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Yall, this chapter is brutally rough, I'm sorry! I haven't reread through any of it because it flew onto the page for me! That means that there's still a looooot of tweaking to be done (and a billion spelling errors!), but I'm definitely much more pleased with it than I was v1. Took a lot more time with the characters we all loved, revisited a theme I didn't want to erase from Book 2 to Book 3, and addressed some character inconsistencies we all saw in v1! 

Looking forward to hearing what you think!


A few rules & reminders:

  • Chapters will be dropping as Bryce completes them. That means anywhere from every 1 to 2 weeks on average, though sometimes waits may be longer.
  • Recall that these are rough chapters, with no editing other than a single pass-through as Bryce writes.
  • On a similar note, we are not asking for advice or corrections at this time. If Bryce wants feedback, we will certainly reach out, thank you! If you want to voice concerns or complaints about the chapter, you may now do so over on the Reddit discussion thread below! Notifications are turned off on those conversations, so they're a free-for-all now (within the rules of the subreddit, obviously)!





Dang, that's a beefy chapter, 24 glorious pages!

Sam Mason

i do like this version better, both the overall feel and the ending


Really enjoying this story as it develops. Literally dropped everything and read v2 when I got the notification! This will be a fun fight to read in ch7 (hopefully hint hint..)


I might have also dropped everything I was doing to read this... Definitely worth it

Kelly Flynn

Excellent chapter! Love the changes.


Lets fuckin go love the extra pages definitely made the wait worth it

Justus Wingert

Me after reading v1: "Feels like a missed chance for growth of the Logan/Rei relationship." You: Do you want some growth on the growth of their growth? Daaaaaaaaaaayum... Like... Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum... I felt like there was something, you know, a little rabbit left in the hat. I did not expect you to park a King Kong sized Leporid on us. Like... Wow. That chapter hit hard, first with the feels and then with the humor and then with the monster of a promise in the end! I'm just flashed. Great work!

Georgina Shultz

I'm not pointing this out as "oooh, you made a typo!" But because I read the sentence, understood the meaning, then actually looked at the word and my brain short circuited and it took me way to long to figure out what you typed. 😂 Rosuiteom. I'm tempted to ask that you leave it that way, just because it's still making me giggle


This will be Rei's first fight against Logan since the end of Book 1. Even though Logan is a couple of ranks under Rei at this point, I kinda want him to wipe the floor with Rei. Reinforce the "stronger doesn't always mean better" theme.


It's been such a long 24 hours for Rei! Between General Laurent, part of a night with Aria, the call with the Kamiya sponsorship, seeing Viv, a heated moment with Logan. Can't wait for him to have a moment to breathe and then let his team know that they are all sponsored.

Devin Jaros

Oh now that was a nice upgrade of a chapter!! (Just a tiny note, Aria is 5’11” and Rei is now 5’8” so she’s only 3 inches taller than him! As a tall girl im keeping close watch on that height difference 😂)


I didn’t think v1 was bad, but v2 is definitely an improvement. Well played, sir, well played.


It seems a little weird that Rei would forget that Dalek O'Rourke's callsign is "Gatecrasher" given that Rei specifically studied his fights to develop his fighting style. The chapter is much better overall though.


They’ve spared in training since book 1 - though my money is on Grant for at least the first few bouts if Rei’s specifically there for Phalanx shift instruction.

Iron Akela

It’s a nod to the fact that O’Rourke has had 3 different field names mentioned for him across the two books so far :o)

Iron Akela

I’m with you there! Logan and Rei are probably close, not as close as Rei and Aria were, but with C9 AND phalanx, I’m expecting Rei to lose a few at least

Iron Akela

I thought v1 was good, but v2 is better. Kinda surprised Rei hasn’t mentioned the sponsorship yet, or the changes to the first year SCT’s. But damn, great chapter!

Lyn Shirley

Super rough like you said but much better than v1. When I open any page and see a wall of explanatory text with no one talking, my mind gags. I know commentary is needed here and there, but I really like the plot to move along during the character conversations. It makes the books longer, yes, but they read so much faster.


Great chapter. As someone who suffers from chronic pain, I really appreciate reading about a main character who knows pain intimately, and also that his experience with pain is seen as a strength rather than a weakness. Thank you for that!


Absolutely love this revision it works so well too bring Logan more into the group and show us just how much viv means to him and how much he is working to get over his hang ups

Rusty Barnes

What's a Rosuiteom!? I want one!

Wilsonkrom .

I know lots of people have said it, but I really really liked the changes to how Logan found out and his reaction. It fell in line better with his personality and his struggles. It felt a lot more genuine to him and how he still struggles with his anger. You're a very talented writer and this has quickly become my favorite series. As someone who struggles with reading, even at an older age, I have found immense joy in reading this story!! Thank you for all your hard work and I can't wait to read more!


As amazing as this chapter is, I'm busy giggling at Logan seeing someone else, and now getting to use Rei as a 'healthy outlet' too 😉


It could also be showing how emotionally unstable Rei is right now.


