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Chapter 8:

I just stared at it. The thick, white and colorful block of padding Julie held was my only option now. The wet and messy goodnite between my legs was starting to really sag, and my shorts looked now like I had wet them without a diaper on.

Gina: I...I guess I don't have any other choice, do I?

Julie just shook her head no. I looked to the floor in shame, than to the bathroom mirror. There I was, an adult woman standing in a dirty diaper and wet shorts, about to accept the thick diapers from the girl I was meant to be looking after. I looked even younger than I did this morning, my mind is regressing my own image.

I started towards Julie to grab the diaper. MY diaper. I took one step and then all of a sudden, I lost my balance.


My legs had just given out again like they had this morning, and I fell right on my bum. The mess spread and squished across my bottom, and my nose curled in disgust. I couldn’t stop it, I started bawling. Crying like a toddler, that’s just what I was. An adult toddler sitting in her own piss and shit. Julie came over and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet.

Julie: You’ve had quite the rough morning, let's get you in a dry diaper.

She lead me over to the changing table and laid me across it. I was still bawling, totally given in to the whole thing. Julie removed my shorts and my goodnite, throwing it right in the trash. She pulled some wipes and powder out of her bag and started wiping me clean. The whole thing didn’t phase her...was she smiling? I couldn't tell through my tears. 

After several minutes of wiping I was clean. She unfolded the thick adult diaper and placed it under my bum, then I heard the door swing open. My head jolted over and made immediate eye contact with the female custodian who had just walked in. She stared confused.

Julie: Some privacy, please?

The lady slowly backed away and left the bathroom. I let go of the breath I was holding from when she walked in. Julie just continued her work, sprinkling a liberal amount of powder on my crotch and rubbing it in. I had stopped crying, but when she finally pulled the front of the diaper over me and taped it shut, I wanted to cry again. It was so thick my legs had to stay spread, and I felt every inch of the super absorbent padding. I didn’t realize how high they went up as well, for the top of the diaper just covered my belly button. Julie pulled me to my feet and handed me a pair of leggings.

Gina: My diaper is going to show under these!

Julie: Well it’s all I brought, so you can take it or leave it.

I couldn’t go out without pants on, what would Mark think? Then again they’re going to show anyways, and I’ve already made a fool of myself in front of him. 

Julie: Besides Gina, I don’t think any of your clothes are going to properly hide that.

I pouted, but unfolded the pants and started pulling them on. When I got to my butt I didn’t think the pants were actually going to make it over the 1-inch thick padding, but with a few pulls I got it over. The waistband stuck out a few inches above my leggings, so I pulled my shirt down to hide it the best I could, and looked in the mirror.

It was so obvious. You could see the entire outline of the diaper, and this was when it was dry…

Julie: C'mon now, let's go meet up with the boys.

She took my hand and lead me out of the bathroom. Walking in this thing was a challenge, I always had to have my legs a bit apart and walk in a bit of a waddle. Once we were out I pulled my hand away, and Julie gave me a look I couldn’t quite read. The boys were right where we left them, finishing hitting the rest of our balls. Mark saw me and ran over.

Mark: Gina you okay? What happened?

Gina: I…

Julie: She’s been having a bit of a stomach flu, the breakfast just didn’t agree with her I guess

Mark: Oh no, that’s too bad. Let's take you home so you can rest up then.

Harry seemed disappointed that we had to go, I figured he really doesn’t like me at this point. As we were walking back I was carefully trying to walk behind Mark, maybe then he wouldn’t notice my new underwear...even though he probably already has. We got in Mark's truck and drove back to the estate. I was an inch taller in the seat, and quite the whole way spare for a few “yeah” and “hmm” when Mark said anything. Once back at the estate, the kids jumped out of the car, I turned to Mark quickly and thanked him for taking us out before trying to scurry out. He grabbed my arm.

Mark: Gina, don’t worry about what happened today okay? I know you’re embarrassed but it happens to everyone. And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone what happened. 

Gina: Thank you, Mark...I’m really sorry you had to see all that. You’re such a sweet guy and-

Mark: Gina, it’s okay. I think you’re a really sweet girl.

Gina: Really?

I was blushing again.

Mark: Really. And the two of them seem to love you, Mark couldn’t shut up about you when you were away. 

Gina: Really? Huh.

Mark: Yeah. So hey I was thinking maybe later I’d swing by? Make dinner for you and the kids?

Gina: I’d love that! I mean...I’m sure the kids would love that.

Mark: Ahaha, I look forward to it then.

I smiled, he smiled. I just stared in his eyes, so beautiful, so trusting.

Julie: Gina you coming?!

I snapped back to reality. 

Gina: Oh, yeah coming! Thanks again Mark, I guess I’ll see you later!

Mark: See you later.

I gave him one last smile and hopped out the truck.

Mark: Oh Gina!

Gina: Yes?

Mark: Don’t worry about the diapers, I actually think it’s kinda cute. See you tonight!

My eyes widened and I stood stunned, I felt a small trickle of pee hit the thick padding of my diapers. Did he actually like me...because of my diapers?

This story was written by Yesyouneeddiapers
Find more of his content here :


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