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Chapter 10:

I got up off the floor and put my jeans back on. Something felt very strange, Julie didn't seem right. I grabbed my book and headed downstairs to read a bit outside. The dry diaper felt really nice, I was starting to feel comfortable in them already, even though it's my first day in them. What Julie said stuck with me, no one cares! I was excited for Mark to come by for dinner, I really felt comfortable around him. 

I made it downstairs and saw Julie on the phone, she was whispering…why would she need to be whispering? I was about to walk into the room she was when all of a sudden my arm was grabbed and I was pulled to the side. 

Gina: Ow! 

Harry: Be quiet, and just listen to me.

Gina: Harry what's wrong? What're you doing?

Harry: Gina you have to get out of here, now.

Gina: What? What're you talking about I can't leave!

Harry: You don't understand what you've stepped into, you need to get out while you still can

Gina: Harry you're scaring me, what have I stepped into?

Harry: I don't have time to explain, you just need to go before she gets off the-

Julie: The phone?

We turned around fast. My heart was racing, Julie looked angry, and intimidating. 

Harry: Julie stop this, this isn't you, please!

Julie just stared at me. I was frozen in place. Oh god, I have to get out of here.

Julie: You're not leaving Gina. There's no where you can go.

She started walking towards me slowly.

Julie: Who would change your diapers? You can't do it yourself, you'll always need me. 

What was she talking about did she….oh my god.

Gina: Julie...did you do this to me?

Harry: Gina you have to get out NOW!

Julie: There's nowhere to go Gina, you can't run from your new sister

I looked to the door, I'd have to push past her to get there but I could make it. I just bolted, running as fast as I could with the thick padding between my legs. I got past Julie but..

Julie: That's it, Sleepy Girl!

My eyes closed fast and I fell to the floor, fast asleep. 

I was in a dream. Wearing clothes that looked like something's toddlers wore, and a diaper thicker than the ones I wore in real life. My legs were spread wide apart, and I was sitting in the floor where I'd once peed my pants. I was smaller, the whole world around me seemed gigantic compared to my new size. 

Julie: There you are!

Julie walked over to me, she was now three times my height. I tried to run away from her but my legs didn't work, I could only crawl. 

Julie: Come back here you!

She grabbed me and picked me up.

Julie: So happy to have my new sister, oh and look! You need a change.

I looked down, my diaper was filling with pee. Then it started to sag at the back from mess.

Julie: Come now little girl, let's get you a fresh diapee

I started squirming like crazy, trying to shake out of her hands. 

Julie: Settle down now baby Gina!

I twisted and shook the best I could when finally I escaped her grip and started falling. She grabbed me by my wrist and when she caught me-

I bursts awake. My head was sore from falling earlier, I went to rub it when...I couldn't move my hand. Still dazed, I turned to my right. My hand was handcuffed to my bed with pink, frilly cuffs. I started panicking, my left hand was tied up too. Shaking my hands to see if they would give, i started crying.

Gina: Help!!

No one. I shook at my hands more.

Gina: Please anyone help me!!

Nothing. I shook my whole body, but my legs were tied up too. Each foot tied up to a post. Then I noticed maybe the worst part of this whole thing. Between my spread legs was no jury one diaper, but at least 6 of the thick diapers taped to me. And as usual, my dream effected my reality as I was soaked and messy, even though you couldn't tell just by looking. I could just feel the warm and wet padding hugging my hips. 

Gina: Anybody please!!!

The door swung open hard. Julie slowly walked in. 

Gina: Julie please let me go, why are you doing this to me?

Julie: Oh I haven't really done anything to you, just kept you in line. However…

She turned to the door, I followed her eyes. Someone was coming in. It was Mr. Jacobson.

Mr Jacobson: Hello Gina

Gina: Oh my god what’s going on please just let me go!

Mr Jacobson: And why would we do that? We’ve gotten so far along in your progression, or rather, regression.

Gina: My….what?

Mr Jacobson: These accidents you’ve been experiencing are all part of my greater plan for you. 

Gina: Greater...plan?

Mr Jacobson: You see Gina, I make a lot of money on the black market. I don't sell drugs or anything of that sort, I sell people. Now you might say oh Mr Jacobson, that’s human trafficking but you’re wrong. You see I provide a special service. I take beautiful young adults such as yourself, and regress them to appear around Julie’s age. Thirteen to fifteen, old enough to still be becoming a woman, but young enough to still be reliant on a parental figure. So my buyers send me a request for a certain type of girl, I regress them physically and mentally through hypnosis and drugs of my own design, and sell them to them as a new young girl in need of adoption. They’re the same age, but look a whole lot younger. We make up a new identity and set everything up to appear by the book. So legally, I run an orphanage. A very exclusive orphanage but nonetheless. 

He was like an evil villain monologuing. My heart dropped and I realized I was about to be sold, but first I was going to become less and less like myself. 

Gina: Why are you doing this...why…

I was getting so weak, I could only cry so much more. 

Mr Jacobson: For money, obviously. This is a good business to be in! A lot of people surprisingly will pay good money for a regressed, incontinent little girl. Look at little Julie here. Well, she was just a bit older than you when I started her treatment. Now look at her!

Gina: You’re sick!

Mr Jacobson: Ha! Maybe, but money talks. And now, we have to finish your progress. But first...   

He started walking towards me…how could I get out of this? 

Julie: You really think this is going to work Daddy?

Mr Jacobson: If my theory is correct, this will be better in the long term, and won't required so many hypnotic touch ups. She will be like that for a looooong time. 

He walked over to my bedside. I squirmed like crazy to try to escape, but nothing. He whispered in my ear.

Mr Jacobson: Release

I suddenly felt a rush over my head. Everything felt so clear, and my mind seemed focused.

Gina: What did you do???

Mr Jacobson: I just released all hypnotic suggestions from your mind.

Gina: So...are you going to let me go then??

Mr Jacobson: Oh Gina, you already have such youthful naivety, you’re going to be a very expensive little girl. No Gina I released you because I thought, in lieu of our son giving up our secret, I’d try something new. You are going to stay right where you are. You are going to do what we say. You are going to use your diapers. My belief is that if I push your body and your mind to regressing itself, you will be a more complete product. Your mind will give up on your bladder and bowels after you’ve become so used to using your diapers. And with a little bit of help from my medication, your body shrinking will be a cue to your mind that you are no longer the young adult you once were. No more hypnosis games, only natural regression.

I could hardly breath. This was my life now, there was no escape.

This story was written by Yesyouneeddiapers  
Find more of his content here :



Great chapter!! Did not see any of that coming!