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Chapter 3:

Hailey could feel an even stronger groan. She gasped as another little toot came out of her butt. The cashier then suddenly spoke up to her. “Sweetie?” Hailey jumped at the sound of her voice; she had been too wrapped up in her own head. With a blush Hailey realized that she was still holding her skirt up, revealing her new training-pants to anyone watching. The cashier noticed for sure as she looked down at the shorter Hailey. With a yelp Hailey quickly smoothed her skirt back down. “Y-y-yes?” Hailey stuttered out. The cashier smiled at her. “Are you here with your parent’s sweetie?” The older woman looked around.

 “N-No!” Hailey was shocked at the implication that she couldn’t be here by herself. “I’m a big girl.” Hailey said with a pout. The woman smiled down at her warmly. “Oh I’m sure you are, I can see that you’re working on your potty training. That is very good honey.” Hailey’s cheeks burned red. “What? No, I’m potty twained just fine.” Hailey could feel her voice changing, she couldn’t get certain sounds out anymore. “I told you,” Hailey protested. “I’m a big giwl.” The woman looked a little concerned but she finally responded, “Okay honey, well then would you like some crayons and a kids menu?” Furious Hailey started to respond but before she could the both of them then heard another large groan come from Hailey’s stomach. 

“Oooohhhhh…” Hailey groans out. The woman looks at her and puts a hand on her back for comfort. “Are you alright little one?”

“I need to poo-poo…” Hailey says, another blush coming to her cheeks. The woman looks at her smiling, “Oh I’ll take you sweet pea.” The woman takes her by the hand and walks her through the cafeteria. Several of the other college students glance at her as they walk by but none of them laugh. She simply hears comments like, “Oh how sweet,” and “Aww, she’s so cute.”

Hailey groaned again and held her stomach. She felt another fart ripple out of her. “Almost there sweetie…” Hailey tried to rush the woman along as she led her by the hand towards the bathroom. Hailey could see it! The bathroom door, sanctuary in sight. The woman pushed open the door and led her inside. Then… Hailey froze…

The woman had let go of her hand and stared back at her. “What’s wrong?” She asked. Hailey was standing in the doorway. Her eyes were wide and her face was pale. Hailey gasped, it was too late. She felt one more squishy fart come out of her and then her defense broke. As the woman watched her in shock Hailey felt a stinky mess begin to ooze itself into her little pull-up. Hailey grunted and subconsciously bent her knees a little to position herself better. The deed was happening, there was no stopping it now. With a strained look on her face Hailey grunted once more as she felt the mess quickly expand and squish into the seat of her training pants. “Oh no…” The woman said softly. “You were so close dearie.” Hailey couldn’t help herself, she instantly burst into tears at her embarrassment. The woman patted her on the head softly. “It’s okay sweetie. Finish and we’ll get you changed, little ones like you still sometimes have accidents.” Hailey could barely contain her frustration as she still felt it coming. Her squishy mess squeezed out of her and kept coming until she felt that there was nothing left in her stomach.

She was finally finished. Hailey felt disgusting. She was supposed to be a college student and she had just gone and pooped herself while wearing a pull-up; practically a diaper. As Hailey sniffled back tears she got a quick scent of her own messy accident. FLASH!

Hailey suddenly felt that her accident wasn’t too big a deal. A part of her was still just as upset as she once was but most of her mind started accepting the fact that she was little, she was expected to have accidents sometimes. Hailey giggled softly and raises a thumb up to her lips and pops it into her mouth as she begins to suck on it. “Aww,” The woman said. “There you go sweetie. Just relax and I’ll get you changed.”

The woman picked her up like she weighed nothing and brought her into the large stall with the changing table. To Hailey’s chagrin she didn’t even bother to close the door as she began undressing Hailey. Hailey looks down and notices the woman get a new princess pull-up out of a large pink bag.  Confused, Hailey realized that she definitely did not have that bag when she came in here; where had it come from? “Whoa!” The woman said as she opened up Hailey’s diaper. “That’s a very big accident for such an adorable little girl sweetie.” Hailey blushed as the woman took wet wipes out of her mysterious bag and began wiping her down.

While she was being cleaned Hailey heard the bathroom door open and three girls entered the bathroom. To Hailey’s intense embarrassment the stall door she was being changed in was still wide open. While the girls chatted and checked their makeup in the mirror Hailey realized that she knew who they were. They were three girls who were on the cheerleading squad with her at the college. She couldn’t let them see her like this! Hailey began to get extremely fussy and tried to get off the table to find a hiding spot from her inevitable embarrassment.

“Now now sweetie, don’t move so much. I need to finish changing you so you don’t get a rash. We’re almost done.” The girls noticed and one of them entered the stall. “Awwww,” The girl said as she looked down at Hailey. To Hailey’s confusion she didn’t seem to recognize her. “Hi there sweetie.” The girl, whose name was Rachel, turned to the woman. “She’s adorable, is she yours?”

The woman smiled. “Isn’t she? But no she isn’t mine, I found her alone in the cafeteria. Don’t know what the little dear was doing there all by herself. I brought her in here because she clearly needed my help.” Hailey blushed as she listened to the two woman discuss her own well-being like she wasn’t even there. Rachel patted the older woman on the shoulder. “That was nice of you Ms. Riskus. I’ll leave you to it then. Bye sweetie!” As she left Rachel briefly patted Hailey on the head before leaving the restroom with the other cheerleaders.

Hailey briefly contemplated this. Why had Rachel not recognized her? She treated her like she really was a little girl, too young to even go to the bathroom by herself. What was happening to her?!

By this point the woman had finished wiping Hailey down and began spreading baby powder on her, then smoothly pulling a new Disney Princess pull-up onto her legs. The woman lifted her up and set her on the ground. “There you go sweet pea, all clean. Don’t you feel better now?” Hailey simply nodded so she didn’t have to actually respond at all.

Hailey knew that she had to get out of here. Something was happening to her. She knew that much. Something, bad. She couldn’t trust anybody, or anything. She just had to get out of here. With a newly clean pull-up under her floral skirt Hailey quickly went towards the door of the bathroom. “Wait sweetie!” The woman calls out, but Hailey is already out the door.

She can’t help it and begins to cry. This has been a horrible day so far and she doesn’t understand any of it! Why is this happening to her? It isn’t fair! She just wants to scream and stomp her foot but she chooses instead to run for it. Something is changing her not only physically but also mentally.

As she runs out the door of the cafeteria she heads towards home, to her dorm room. She feels something bad is coming and she’s losing the mental capacity to deal with it.

This story was written by Zander Chesney
You can find more of his content here : zanderchesneyoriginals.tumblr.com  


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