody clapped, Hermione felt long slender fingers brush on the fabric of her skirt, bringing her attention to her padded behind.

 ''I thought you had this under control Mimi'' She said softly.

''I don't know what happened... I swear, I thought I did, I just...''

''You just... lost control'' Lavender grinned. ''You know that feeling, don't you?''

 Hermione gasped as the 3rd dare's consequence dawned on her. Everybody was still gathered around Harry, curious about the liquid luck he had acquired while Lavender Brown's hand made its way under her skirt and pressed on her crinkly butt.

 That's when it happened. Hermione felt herself give up and a stream of warm liquid escaped her, filling her Pull-Ups. She was peeing herself, right there in the class room, in front of all the other students. Her ''daytime nappy'' was growing warm and wet until it reached its saturation point and... gave up. 

''Oh my!'' Lavender said, out loud this time.   

She had felt it too. The Drynite Hermione had on was leaking and a few drops were slowly making their way down her legs, absorbed by her knee-length socks. Tears fell from her eyes.

 The clever witch had never been so embarrassed in her entire life. She left the classroom in a hurry, before her tears... and her accident became full blown outbursts.

 ''Where are you going Hermione?'' Ron seemed surprised.

 ''I think she took her defeat a little too seriously...'' said Lavender.   


Stuart Atkins

We really need to see much more of this and WAS.