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Oi, adventurers!

I hope y'all are doing great! I trust you've heard the announcements of the new Konosuba releases? This year is sure turning out interesting!

I'm hard at work on v0.1.5, which (predictably) is turning out to be a pretty chunky update, so I wanted to post a list of some things that I plan to add in it! You can find it below. As always, you can find a more up-to-date list (with progress status and all!) in our discord, channel #progress-tracker.

I also managed to catch COVID and am taking a few days to recover, but that's no biggie. Stay safe out there!

Plan for v0.1.5 (July release): 

As has seemingly become tradition, every other build seems to be a rather big one. v0.1.5 will focus on addressing issues with early-game writing and presentation 


- Working on a set of tools to help me streamline new content creation: scenario editor, balancing tool, unit testing framework 

- Audio improvements (multiple channels, crossfades, etc.) 

- Language packs support (currently translators don't have access to  changing many values for localizations) 

- New minigame in one of the locations to incentivize visits and add  variety 

- A new mechanic 

- HUD revamp. I know it might be hard to believe (lol), but the current  HUD hasn't changed since the prototype days from back in 2019  


- Dungeons 

- Secret Rooms 

- Progress Screen 

- Quest Complete screen 

- Transform one of the existing Explore quests into a Dungeon 

- Rebalancing. Currently combat is not in a place I'd like it to be 

- All-out attacks when all the enemies are disabled to cut down on damage grind  


- Rewrite the early events 

- Make changes to all existing events to reflect the changes to the early events 

- New events TBA.


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