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 Chapter 6

Zoe didn’t know what was going to happen to her. Her Stepmother had discovered her wearing a diaper and was now using it against her to make her do whatever she wanted. She had already forced her to destroy and throw away every pair of panties that she owned. Now the only underwear that she had were the little pull-ups that she had bought at the store. They were thin, like panties, but the heavy padding on them made it very obvious to anyone seeing them or wearing them that they were made to have accidents in. And now, along with everything else, Zoe was supposed to call her stepmother Mommy. How dare this lady think she could do this! Zoe was planning and waiting to see if she had any chance for escape. But then Zoe blushed as she realized that even if she did escape she’d have to go out and buy some new panties unless she wanted to wear pull-ups or go commando for the rest of her life.

“Oh Zoe! Zoe baby!” Zoe was knocked out of her thoughts as she her stepmother’s voice calling. “Come here sweetie! And you better be quick about it unless you want another spanking!” Knowing that whatever she wants can’t be a good thing Zoe started making her way towards her voice. Zoe was still wearing nothing but her pull-ups and had her hair pigtails. She passed by a mirror and was simply reminded of how ridiculous, though admittedly adorable, she looked. As she walked Zoe realized that her Stepmother’s voice was coming from Zoe’s own room. She walked in to the sight of the older woman rummaging through Zoe’s closet. “What are you doing Hellen?” Zoe asked her. Stepmother immediately gave her a stern look. “I told you to call me Mommy from now on. You’d do well to remember that. Anyways, I’m cleaning out your wardrobe honey. You have much too many clothes in here that are not proper for my baby girl. Trampy, slutty, shameful. We are going to make sure that you are a perfect angel.”

Zoe noticed more garbage bags on the floor. Her stepmother started grabbing stuff off of coat hangers and throwing the ones she deemed unacceptable into the bags. Zoe watched in shock as some of her favorite tops, her sexiest skirts, and some of her best dresses disappeared into the bags. “Hel… M-Mommy,” Zoe said reluctantly. “Please don’t get rid of all of my clothes. I’ll have nothing to wear.” Zoe could only sit there as her stepmom almost emptied her closet. There was very few things she deemed acceptable for her newly acquired baby.

“Oh don’t worry babygirl, we’re going shopping and we are going to get you a whole new wardrobe! No more of these slutty clothes; and no more of these disturbed Goth clothes. My babygirl is not going to be a tomboy. From now on Zoe, you’ll be my sweet little girly girl.” Zoe tried once again to protest but to her shock a bottle filled with milk was shoved into her mouth.

“No more talking cutie. Drink up from your ba-ba and be a good girl.” The 18 year old gave her stepmother an embarrassed look as she held the bottle in her mouth. Her Stepmother took Zoe’s hand and placed it on the bottle. Then she whispered to Zoe, “Suck on it baby.” As if in a trance Zoe did as she said and began to suck feeling the warm milk start to fill her mouth.

“Good baby,” Her Stepmother praised her. “You’re being so good. I knew this was perfect for you. Now keep drinking honey. We’ll be going to the store soon. Plenty to do.” Zoe held her bottle obediently while she watched her Stepmother continue to deface her closet. Her stepmother was wrong, she hated this. She was only being so “good” so she could avoid another spanking. But even so, she couldn’t help but feel strange when her Stepmother called her good girl, almost nice.

Before she knew it Zoe had finished the bottle she was drinking. She looked at the empty bottle now in her hand. The milk she had just finished had been very tasty even though it did taste a little bit strange. “All done!” Her Stepmother suddenly said, snapping Zoe’s mind back to the room. At Zoe’s feet were three large garbage bags filled with clothes. The only things that were left in her drawers was a couple yellow and pink dresses that she never wore, a couple shorts and shirts, her one pair of overalls, and… “Oh my!” Her Stepmother cried out. “I almost forgot! Won’t be needing these anymore!” Her stepmother had opened up her top drawer and was emptying out her bra drawer.

Zoe let out a loud gasp. “But I need those! Please not the bra’s too.” Hellen immediately smirked at her. She walked over to her Stepdaughter and without warning grabbed the girl’s breasts. Zoe’s face was a bright red shade as Hellen groped her excessively to examine her. “Sorry sweetie,” She said after a moment. “These are cute but they don’t even need a bra. You are still too little for bras. Maybe one day you’ll have some like these.” Hellen smiled wide as she pushed up a few times on her D-cups.

The young girl felt like crying but she didn’t want to give her Stepmother the satisfaction of humiliating her even more than she already had. Instead, she crossed her arms and pouted. “Aww…” Hellen said and patted her head. “You’re so cute when you try to look angry sweetie. Okay, maybe and I’m only saying maybe, if you are very very good I’ll consider getting you a training bra sometime.” This only proved to make Zoe blush more.

             Stepmother smiled at her. “Okay babygirl. Now we have things to do! We’d better get going!” Zoe didn’t like the sound of that. “Go? Go where?” Her new Mommy looked overjoyed to answer her question, “To the store of course sweet-pea! We just threw away most of your things. My precious little babygirl needs a new wardrobe.” Before Zoe could react her Stepmother pulled her towards the closet. “Now, as cute as you are you can’t wear just your little pull-up to the store.” Her stepmother reaches into the remains of her closet and pulls out an adorable pink dress that Zoe hadn’t worn in at least seven years. “Perfect!” She slipped the dress over Zoe’s head, and when it was on her she gleamed at how well it matched the pigtail bows in Zoe’s hair. With the matching hair and dress, her Stepmother then clothed the young girl in mid-thigh length white socks and little black shoes. 

            “Oh my god!” Stepmother squealed out as Zoe looked at herself in the mirror. “You are so precious!” Zoe thought she looked like a freak. “Okay babygirl, let’s get going.” As her Stepmother started forcing her towards the front door Zoe felt a twinge from her bladder. She hadn’t been able to even think about the bathroom since this whole thing started; but now she was starting to feel it. “Um Hellen? I need to…” Zoe was interrupted by her pacifier being stuck back into her mouth. “Bad girl, for the last time call me Mommy. If you continue to disobey me your consequences will only get worse. I want you to suck on your paci like a good girl. If you take it out of your mouth without permission you will seriously regret it.” 

            Zoe’s knees shook with fear and she nodded. Despite her current, needs, her Stepmother, or Mommy now, had all the power. Zoe’s Mommy grabbed the bags of Zoe’s old clothes and the two of them walked out the front door. Zoe’s face was bright red. She was dressed like a toddler complete with pigtails, a pacifier, and a padded surprise under her skirts. Mommy locked the door and they got into the car. Mommy smirked back at Zoe in the back seat. “Don’t worry we’ll get you a car seat soon enough little one.” Then they headed to the store.

This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here : https://zanderchesneyoriginals.tumblr.com/  



I can't wait to see what happens next!