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First of all, I'd like to thank the new patrons for supporting this project! After months of hard work, it feels surreal to finally be able to share this game with the world, and I'm thankful for you guys taking an interest in it!

A little bit about the upcoming features and plans I have for the next release. I will outline some concrete goals that I'd like to achieve for version 0.1.1:

- Introduction of Wiz and her shop

- Bedroom events for Megumin & Darkness

- Events for Chris

- Functional inventory system that you can use outside of adventuring mode

- Functional store system

- A new quest

- A structured event tracker

- Crediting patrons in game

- Other main events

The complete changelog will be released along with the new version, whenever that'll be (hopefully within a month).

In addition, I'm setting up a Discord server for the project supporters, not limited to patrons (who will receive special roles in recognition of their contributions). Stay on the lookout for more news about that!

Again, thank you so much for playing! I always welcome any feedback, so please feel free to either contact me directly or leave a comment below this post :)

0.1b links:

Win/LinuxMEGAANONFILESGoFile | WorkUpload



Alright, after playing I gotta say, great all around. The graphics and battle system are solid, and I can see a good framework for both the quests and the relationship aspect. My only ‘criticism’ at all is that I think EXPLOSION! Shouldn’t be able to miss.


Thank you for the great feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Good news, Explosion's accuracy has already been buffed for the next version!


Hey! Love the game! Great stuff you are doing. We would be happy to showcase the game on our platform as well! Game is a contender for a new adult games you have to play as well. Have a good one!


Hey, thanks for the kind words! I, in turn, would be happy if you did! 0.1.1 is almost out, so perhaps then?