Feb 14th coming up - make sure you’ve preordered enough Rosuiteom for your SO!


Really liked it, thanks for taking the time to get it right.

Brandon King

Yes. This is the Firesong I remember. Invested in eachother. (And pissing eachother off!) Hope we get to see Rei go against Over-clock on screen...intraschools didn't really count since REI cut things, ( and Grant 🫣) short....

Kory Leach

Such an improvement in character building!


I love it. Vast improvement over the former!


This! This is the Firesong we all love. Even though they have their rough edges, they care for each other.


Yes yes yes! FWIW, I loved this version. So better! TY TY TY.


O my goodness ! Thank you for the revisit, this is so much better. Ps. I like seeing the evolution of your chapters and how they evolve.

Brandon King

Yeah Bryce, aside from the Grammer stuff (expected in a ROUGH version) Don't change a thing in this chapter. Sucker is ready!

Christine Stewart

Wonderful edit, great changes. I particularly enjoyed the ‘seeing someone’ phrasing 😂


its important u included more grant cuz hes part of the team now


loved this version of the chapter with how you were able to get almost the entirety of the older version and expand. Stoked for Rei to through down some more.


This is soo much better. Logan being fully included in everything really helps


Oh man, this rewrite slaaaaaaaped, massive improvement man! You captured exactly what i love about your books in this chapter. Growth and emotional maturity and giving a shit about eachother. *Muaah* Chef's kiss.

Jordan Clark

The one day I don't check it drops lol, this is too good. The wait for these is always worth it I don't care what anyone says.


Ughhhh so excited for next chapter!!!

Brandon King

I see at lot of, "I can't wait for the next chapter!" And...."This fight's gonna be epic!" I'm gonna LAUGH so hard when in 2 weeks, Chapter 7 features 15 pages of none other than Madison Kent organizing the Colonel's schedule! .....then I'll cry a little.... 🤣😂😭


it will be her finding out about the sponsorships and telling guest before the rest of the team know they've been sponsored

Maria Klein

So much better and as others have said I can’t wait to see that fight. I also am curious to see how it affects their friendship. Two kind of friends beating on each other to work out emotions. Seems like something that could help forge a closer or more solid bond. Finding out you both have that one guy you can go to for “healthy outlets”


one heck of a night! As near as I can tell - from the ending of the last book, till now: Rei and Aria haven't told the team about the meeting with Aria's dad, and the new requirements Or about the new intersystems challenge Rei negotiated but hasnt told anyone yet about his agreement with Jasper/Kamiya Jasper signed up Aria's brother as a trainer. Chancery "The Dreadlight" declares this is the day the began to climb (preface to chapter 60, book 2) Viv over did it a bit... ok - a big bit... Rei is about to show his new evolution in public for the first time. Should be some interesting 3rd party pov there? Rei and Logan are about to spend all class going head to head - and likely to have fun doing it (great team building!) Rei has a new user unique ability - shards - that it doesn't look like Central knows about. And - i think this is all in one day - so - time wise, the book hasn't moved at all! Just following up all of these items - the whole book could be just a few days long! oh - and a few incidentals - not sure of the time line of these: Rei's sister is transferring to ???? and is really mad at ??? (i think Dad, but not sure). Will her and Rei be best friends, or total enemies? I hoping for friends. Maybe extended squad? Rei's mother and father are meeting with Grandpa. Is the meeting that was mentioned at the end of book 1?


I would say Rei has been a little distracted by Viv, General Able and is “waiting for the right time” to spring that news on the others. Also, Rei signed off on things but the others are adults and will have to sign their own contracts too.

Iron Akela

Very true. I can see it slipping Rei’s mind until grandfather and Jasper arrive at the school. Possibly with Sarah


Yeahhhh this feels so much more natural…and boy is there going to be a come to Jesus talk when all the secrets come out… 👌🏾

Brandon King

I'm off work tomorrow, Bryce so feel free to drop Chp 7 so I can give it the attention it deserves, K?

Samantha Sandlin

Rei showing off his new evolution is the next day as is Rei and Logan going head to head. All the rest is the same night though.

Samantha Sandlin (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 18:10:51 If Serena von Bor was from Sol (it says she won her "home" tournament in the Sol System), why would she have gone to Galens for training? Reportedly, Sol has much more competitive and supposedly better schools.
2024-02-21 05:09:09 If Serena von Bor was from Sol (it says she won her "home" tournament in the Sol System), why would she have gone to Galens for training? Reportedly, Sol has much more competitive and supposedly better schools.

If Serena von Bor was from Sol (it says she won her "home" tournament in the Sol System), why would she have gone to Galens for training? Reportedly, Sol has much more competitive and supposedly better schools.


I gotta say, I LOVE that you are revising your chapters! Good writing requires this and I’ve been following two authors on Patreon who are trying to publish so fast they aren’t revising and so the quality is plummeting. So again, THANK YOU FOR REVISING AND EDITING! ❤️❤️❤️